
January 28, 2016

Float Safely

It's so important to fill up our hearts and minds with Truth.
And, to look back on all the ways and times the Lord has been faithful.
It's comforting to know that since He never changes,
He will be faithful in the future just as He has been in the past.

Long ago, someone shared the idea of a keeping a journal documenting
all the ways in which the Lord has delivered us or provided for our needs.
It is such a blessing to read through it and refresh our memories
of His faithfulness to us in this journey He has us on.

It's no secret that C.H. Spurgeon's writings bless my heart.
It seems that his encouragement is always timely and well suited to whatever
we may be facing at any particular time in our walk with the Lord.
I suppose that's because what he says is firmly rooted in Scripture.

The following quote is typical for Spurgeon.
I actually found myself chuckling at the brilliance of his analogy.

"Arise, go to the river of thine experience, and pull up a few bulrushes,
and plait them into an ark, wherein thine infant-faith may float safely on the stream.
Forget not what thy God has done for thee; turn over the book of 
thy remembrance, and consider the days of old." *

See what I mean?  Encouragement for the soul.
May you know the Lord's goodness to you now and always.
And, may you indeed pluck up some of those bulrushes today.
Our Great God is faithful and will never fail in all He deems best.

Rest your heart in Him!
With Love, Camille

*Quoted from Spurgeon's Morning and Evening  ~
January 25th Morning Reading

Image in this post courtesy of Emma ~
Thank you my love XO


  1. I am a huge Spurgeon lover as well! :)

    Have a lovely weekend ahead!

  2. Thanks for this. It hit the spot!

  3. Katy ~ Isn't he just so encouraging?? What a blessing to have access to these treasures from days gone by! Hugs to you! :)

    Sandi ~ That warms my pleased that it *hit the spot*! Hugs! :)

    With love,

  4. Lovely words! I enjoy writing in my journal being doing it since I was in elementary school. :-) So neat to read back upon different times in our lives. Enjoy the weekend my friend


  5. Awesome, thank you...Have a blessed weekend

  6. Jill ~ You are really is amazing to look back on those long ago days! Hugs to you. :)

    Barbara ~ May you know the Lord's loving hand to be upon you! Hugs. :)

    With love,

  7. Glad you liked the chandelier! We had fun remaking it. This quote is so true! How we forget the things the Lord has done. I find as I'm growing older and have seen God's faithfulness time and again, that I'm not panicking as much as I used to when crisis hit. His faithfulness is truly something I'm slowly learning to count on one day at a time. Have a wonderful week my friend!

  8. Jackie ~ Your new chandelier is must be so pleased. :) And, I is such a blessing to belong to our Great God! Have a wonderful week, sweet friend. Love, Camille

  9. Oh, SUCH timely words, dearest Camille... Often our hearts grow weary; we doubt the Lord's faithfulness... But oh, how faithful He is to give us what we need, including the encouragement to lift up our eyes and fix them on His loving face! Thank you for sharing these beautiful words of wisdom today...truly refreshing! And Emma...such a lovely picture and reminds us of how great and powerful our God is!
    With love to you, Camille...blessings in Jesus!

  10. Kelly-Anne ~ It blessed my heart to read that you were blessed. :) I always appreciate Spurgeon's are right...always timely. May the Lord bless you with His peace and presence as you face whatever He brings into your life. How good and gracious He is! Hugs. :) With love, Camille


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