
September 24, 2015

Suddenly and Slowly

Life is full of seasons.
And, the seasons change.

One sure thing this side of eternity is change.
Sometimes, it sneaks up on us quietly.  Softly.
At other times, we are thrown into the deep end and 
barely have a chance to catch our breath.

It is how it is.

While mothering little people, it is easy to get lulled into the false
notion that everything will go on and on and on.  Just the same.  For always.
But, change slowly creeps up on us.  And, then, life is different.

When we were in the midst of diapers and high chairs and naps,
it felt like that season would never end.  Like it would never change.
But, it did.  Diapers were no longer needed.  Naps were abandoned.
The little people grew into bigger people.  Suddenly and slowly.

One season gives way to the next.

For years, we walked at the beach together as a family.
We thought it would last forever.
We knew it couldn't.  But, we hoped it would.

Those were precious days.  And, we knew they were.
We had no idea how much we would miss them when they were gone.
We had no idea how quietly that season would slip away.

When we look back, we see how gently the Lord dealt with us.
How tenderly He led us.  How graciously He kept us.
Through it all, our great God never changes.  He always is the same.
Because of Him we carry on.  Because of Him we hope and trust.

Because of Him, we are able to move forward.
Only because of Him.

Our Austin's body was laid to rest at the edge of these woods.
It's where we walk most days now.
We still love the beach, but, we love the woods even more.

These days, Calvin is working and studying, so, he exercises alone.  Early.
Fraser and Emma exercise together most days ~ often just ahead of us on the trail.
So, Howie and I are experiencing a bit of a throw-back to our newlywed days.
Just us two.  At least, that's the way it is in the exercising department.

But, we know this is just another season.
Likely before we really want it to, it will change.

Just the other day, Howie was away for the morning, so, I headed into
the woods with our younger two.  It was a precious time together.
I am fully aware that each moment is a gift.  Nothing ought to be taken for granted.

This is a season of transition.
All seasons are.

During our trip to the UK nearly a year ago, we had the opportunity
to visit with various members of Auntie Mary's village church.
A precious couple shared some of their story with Howie.
In so doing, they offered wonderful encouragement for our grieving hearts.

They know first hand how to encourage in these things.  They have walked a similar path.
At the age of twelve, their boy was killed when he was struck down by a passing truck.
More than thirty years ago.  Their's was a sudden change.  A shocking one.
In that moment, their family was torn apart in the physical sense.

And, yet, they looked to the Lord in the midst of it all and found comfort.
They stood firm on the very promises that encourage our hearts, and they found peace.
A continual reigning in of heart and mind is necessary for the journey.
The steadying place to stand is on the Word of God.  On His Word alone.

This precious couple still carry the memory of their boy along with them.
They do not forget, but, the sharpness of the pain lessens as the years pass by.
As they near the end of their earthly journey, they are finishing their race well.
They are a joy to be around.  It is our desire that we would follow in their footsteps.

Only by the great grace of our great God is it even possible.
But, it is possible.  And, it is attainable.  In His strength alone.

So, as the seasons change and the path takes twists and turns,
may we be found following wherever our Saviour leads.
May we be found rejoicing in Him each step of the way.
And, may we embrace the seasons as they come.

The Lord is eternally good.  And, eternally faithful.
We have nothing to fear when we follow Him.
One day, not long from now, He will lead us Home.

With Love, Camille


  1. Oh, friend! I have no words. Thank you for sharing this.

  2. One of the most powerful posts I have ever read. In Christ alone, our Hope is found. What blessed assurance that is for those who belong to Him. Prayers for you my sister. What a comfort to know that you will see your dear son again. Many parents have no comfort. That would be heartbreaking. Prayers for you my sweet sister.

  3. Amen! We take a little longer to adjust to some seasons, but God is always faithful and gives our life significance!

    We do not seek Him in vain. (Isaiah 45:18-21)

  4. Oh Camille, very powerful words. Very true words. Thank you for sharing this valuable reminder. Each day is such a gift. Lord help us to remember it, always. Love you my friend. Hugs!!! (and those gorgeous trees. I can't even!!!)

  5. Beautiful post, Camille. Thank you! May the Lord continue to Comfort you with His Spirit.

  6. Such powerful words Camille. I pray that the Lord continues to pour out His spirit of comfort to you.

    BTW: I just realized that our children go to the same Youth group as yours...and that I met your son at Cultus Water slides...he was so polite and hung out with my boys almost the entire time. Wow, what a small world.

    Hugs and prayers,

  7. Ah, my friend. Such grace you have. Such openness. Thank you.

  8. Melissa ~ You are always a blessing to my heart...thank you! :)

    Down on the Farm ~ Thank you so much for your prayers...what a sweet blessing it is to belong to the Family of our Great God! Hugs. :)

    Patty ~ True words. Thank you for adding your thoughts here my friend. You are a blessing. :)

    Esther ~ How precious it is to belong to HIM! Yes, truly....each day is a gift. Hugs! :)

    Susan V. ~ SO lovely to hear from you my friend...thank you for your kind words. I miss you. :)

    Connie ~ Too funny!! I was at sorry I didn't meander over to meet you. I had no idea!! Thank you for your kind words. Hugs. :)

    Jennifer Jo ~ You bless my heart. Thank you for leaving such kind words. Hugs to you. :)

    With love,

  9. It truly is a small world. My husband and I passed you in your vehicle driving into the parking lot at Youth this past week...and thought for sure I recognized you. Showed my boys your blog and they put all the pieces together. Saw you at the water slides had no idea, but thought I recognized you. Just couldn't put it together)...I was the one holding on the sign for funny. :-)

    We will have to meet some day.


  10. Visiting your lovely blog for the first time I am deeply moved by the difficult seasons you have walked through. I am uplifted by your grace, your joy, your hope, your honesty, you sincerity of spirit........! Your profound words have touched my heart; it has been a delight to linger for a while in your little world.

  11. Connie ~ is a small world! I look forward to meeting up with you....soon! Hugs. :)

    Kim ~ Lovely to *meet* you! Thank you for stopping by and for leaving an encouraging comment. May the Lord bless you!

    With Love,

  12. Oh Camille, you are such a precious woman and beautiful testimony for our Heavenly Father. You have faced so much in life, but you continue to trust and place your hope in the Lord. Bless you, my friend.

    Thank you for joining Roses of Inspiration - please join us anytime :) Hugs to you!

  13. Stephanie ~ Thank you, sweet friend. You bless my heart. Hugs! Camille

  14. My heart was touched and moved by your post today. What a blessing to others your testimony is.

  15. Bonnie ~ Welcome! Thank you for stopping by and for leaving a sweet comment. Hugs to you! Camille


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