
June 14, 2016

Only One Left

Each of our three boys has graduated from high school.
Emma is the only one left for me to teach.
I'm working myself out of a job.  Or, so it would seem.  :)  

Austin was called home to heaven six days prior to his graduation day.
Two years ago, Calvin walked the stage and received his diploma.
And now, Fraser has completed his high school requirements.  

He looks happy about it, don't you think? 

The principal of our school gave a wonderful address to the grads.
He had the honour of switching the tassel from right to left.
Apparently, that one act signifies the passage from childhood to adulthood.

Just as quickly and easily as that.  :)

We all gathered together for a family photo.

Then, the kids posed for me.

And, we posed for Calvin.

And, that was that.

Fraser, we pray that the Lord will guide you as He has in the past.
We have every confidence that He will be faithful to lead you each step of the way.
And, we know that whatever He calls you to, He will see you through!

How precious it is to belong to Him!

"He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good;
and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly,
and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?"  Micah 6:8

With All our Love,
Dad and Mum  XOXO


  1. How special and precious, Congratulations Fraser - well done...oh how I wish it was as easy as "moving the tassels" lol! Lovely family photos..I feel like I'm a proud Aunty! {{Big hugs}} xo

  2. Congratulations to Fraser on his graduation, I didn't realize you had another youngster that was ready to graduate.
    The photos of you all are wonderful, you have a beautiful family. Enjoy the season you are transitioning to, knowing that the Lord will continue to direct your steps as well. Blessings to you my friend

  3. How very special, my friend, and may I say congratulations to Fraser.

    Your family is so beautiful and precious, dear Camille. Hugs and joy to you!

  4. Congratulations :-) May the Lord shine his face upon Fraser as he journeys on.

  5. Congratulations to Fraser ! :) I know what it feels like to have children growing up. :) I am still going to be in this season of teaching for a number of years yet LORD WILLING! Every year is so different.

  6. Julia ~ Awww...that's so sweet! My kids all smiled when I told them your sentiments. Hugs to you! :)

    Maryann ~ It's speeding up my aging process...I am sure of it! Haha! Thank you for your wonderful and encouraging bless my heart. :)

    Stephanie ~ You make me smile...thank you for your kind words (as always). Hugs to you! :)

    Melissa ~ Thank you so much! And, may the Lord bless your young lady as she ventures into the next stage of life as well. Hugs! :)

    Nikki ~ Yes, most certainly I know you can relate. And, yes...the Lord is so good to give us daily the grace and strength to do all He lays before us to do. You are right...each year is SO different in so many ways. :)

    With love,

  7. Congratulations to Fraser! It is a proud moment for mom and dad, I know. Times are changing for all of us as we watch our children grow up and move into a new season. Creates a new season for us parents also. May God bless each one!

  8. Patty ~ You are right, my seasons are to be embraced! Thank you for sharing your words of wisdom from the perspective of a Mum who has walked this path a little ahead of us. Hugs to you! :)

    With Love, Camille

  9. Congratulations on another graduate Camille. I had to look twice at the picture of the kids. They all look way too big. I know I haven't been away THAT long. ☺


  10. Cinnmon ~ Oh, how quickly it sneaks up on us!! I cannot believe it, either...and, I see them every day. Your family is growing up beautifully. Your little ones are so sweet. Hugs to you! :) With love, Camille

  11. Congratulations and best wishes to Fraser in this new season of life. I cannot believe how big all of your kiddos are since we last saw you. What sweet pictures, and what an amazing new season of life you are in. We will be praying for you, and all the Lord has in store for your sweet family. Love you guys!

  12. Congratulations Fraser!
    May the Lord bless and guide you in all that you do.
    We are so proud of you!


  13. Lisa ~ Thank you so much, sweet friend! I think the same thing when I see photos of your precious family...they grow up without permission, don't they? Love and hugs to all of you! :)

    Sandy ~ Awww....thank you for your sweet are a blessing to us all. Big hugs all around. :)

    With love,

  14. Congrats Fraser! Wow three graduated. Goes too fast! Good job, Mama!!!

  15. Jackie ~ Thank you so much, sweet friend. Love, Camille


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