
March 7, 2016

Weekly Recap

I've been feeling a little out of words.
But, I'm quite confident this condition won't last forever.
In spite of the lack of words, there are some that want out.
This last week was full of good things.

Here's a list of some of the happenings.  A weekly recap of sorts.
There are things missing, I am sure.  An incomplete list is probably best.

Taught Emma some things in school and took her to music lessons
with Fraser, my chauffeur.  Had an insurance claim inspection. 
Our dishwasher quit and subsequently leaked.
Decided with Howie that we would do the repairs ourselves.

 Went with Emma all the way out to Chilliwack for a delivery,
and, while we were gone, Fraser got braces on his top teeth.
Stopped in to see Howie's Mum, and took Emma to an afternoon Science class.
While Emma was doing experiments, I worked on catching up on my daily Bible reading.

After we left, Emma and I shopped for a Sunday outfit for her.
(Do you know how difficult that is these days??)
We bought two dresses, but, one is going back to the store.
Decided that I am going to sew a dress instead.  And a slip.

Went with Howie to Whistler for the day.
I drove there and he drove back.

While he was working (3.5 hours), I worked in the library.
(A fight broke out directly behind me in said library 
and my heart raced a little.  But, help came and all was well.)
 Then, I sorted all of 2011's photos and got caught up on my Bible reading.

We went for dinner with a coupon.  Amazing!
When we arrived home, the house was in order and so were the kids.

Had friends over for dinner on Friday night. 
Washed all the beds except ours.  Cut three heads of hair.
Cooked, and cooked some more.  Did laundry and some ironing.
 Spent nearly five hours in emergency for a non-emergency.

Travelled to church and visited with Howie's parents. 
Drank coffee and ate chocolate and ice cream.
 We had popcorn and apples and shared two grilled cheese sandwiches
with sliced jalapeno peppers melted into the middle for Sunday evening snack.

I don't think I picked up my camera once.  So, last week, and the beginning of this
is documented in words alone.  Photos pulled from the archives.

Happy Monday!
With Love, Camille

**Images in this post courtesy of Calvin and Emma 2011 ~
Thank you, my loves XOXO

 UPDATE:  This post was up and running a few hours before
we learned of our friends' daughter's entrance into Heaven.
I thought about deleting it in honour of this sacred time for their family.
However, I decided to add another post to the day's roster instead.
Click here to read, and, please pray.  Thank you so much!


  1. My, my, my, you have been a busy little bee! I am so thankful your trip to the emergency was for a non-emergency.

    Have a beautiful week, my friend. Love and hugs!

  2. It's sounds like you were very productive and made the most of your time. As a grandmom of a teen, I'm pretty familiar with what's being offered in the junior secton at the's got to be hard finding things, at least you can sew, that's a bonus! Hope this week is just as productivd..blessings to you!

  3. What a busy week! Sounds like a good one though. Especially the non-emergency at emergency. I look forward to more of your words.

  4. Stephanie ~ Thank you, sweet friend. Hugs to you! :)

    Maryann ~ It is a tad bit frustrating to find dresses for my girl. Thank you for your kind words of encouragement! Hugs. :)

    Angela ~ It's lovely to hear from you! I trust you are well? Hugs! :)

    With Love,

  5. Whew!! What a week!! But you accomplished so much!! I hear you on the clothes for girls. We have sewed many outfits over the years too. Thankful that your emergency was a non-emergency and that your library incident was resolved. Thank you for the insight into your week even without the 'sight'. *smile*

  6. Esther ~ Always a blessing to hear from you, my friend. I know your week was busier than mine!!! Hugs to you. Love, Camille XO

  7. Your pictures are so beautiful. Glad you didn't get involved in that fight! Awkward!

  8. Stacie ~ It was actually a little frightening. But, the Lord graciously kept everyone safe. Thank you for your kind words of encouragement to our young photographers...they so enjoy taking pictures. Hugs to you! :) With Love, Camille


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