
October 2, 2015

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies ~ Gluten Free

You would never guess these are gluten free.
No need to feel deprived of yummy things if you have
to bypass the gluten.  These make up for that.

Be sure that your oats are certified gluten free
if you have to be strict about your gluten avoidance.

What you need:

2 cups Rolled Oats (GF)
1 tsp Baking Soda
1/4 tsp Sea Salt
1 cup Chocolate Chips
1/2 cup melted Butter
2/3 cup Golden Brown Sugar
1/2 cup unsweetened Medium Coconut
1 large Egg ~ slightly beaten
1 tsp Vanilla Extract

What you do:

Grind the oats in a food processor until flour-like in consistency.
Leave a few oats in slightly larger pieces to provide texture to the cookies.
Put ground oats into a medium bowl and stir in the baking soda, sea salt and
chocolate chips until well blended.  Set aside.

Melt butter over medium heat in small pot.  
Pour melted butter into large mixing bowl and allow to cool slightly.
Stir the brown sugar, coconut, egg, and vanilla into the melted butter.  Mix well.

Add the dry ingredients to the wet and stir together until mixed thoroughly.
Spoon heaping teaspoons of cookie cough onto parchment lined baking sheet.
Don't press the dough down before baking.

Bake in preheated 350 degree F oven for 8 or 9 minutes until golden.
Remove from oven and allow cookies to rest on pan for 5 minutes
before removing to cooling racks.

These cookies will spread as they bake ~ 
be sure to leave space for them to comfortably do so.
It's imperative that you let them rest for the recommended 5 minutes
or they will fall apart.  If you cannot wait, your cookies will be broken.

I must admit, however, it's worth it to have one (or two) 
warm from the oven.  Use a fork if you must.  :)
One recipe makes 36 cookies.

Happy Baking!
With Love, Camille


  1. Hmmm...these oat cookies look perfectly delightful! And so lovely that they are gluten free as well!

    Thank you for sharing your yummy looking recipe with us...have a truly blessed and beautiful weekend!

    Much love,

  2. These look amazing!!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend.


  3. As I looked at your tasty cookies I was trying to remember how long it's been since I made homemade's been way too long :) I think this weekend I need to pull out my apron and baking supplies and whip up some sweet treats for my hubby and son....and me too {{smiles}}

    Thanks for sharing, dear friend. Hugs and much love!

  4. these look delicious. Always looking for new GF recipes!

  5. Of course, after a couple of months of not checking blogs or writing, I log onto this deliciousness! Thanks, Camille! I'm hungry and now craving these. I think I can find a kid somewhere around here who likes to bake...

  6. Kelly-Anne ~ You have a lovely weekend as well! Thank you for stopping by. :)

    Jill ~ Thank you, my friend. Happy weekend to you! :)

    Stephanie ~ Yes....bake away! Your men will thank you for it. :)

    Charis ~ I do you hope you like them as much as we do. :)

    Heather ~ Enjoy! It's lovely to see you again. :)

    With Love,

  7. Simple Home Living ~ Welcome! Thank you for stopping by and for leaving a note behind. :) I do hope you like these cookies as much as we do. Hugs, Camille

  8. These look so yummy!! Thanks so much for stopping by and for taking the time to leave such a sweet comment about my Autumn Tree and my home!! I truly appreciate it!!

  9. Debbie ~ It's lovely to have you stop by here....welcome! Many blessing to you. :) Hugs, Camille

  10. Hi Camille,
    These cookies look so yummy! Now I must bake some homemade cookies!
    Praying all is well with you dear friend and your family. You are often in my thoughts and I keep you in prayer.
    Much love to you,


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