
March 7, 2016

This Morning

This morning, a sweet young lady we have been praying for
over the last few years was called home to heaven.  She was nineteen.
In recent months, she has been battling cancer for the second time.

We learned this distressing news early this afternoon,
and I couldn't let this day end without expressing our deepest sorrow. 
Her Mom is my precious friend.  So, we grieve with them and for them. 

The grieving process can be very intenseAnd, intensely personal.
The family of this lovely girl knows the Lord and has Him as their firm foundation.
It is such a comfort to know that they are relying on Him in the midst of sorrow.
Would you join with us in lifting this family up to our Saviour in prayer
as they navigate these deep waters with the Lord, and with one another?
 Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

"And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes;  and there shall be no more death, 
neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain; 
for the former things are passed away."  Revelation 21:4
With Love, Camille

**Image courtesy of our Emma ~
Thank you my little love XO 


  1. Oh yes, I will be praying for this dear family. I am so sorry for their loss, but rejoice to know they are leaning upon the Heavenlu Father. May they find healing and comfort through Him...

    Hugs to you, Camille!

  2. Sorry to hear of this loss. Praying for you. I am saddened as an old friend of mine died a week ago, in Iowa. We grew up together and I helped her come to know the Lord, over the years. It's a long story. Sad that she died but glad that there is the promise of heaven all because Jesus loved us so much to die on the cross for us. I think of Evelyn quite a bit. Hugs and prayers, my friend.
    Becky L

  3. Oh Camille! Our thoughts and prayers are with your friends tonight.

  4. So sorry to hear about this. Will be lifting them in prayer!

    Praying for you as well, as your family minsters to them in this loss.

    "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. For as we share abundantly in Christ's sufferings, so through Christ we share abundantly in comfort too." - 2 Cor. 1:3-5

  5. Lifting your friends to the Lord and your family also as you comfort them.

  6. Oh dear Camille. I am saddened to hear of your friends loss this morning. I do pray they will strive to keep their eyes on Christ on this most hard trial they are facing. I will pray God will use this to draw them closer to Him in this time and they would feel His comfort and peace that can ONLY come from Christ.
    Praying for you as it may stir up emotions of freshly losing your precious Austin. I will also pray God will use you to be an encouragement to them through this walk.


  7. Stephanie ~ Thank you so much, my friend. The Lord is so precious, isn't He? Hugs.

    Becky ~ So sorry for your loss, my friend. Truly, we are blessed to have the Hope of Heaven and know that we will meet our loved ones again....because of the Lord! Hugs to you.

    Esther ~ Thank you for your prayers! How precious it is to belong to the Family of our Great God. Hugs!

    Melissa ~ Thank you for your prayers and for your kind words of comfort. Truly, the Lord's Word is the best comfort in times like these. Hugs to you.

    Patty ~ Thank you so much, my friend. You are a blessing. Hugs!

    Christine ~ How lovely it is to hear from you! Thank you for your kind words of encouragement and for your prayers. The Lord is so very, very good. Hugs to you.

    With Love,

  8. That is soooo hard as you know. I am so sorry. thankful that her family knows the Lord and her suffering is over. The hope of heaven is everything.

    On a happier note,

    Jackie and I are soooo looking forward to meeting you! What a wonderful adventure we are looking forward to taking.

  9. We are praying for you and your friends family. I'm praying God's peace, comfort and strength will cover you and them, today and the days to come. Love In Christ, Muffy Stephenson

  10. Stacie ~ It truly is the most wonderful thing to have the hope of heaven and eternity with our Saviour. How precious it is to belong to Him! And, yes....the countdown is on for your visit! Hugs.

    Muffy ~ You know exactly how to pray as you have experienced this path of sorrow as well. Thank you so much for your prayers for our friends and for us. You are a sweet blessing to my heart. Hugs to you.

    With Love,

  11. I am so sorry for their loss....what a tragic occurrence. What a beautiful thing to know they are finding comfort in God and His sovereignty in all things. Truly, I don't know how unbelievers get through difficult times for only Christians know what true comfort is. xo

  12. Katy ~ It truly is a blessing to know that this girl is with the Lord and that her family is relying on Him for their comfort and peace. Thank you for your kind words. Hugs to you. With Love, Camille


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