
September 28, 2015

The Quotidian (28. 9. 15)

Quotidian: daily, usual, or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace. 

Running Rodent.

Outside our front door.

Close up.

See the steam?

Sunshine streaming in ~ a rare treat these days.

To eat by.

Into the woods with two of my treasures.


Surveying the work in progress.

Blurred...but, a memory I want to keep.

After the ride.

The empty space has been filled ~ finally.

Happy Monday!
With Love, Camille


  1. I have to admit...these days I LOVE the "ordinary". Time goes by so fast and I don't want to miss out on the ordinary of my life. It's such a blessing.


  2. It looks like fall has arrived in your neck of the woods, the leaves are pretty. I enjoy ordinary days, it's good to take note and remember these days, they are a blessing

  3. Connie ~ I agree with you...wholeheartedly! Hugs my friend. :)

    Maryann ~ Yes, Fall is here! Truly...ordinary days are a blessing! Hugs. :)

    With Love,

  4. Calling in on a few friends. This year is just flying by and your posts are just a lovely reminder of this beautiful connection we have with your family. My girls speak of Emma as if she lived next door! I still have not found time to return to my blog what with weddings, birthday parties and life just in general. Following our son's wedding we helped out another family with their son's wedding - what a blessing it was to be able to do that. And it was a Christian homeschool family I came into contact with via social media who live in the same state. I found myself a friend and kindred spirit, the girls gained another penfriend and we were able to meet for the first time - at the wedding! Now another daughter is planning her 21st birthday, I think you might know her. Oh and we have puppies, 3 still here out of 5 which is actually making our ordinary days a whole lot of fun!

  5. I am enjoying a nice catch up here. I always love to see the glimpses into your days. Mr. Hamster, the running rodent is adorable… everyone should have one…. :0) . Beautiful shot of the flower close up.
    Have a lovely week Camille.

  6. Ann ~ You have had a very busy season!! Happiest of birthdays (next month) to your soon-to-be 21 year old! What a blessing you have been to your family and friends. I am sure the newlyweds are settling into married life wonderfully well. Hugs to you all. And a special set of hugs from Emma to the twins. :)

    Pam ~ Thank you for your sweet encouragement my friend. I am so happy for you that you have had such a lovely time away with your Hubby. The Lord is so very, very good to us, isn't He? Hugs! :)

    With love,

  7. I love just seeing the ordinary but oh so important things in your life. The sweetness of family and daily living that often goes overlooked. I love how you capture it.


  8. Cinnamon ~ You are always a sweet blessing to my heart. You are so right...the ordinary often gets overlooked, but, it is what life is mostly made up of. Big hugs to you! Love, Camille


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