
February 1, 2016

The Quotidian (1. 2. 16)

Quotidian: daily, usual, or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace.

Just before bed.

Novel Study.

Work Station (just one of many).

My Composer.

Scary good!

 My Fire Builder.


There's nothing quite like the real thing.

Setting up the game.

Playing the game.

Letting them wait.

Mama's Driving School.

Happy Monday!
With Love, Camille


  1. Love all these moments, beautiful flowers and I love your lamp! :-) Driving... bless your heart, I'm not sure my nerves could handle a new driver, lol. ;-) Wonderful glimpse into your day! Enjoy that warm and cozy fire too.


  2. Happy Monday to you sweet Camille!
    Even though the weather has not been very chilly, it has been damp, so we have been keeping our woodstove going here at our place!
    Wishing you a good day! ♥

  3. Such a beautiful post, my friend. Through your photos I felt as though I was right there in your sweet home enjoying the warmth of family. My husband, son, and I love playing games by the fire and do so almost every night {{smiles}}

    Have a wonderful week. Hugs!

  4. Hello, Or I should say good evening, I loved the photos the game board and the fire in the fireplace, it all looks like a Happy Home!
    And your last post on your winter dinner planning I need one of those. I enjoyed the last few posts! Also, your Mommas Driving School, oh I remember those days...
    Hugs, Roxy

  5. Enjoyed the photos. And do you play Monopoly by the rules? For years we did not and that's why it took so long to play. Megan starts studying again next week in a (on line)math class, hopefully her last. Once more step to her graduation. It's been a long journey and would appreciate your prayers. Hugs and thanks for sharing your life with your reader friends!
    Blessings, Becky

  6. Jill ~ Thank you for your kind are sweet. :) I don't know how much longer my nerves will hold out....Fraser is the third one through this driving school. It won't be long and you will be venturing in these waters as well. Hugs! :)

    Nadine ~ How lovely it is to hear from you! Ahhh....your wood stove burning all the time sounds lovely. Hasn't it been just an incredibly mild winter? Hugs to you. :)

    Stephanie ~ What a lovely picture you painted for me in my imagination....a fire and games every night? What fun! Hugs to you. :)

    Roxy ~ Oh, meal planning is an ongoing thing, isn't it? I love my new's working so well for me. It took many years to land on something that finally clicked with how I like to run things in the kitchen. As for the's encouraging to hear from a survivor! Hugs to you. :)

    Becky ~ I think we do play by the you've got me wondering. It does take a long time to see it through to the end. In fact, that game is still waiting for us to finish it up. Yippee for Megan....tell her I am praying for her today. Hugs to you. :)

    With Love,

  7. Such a delightful post! Dear Camille, I always enjoy visiting with you, and these photographs were just so cosy and sweet, reminding us of the blessings of home life...we are blessed indeed to be surrounded by those we love!

  8. So lovely to do a small "catch up" on your life Camille. I am enjoying going through your posts. Your beautiful children are growing up. It all goes so fast doesn't it? The monkey bread picture in this post is making my stomach growl. It looks as though you are reading Emma. Jane Austen is a favorite of my girls and I. I think I have the same book you have pictured (with all of Jane Austen's writings?). Hope you are all well. Many hugs and blessings to you all.

  9. Kelly-Anne ~ Thank you, sweet friend. Yes, truly...we are blessed by the Lord...He is so very good to us all, isn't He? Hugs to you! :)

    Pam ~ Yes, life does fly by a little too quickly, I agree! How gracious the Lord is to us in the midst of it all. And, are right...that Jane Austen book is the one with all her novels in it. Emma is currently reading "Emma". Hugs to you. :)

    With love,


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