
July 6, 2016

On This Day...

Life is a journey, and so is marriage.
Some things we've learned along the way have been profound.
Other things have been too obvious to qualify for that category.
But, it's all been necessary.  And, it's all been good.

On this day, twenty-five years ago,
Howie and I said our vows and pledged our love to each other.

It's too incredible to think of it.  
We cannot even be old enough, can we?
When I look at the face looking back at me in the mirror,
I know I am old enough.  It kinda snuck up on me.

Howie, next to our Saviour, you are the best gift He has blessed me with.
I am so thankful for your steadfast love and perseverance throughout
this journey He has us on.  The Lord is so very good to us, isn't He?

"Every good and every perfect gift is from above,
and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom there is
no variableness, neither shadow of turning."  James 1:17

Happy Anniversary, Sweetie!

All my love forever,
Your Camille xoxo


  1. Happiest of Anniversaries to you!! My husband and I will celebrate 31 years in October. Like you, I don't know where the years have gone. May you have an absolutely wonderful anniversary, and may God bless you both and continue to use you for His glory! Blessings from Missouri my sweet friend!!

  2. Congratulations to the both of you!
    Camille, this was such a beautiful and tenderly written wish to your dear husband.
    May the Lord bless you and grace you with many more beautiful years together, as you both look to Him for the guidance He gives to those who put Him first in their lives, just as the two of you have done for 25 years.

    Be blessed~~

  3. Happy Anniversary Camille and Howie! I rejoice with you in the 25 years of marriage our Father has blessed you with.

  4. Happy 25th anniversary to you, Camille and Howie! Amazing how time flies! God bless you both in the coming days and years together. It's been a long,rough road for you both these past few years but God has blessed you in ways more than you can ever imagine. Continue to love each other and the Lord along your love journey. Hugs and blessings and prayers! :=} Becky

  5. Happy Anniversary Camille!! :) May God bless you with many more if He does not return for us first. The years do have a way of flying by. :)

  6. Happy Anniversary to you both!

    Camille, you are beautiful!

  7. Happy Anniversary!! You make a beautiful couple, Camille! XOXO

  8. Leanna ~ Thank you! Happy Summer to you. :)

    Down on the Farm ~ What sweet words...thank you for rejoicing with us! What a blessing that you are coming up to 31 years...the Lord is so very good, isn't He? Congratulations to you, too. :)

    Debbie ~ It truly is a wonderful blessing to have had the Lord with us each step of this journey. Where would we be without Him? Thank you for your kind words of bless my heart. :)

    Angela ~ Yes,'s a blessing from the Lord! Thank you for rejoicing with us and for your sweet encouragement. May the Lord bless you abundantly! :)

    Becky ~ I agree with you....the Lord has been faithful!! How wonderful it is to belong to Him. Thank you for being a sweet friend in this blogging world...I appreciate you. :)

    Nikki ~ Thank you my friend. Yes, the years do seem to fly by! May the Lord bless you and your family each step of the way as well. Hugs! :)

    Carrie ~ You are a sweetie...thank you for your kind words! Big hugs. :)

    Julia ~ Thank you, sweet friend. Big hugs to you! :)

    With Love,

  9. Happy Anniversary!!
    Thinking of you both!

  10. Sandy ~ Thank you, sweet friend! Big hugs!! XO

  11. Happy Anniversary sweet friend! Braden and I still talk about your family and look forward to living a little closer in just a year or two. :)

  12. Jayne ~ What FUN to hear from you!! Thank you for stopping by. I do hope you move closer soon...that will be lovely. Big Hugs all around. XOXO

  13. Love this so much! Our anniversary is June 6 (exactly one month before yours!), and we are a year behind you, guys!

    Grace upon grace! <3

  14. Becky ~ What FUN! Happy Anniversary to you, too. Big Hugs! Camille xo


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