
July 11, 2016

The Quotidian (11. 7. 16)

Quotidian: daily, usual, or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace.

Chattering away.

A wonderful surprise!

A summer project ~
 click here to see its beginnings.

The finished product.

Kayaking with my Sweetie ~ he did all the work.  :)

Enjoying the view.

42 stories up.

My Sweetie on our anniversary.

Ground level.
(The restaurant is at the top of the building shown above.)

Three of our treasures.

Happy Monday!
With Love, Camille  


  1. Hi Camille,
    I was just blog hopping and came to your site through a Christian link. Happy anniversary to you. It's nice to read your stories. Your strength is admirable. I could how the Lord has blessed you and is using you to bless others!


  2. So many blessings going on! Hope you have a wonderful week, Camille.

  3. Such a beautiful post, my friend. And may I say Happy Anniversary! It looks like you had a delightful celebration :) The kayaking looked like great fun and oh my, what a gorgeous view. I had to smile when I saw where you ate...I remember eating there when I was a young child.

    Have a lovely week. Hugs!

  4. Bee ~ Welcome! :) Thank you for leaving sweet words behind you here on your first visit. May the Lord use us all for His glory until He calls us Home to be with Him! How good and gracious He is. Hugs to you.

    Patty ~ Thank you, sweet friend. I trust you will have a wonderful week as well. Hugs! :)

    Stephanie ~ What a small world it is! How fun that you ate at Cloud 9 when you were little...the view from the top is amazing, isn't it? Thank you for your kind words, my bless my heart. Hugs to you. :)

    With love,

  5. Gorgeous views from the water and 42 floors up :-) Always enjoy your photos, everyone looks so happy :-)
    Have a wonderful week!


  6. Beautiful photos of your precious family...everyone does always look so happy. You are so blessed! xo

  7. Wonderful to see a bit of your days. Happy Anniversary! :)

  8. Jill ~ Thank you, my friend. We were so thankful that we could celebrate the day together on the water and at the top of Vancouver...the Lord is so very good to us, isn't He? Hugs to you. :)

    Julia ~ We are normal and have our *off* days just like everyone does...I don't usually have my camera at the ready in moments like those. :) Thank you, as always, for your sweet are a blessing to my heart. Hugs!

    Jenny ~ How FUN to have a visit from you! I do miss your regular posts...but, I understand that blogging must take a back seat or disappear altogether at are missed! Big hugs to you. :)

    With love,

  9. Oh I love kayaking and we do the doubles too so we can take turns when the other one gets tired. We work pretty good as a team :) Happy Anniversary!

  10. Maryann ~ Thank you, my friend. I agree...a double kayak is the way to go! I did try to help out with some of the work. :) Happy Summer to you! Hugs, Camille

  11. Happy Anniversary! What beautiful pictures! So glad you had such a great day!!

  12. Esther ~ Thank you, sweet friend! XO

  13. What a fun time away. So good to remember it all began with you two ♥ and enjoy the blessing from there on out ♥



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