
September 15, 2016

Something Solid

"Now assurance goes far to set a child of God free from this painful
kind of bondage (doubts and fears), and thus ministers mightily to his comfort.

It enables him to feel that the great business of life is a settled business,
the great debt a paid debt, the great disease a healed disease,
and the great work a finished work; and all other business,
diseases, debts and work are then by comparison small.

In this way assurance makes him patient in tribulation,
calm under bereavements, unmoved in sorrow, not afraid of evil tidings,
in every condition content, for it gives him a fixedness of heart.

It sweetens his bitter cups; it lessens the burden of his crosses;
it smooths the rough places over which he travels;
it lightens the valley of the shadow of death.

It makes him always feel that he has something solid beneath
his feet and something firm under his hands --
a sure friend by the way, and a sure home at the end."

Quoted from "Holiness" by J. C. Ryle pages 107-08

It is so true that the more sure we are of where stand with the Lord,
the more settled we will be in all of life's circumstances and situations.
We cannot have lasting peace until we have peace with God.
The only way to have peace with God is through the Lord Jesus Christ.

Have you found peace in Him?
If not, run to Him today.  He is faithful to save
all those who come to Him for deliverance from sin.
If you wish to learn more, click here for a reliable presentation of the Gospel.

With Love,


  1. Wonderful post, Camille. Hope you are having a wonderful start to a new school year.

  2. Wonderful, wonderful post. On Christ the Solid Rock, I stand all other ground is sinking sand. His peace is what we must cling to throughout the trials of life. And while that sounds so easy, it is hard to do. We as humans want to try to control everything (or maybe just I try to control everything) and letting go and letting God be God is difficult. But when we truly do that, when we truly can say "Your will be done," oh the joy and peace He gives. Blessings to you my beautiful friend in Christ. May He send you His peace, today and every day.

  3. Carrie ~ Thank you so much, my friend! Our year is off to a good beginning. I trust you are settling in more and more each week? Big hugs to you. :)

    Robbin ~ Thank you for your thoughtful words my friend....I am so blessed to know that this quote was an encouragement to your heart. May the Lord continue to give you day by day all you stand in need of as you walk this path with Him. Hugs to you. :)

    With love,

  4. Beautiful post Camille. So glad I stopped in as it's been a very long time.


  5. Thanks for sharing these truths. I've had quite the week of many prayers for various people this week. I blogged it as well. So thankful for the peace He gives in the struggles in life. Hugs and have a blessed weekend my friend!

  6. "Jesus is the way, the truth and the life". Yes, I'm so glad to know whom I belong to. Have a great weekend!

  7. It always does my heart good to see the offer of the gospel!!
    You never know when someone will respond...
    This could change a heart and an eternal destination.
    Hugs, Roxy

  8. Connie ~ How lovely it is to hear from you, my friend! Big Hugs to you!

    Becky ~ Yes, truly, the Lord is so very good to us as His children! I am sorry you have been through difficult times with your friends....but, so thankful to hear that you have sensed the Lord's grace and strength in the midst of it all. Hugs!

    Jackie ~ So true, sweet friend. Amen!

    Roxy ~ How wonderful it is to rest in our Great God's Sovereign purposes...He truly does all things well. Hugs!

    With love,


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