The path of grief is unique for each one of us.
Even grieving for a precious loved one may take on a different
form or timetable for each of those on the journey alongside us.
It's personal. And, yet, it is corporal.
We are to carry one another's burdens.
And, in the midst of it all, the Lord carries us.
We don't have to have all the answers. We don't even have to speak.
We can sit and listen and hug and cry.
We can pray and share the Lord's Word and direct hearts heavenward.
All of this is made possible by God's great grace. His enabling.

And, He is glorified in the process. Through these things,
the result often seems to be that He becomes more. We become less.
If the Lord is your Saviour, you can be sure that wherever He has you in this moment
is exactly where He will meet you and carry you through to the next.
His path for each of us will often look somewhat different from the path He
has others on. Sometimes it will be difficult. Excruciatingly so.
But, He promises never to leave His own.
He promises that His strength will be sufficient.
He is enough. And, we can most surely rest our hearts there.
Whatever the future holds, we can confidently move ahead into it.
Because He is there. And, He will see us through. He is faithful.
And, He will keep us each step of the way.
We truly have nothing to fear and every reason to hope
when we belong to Him. What could be better than that?
With Love,
We don't have to have all the answers. We don't even have to speak.
We can sit and listen and hug and cry.
We can pray and share the Lord's Word and direct hearts heavenward.
All of this is made possible by God's great grace. His enabling.

And, He is glorified in the process. Through these things,
the result often seems to be that He becomes more. We become less.
If the Lord is your Saviour, you can be sure that wherever He has you in this moment
is exactly where He will meet you and carry you through to the next.
His path for each of us will often look somewhat different from the path He
has others on. Sometimes it will be difficult. Excruciatingly so.
But, He promises never to leave His own.
He promises that His strength will be sufficient.
He is enough. And, we can most surely rest our hearts there.
Whatever the future holds, we can confidently move ahead into it.
Because He is there. And, He will see us through. He is faithful.
And, He will keep us each step of the way.
We truly have nothing to fear and every reason to hope
when we belong to Him. What could be better than that?
With Love,