
July 5, 2016


Recently, I came across this practical guide to good food choices.
I printed it off four times ~ one copy for myself, and one for each of the kids.
My hope is that they will take these things with them into their adult lives.
Some things are not learned by osmosis; they need to be taught.

I'm trusting that they are paying attention.  :)

What about you?  How do you find balance in the
whole foods, healthy eating, and cooking parts of life and living?
Would you mind sharing your ideas on how you keep it all in perspective?
How are you passing these things on to your children/teens?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Enjoy the journey!
With Love, Camille


  1. I am TRYING to learn balance. I really like her approach. Thanks for sharing it with me.

  2. Melissa ~ I was so encouraged to read her list and thoughts on it all...I am so glad you found it to be a blessing, too. Hugs, Camille

  3. That's a great list!! Thank you for sharing!! I'm going to print it out too. I love her advice about margarine. I can honestly say in my 22 years of buying groceries, I have never bought margarine! Lol

  4. Esther ~ That stuff has always scared me. XOXO


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