
June 20, 2016

The Quotidian (20. 6. 16)

Quotidian: daily, usual, or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace.

On a little side note ~ this is my 50th Quotidian post!!
Interestingly, tomorrow marks two years since I posted the first one.
Thank you, Jennifer Jo, for allowing me to imitate you.  :) 

 Stirring up trouble.
(Do you remember this outfit?)

Labelled (long ago) by my Sweetie.

Clearing a path.

Waiting to be put back.

Fresh canvas.

To remember it by ~ it's been painted over.


More supplies.

Nearly done!

Finishing up her math. 

Reading.  Always reading.

Helping Mum....

...and Dad.

Overlooking his sister.

Who also was helping.

I see you!  :)

 Click here to see what it once was.

I set this one to work, too.  :)

View from the front window ~ see Fraser?

 Work station.

A sample.

Happy Monday!
 With Love, Camille


  1. I love the kid-included (forced?) productivity!

    And that young man in front of the computer looks like he's straight out of a catalog selling high-end business stuff---so handsome!

  2. What sweet helpers you have :) And I just loved the photo of Emma reading...I am in that very same position often {{smiles}}

    Have a blessed week, dear friend. Love and hugs!

  3. lots of work going on. Thanks for the memories from 2011. I did pop over to see it and there was your dear Austin. Sigh! What good memories of days gone by. Our sweet granddaughter came to our car to help us yesterday to carry any lawn chairs to their back yard. She even carried one out later on. What a sweetheart to help at a young age of 8! A servants heart already! Happy week my friend~and thanks for sharing your life in pieces. I enjoy it so much! "-} Hugs and prayers!

  4. Jennifer Jo ~ Forced, of course! Ha! Thank you for the idea in the first place and for your kind bless my heart. :)

    Stephanie ~ Books are magical things, aren't they? Happy Tuesday to you! Hugs. :)

    Becky ~ The Lord is so very good to us, isn't He? What a blessing to have your grandchildren so close by! I am sure they enjoy their times with you as much as you do with them. Hugs! :)

    With Love,

  5. As I have said before, I love these posts of yours. To think that this is number 50, wow! It is a great way to share your life and do it briefly, Camille.
    You have a beautiful family.

    Have a blessed day~~

  6. Debbie ~ Your words are a sweet blessing to my heart...thank you! Happy Monday to you!

    With Love,

  7. You guys are accomplishing so much as a family! Love it

  8. Jackie ~ I think you and your family get so much's amazing! Hugs, Camille

  9. Your dining room looks so inviting and CLEAN! Love the colour of your picnic table--good choice!

  10. Heather ~ Haha! Yes, clean...because everything was cleared OUT for the painting. It's pretty much back to normal now. :) Thank you for the picnic table colour endorsement...I wasn't completely sure at first, but, now I love it. Hugs, Camille


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