"For I am in a strait betwixt two, having a desire to depart,
and to be with Christ, which is far better." Philippians 1:23
"Believers after death are 'with Christ'.
That answers many a difficult question, which otherwise might
puzzle man's busy, restless mind. The abode of dead saints,
their joys, their feelings, their happiness, all seem to be met
by this simple expression -- they are 'with Christ'.
I cannot enter into full explanations about the separate
state of departed believers. It is a high and deep subject,
such as man's mind can neither grasp nor fathom.
I know their happiness falls short of what it will be when
their bodies are raised again, in the resurrection at the last day,
and Jesus returns to earth. Yet I know also they enjoy a blessed rest,
a rest from labour, a rest from sorrow, a rest from pain -- and a rest from sin.

But it does not follow because I cannot explain these things,
that I am not persuaded they are far happier than they ever were on earth.
I see their happiness in this very passage:
they are 'with Christ', and when I see that I see enough.
If the sheep are with the Shepherd, if the members are with the Head,
if the children of Christ's family are with Him who loved them
and carried them all the days of their pilgrimage on earth,
all must be well, all must be right.
I cannot describe what kind of place paradise is,
because I cannot understand the condition of a soul separate from the body.
But I ask no brighter view of paradise than this -- that Christ is there.

All other things in the picture which imagination draws of the
state between death and resurrection, are nothing in comparison of this.
How He is there, and in what way He is there, I know not.
Let me only see Christ in paradise when my eyes close in death, and that sufficeth me.
Well does the Psalmist say,
'In Thy presence is fullness of joy' (Ps. 16:11)...
...It may be you do not think much about your soul.
It may be you know little of Christ as your Saviour, and have never
tasted by experience that He is precious. And yet perhaps you hope to
go to paradise when you die.
Surely this passage is one that should make you think,
Paradise is a place where Christ is.
Then can it be a place that you would enjoy?
It may be you are a believer, and yet tremble at the thought of the grave.
It seems cold and dreary. You feel as if all before you
was dark and gloomy and comfortless. Fear not, but be encouraged
by this text. You are going to paradise, and Christ will be there."
Quoted from
"Holiness" by J. C. Ryle pages 186-87
With Love, Camille
**Photos in this post were taken just days after
our Austin's body was laid to rest in
his resurrection bed,
and later in the summer after a marker had been installed.