
August 30, 2011

New Normal

Things have changed.
There is a new *normal* around here.

Since taking my break,
I have implemented a few changes
in my online life.

I have a notebook.
It can be carried from room to room.
It can be shut down
and put away.

that is exactly
what I have been doing.


It all waits until I take it off its shelf
for an online *session*.
My goal is to keep it
to two *sessions* per week.


How wonderful it is!

No more *quick checks*
that run into *long visits*.
No more *losing track of time* online.

There is a pre-appointed,
set aside,
allotted time.
For all of this.

And then, it is shut down.
Until next time.
By God's Grace
and with HIS help.
I am not perfect,
but HE is!

May the LORD help us all
to take stock and heed His Words.

"So teach us to number our days,
that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom."
~ Psalm 90:12 ~

I fully realize that we are not
all in the same situation.

Life is always changing.

What works for me,
may not necessarily be what works for you.
We are all at different stages of life.
And that is good!

But, I would encourage you to pray about what
the LORD would have you to do.

And then...
Follow Him.

Many blessings to you each one!
In Him,

August 28, 2011


What did we *DO* all Summer??
Well, we had some fun playing.
And, we had some fun working.
We all got in on the act.

One of the first things I did was
ask Howie to pick me up some of this...

To fix this...
Yes, I did it myself!
(Don't even ask how many rags I used up)! :)

And my Sweetie taught Calvin
how to do this...
And Calvin sanded most of it himself!

Emma got to try...
For about two minutes. :)

The finished deck...
(it's wet from being washed...
we didn't use a *high gloss* stain) :)

Austin did this...

And this...

Fraser and Emma tackled this...

And, after a LOT of this...

We got this (it's a lovely, creamy,
washable yellow).

Calvin did some of this...

To put into this...

Austin stacked and stacked and stacked...

Which my Dad built!
(Thank you Dad) ~ xo

My Treasures...

We are not always this productive in the Summer-time.
It seemed that MANY things needed attention
this year for some reason.
We are very thankful that we have
so many precious helpers! :)

Many blessings,

August 24, 2011

A West Coast Experience

We went whale watching on Fraser's Birthday.
It was a glorious day.  And an unforgettable experience!
We were on the boat for seven hours.
And we sat up front most of the day.

Emma waiting for the
Captain to launch us out into the deep.

Howie enjoying a little *down time*.

A happy looking bunch.

There they are!
See the black fins lined up in a row
off in the distance?

Orca Whales! (Which, btw, really are
part of the Dophin family...who knew?  Not me.)

Emma and Fraser enjoyed a chat with
*Rusty*...the dog-mascot.

Calvin with his *zoom* lens...
he got some *close-ups* of the Orcas. :)

This pod dove under the boat after this shot
and came up about 1/4 mile away!

Our young man.

Enjoying a rare treat.

Gorgeous views all day long.

It was a lovely day.  A real joy.
We are thankful that we were able to have this experience
with our children.  God's Creation truly is Glorious!

What special memory did you make this summer??
Please do share.  I'd enjoy reading about it.

Many Blessings,

August 22, 2011

Just 10 Minutes A Day!

Our Fraser LOVES languages.
He is interested in everything from
Arabic to Hebrew to Chinese.

These books
have helped to satisfy his thirst for
knowledge in this area.
And at only *ten minutes a day*
they are perfect!
Fun and interactive.
Engaging and interesting.

He has tried different programs
(some were strictly computer based) ~
but, he keeps coming back to this system.

This is not a school requirement.
He is doing this *just for fun*.
Not to say that it could not be for school,
just to let you know how enjoyable they can be.

These books are *introductory* in nature ~
The goal being to equip the child
with the ability to converse simply
in the chosen language.

This was his response when I asked what he would
like to try next, and I quote ~

"Anything to do with Bilingual Books...
it's always good!"

Imagine this being said with a great deal of
animation and enthusiasm.
As I previously mentioned,
he LOVES languages!

What does the LORD have in store?
My Mama heart wells up with tears
at the thought of where this might lead.
But then, I have to remind myself that
he is only twelve and we do have a few years left
to care for him in our home...up close! :)

The LORD is so gracious with us
and never gives us more than we can bear.
HE will lead and guide and give
the grace for whatever it is HE
calls our children to do.
What a blessing to rest in that!

In the meantime,
we are encouraging this love
for learning these languages by giving
him the tools to explore them all!
But, not all at once...
maybe just one or two at a time. :)

May the LORD bless you
all as you seek to raise up your
children for HIS glory.
And may HE give us each the grace to
allow them to flourish in HIS World!

Many blessings,

August 18, 2011

Ebb and Flow

**This post was written before
I took a month off ~
Which is why some of it is a little "out of date".

The Ordinary.
The Everyday.
The Ebb and Flow of life.

Sometimes we take these things forgranted.
Sometimes we forget to give thanks.
And yet, we are commanded to.
It is the mark of one who is redeemed.

We owe everything to HIM.
To HIS grace.
To HIS mercy.
We belong to HIM.
We are to glorify HIS Holy Name.

1459. Building my repertoire of
quick and easy meals to prepare ~
Just like THIS! :)

1460. More ice cream!

1461. Walks at the beach with friends

1462. Hanging baskets at the front door

1463. The squeals of laughter coming
from Fraser and Emma as they play outside

1464. Austin and Fraser creating music together

1465. So thankful for the Doctrine of God's Sovereignty!

1466. Simplifying life ~ or at least trying to!

1467. Accountability

1468. New beginnings

1469. Amazing preaching Sunday after Sunday ~
SUCH a blessing!

1470. Being challenged from the pulpit through God's Word

1471. My Dad who is always willing to help out around here ~
Thanks Dad! :)

1472. Catching up with a dear friend

1473. Pink sky at night

1474. The longest day of the year

1475. Longer days

1476. My clothesline!

1477. First load of towels hung out to dry ~
LATE...July 4th!

1478. A stretch of sunny days after MANY grey ones

1479. Opening up windows and doors early in the morning
to let the fresh air in and let the stuffy air out!

1480. The breeze that comes off the ocean

1481. Trimmed trees

1482. A better view

1483. Firewood for the winter

1484. Thankful that we don't depend on that
wood to keep warm in the winter months

My journal sits on my counter.

I list as events unfold.
Sometimes many all at once,
and other times in a trickle.

Would you like to begin?
Just grab a pen and a journal,
set them out on the counter,
and list out your blessings.
Find the joy in the moments ~
As they arrive.

Enjoy the journey!

Many Blessings,

August 15, 2011

Looking Up

Life has been a flurry of activity.
First, school ended.
Then there were...
Family commitments.
Home projects.
Not to mention the regular.

The *everyday*.


Once in awhile it is important to
Take a step back.

Be still.

As I write this, I do not have everything sorted out.
I do not have everything in its rightful place.
But, I am getting there.
Step by step.
By God's Grace.

Every once in awhile we must get above the clouds.
Step out of the whirlwind.
Take stock.

Am I reaching my goals?
Do I have a proper understanding
of what they ought to be?
Have I sought the LORD on what
HE would have me to do next?

Probing, but necessary questions.

Sometimes life is overwhelming.
We get too busy to even think.
At the end of the day it's all we can do to
fall into bed exhausted.

There is hope.

These are often just seasons.
The LORD never gives us more than we can bear.
Sometimes WE are the ones to
blame when the overload buzzer goes off.

I have been guilty of this.

When that has happened I must examine
myself and my motives.
Have I added things into my calendar
that had no business being there?
Did I ask the LORD what HE would
have me to do before I made those commitments?

Ah, yes.
The litmus test.

These last weeks I have taken a step back.
It's been a blessing to just *be*.
To just live and do the next thing.

Looking Up.

Many Blessings,

**Photo Credit ~ Calvin