
September 19, 2016

Tasks Rather Than Times

We have just begun our eleventh year of home education.
Our three young men have all graduated from high school.  Emma is our last student.
As the school year came to a close last spring, Calvin gave me some insight.
It was a light-bulb-moment.  Perhaps I'm just slow to learn?

It has revolutionized things for our girl.  And for me.

I always had assigned certain amounts of time per day per subject
on each child's schedule.  I thought it was the best plan of attack.
However, Calvin's way is better.  And, it is working fabulously.
Tasks rather than times, and weeks rather than days, are laid out.

When the week of work is done, it's done.  Brilliant!

Why didn't I implement this type of scheduling sooner?  I wish I had.
It has made such a difference in the way things run around here.
What about you?  Do you have any tried and true secrets to share?
Tell me everything.  I'm all ears.

Happy Monday!
With Love, Camille


  1. This is so affirming! I decided to take this approach with Josiah this year as well and he is loving it. It puts more responsibility on him and increases independence, while making him feel like he is more in charge of his homeschool week. We are both much happier with this system. The only thing we do together is the Narnia unit study and we do that first thing, giving him plenty of time to get the rest of his work done. He is learning to work it around Scouts, homeschool PE, his Latin class and our co-op. Love it!!!

  2. Jackie ~ Isn't it a wonderful system?? Ahhh....big sigh of relief. :) Hugs! Camille xo


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