How precious that we have these days and
we can offer up our THANKS!
May the LORD help us each to
give HIM thanks in ALL things!
"In every thing give thanks:
for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."
I Thessalonians 5:18
still on leaves in the early morning ~
682. Reminders that we are not in Heaven yet ~
the destruction of some corn plants presumably by a squirrel (or two)...
*so* thankful that we do not DEPEND on this harvest!
683. "Last minute" help with a "problem" in the landscape of our yard
that has been there for the full 16 years we have owned this home!
684. A pressure-washer that we can use and
a husband who knows how to use it!
685. Watching Father and Son as they pressure wash together
686. Cleaning up ~ "getting there"...
this photo is of the deck during the pressure washing of the roof!
Thankfully Howie kept on cleaning and made all this pretty too. :)
687. Youngest boy who is excited to learn Spanish ~
and practices and studies at almost every opportunity,
despite the fact that it is summer vacation! :)
688. Here he is again...on another day ~
so precious to see him so passionate about this!
What does God have in store for our Fraser?
689. Lifejackets for the children,
and the beach to use them at! :)
690. So glad this guy was OUTSIDE...really, I am! :)
691. Stringing out lines and lines of clothes ~
day after day in this glorious summer weather!
692. The view from our bedroom window of this stunning full moon ~
a summer evening feast for the eyes!
God's creation is so MAGNIFICENT!
693. Daddy training his sons not only in the practical
things of life, but in the Word of God!
694. Painting and sprucing up the house
695. Helpers that are eager
696. That only a deer and the car were injured in a recent
car accident involving an extended family member ~
what an incredible blessing!
697. A compassionate husband who is also
a compassionate son and father.
698. So thankful that I can travel through this life
with that compassionate man!
699. Learning more of our LORD and His ways...
how precious that HE does not leave us to ourselves!
700. Watching our children learn more than we did at their age
about our dear Saviour ~ how much we have to learn together!
Many Blessings,
What wonderful photographs! So much to be grateful for... love to see others enjoying the many blessings of the world around us! Have a wonderful week!
Wonderful post Camille..
We all have so much to be thankful for, we (I) just need to stop letting Satan cloud my eyes with the muck and mud of earthly life.
Thanks for sharing, and encouraging..
Have a great week.. talk to ya again real soon
Great pictures! And wonderful things to be thankful for. Loved the last picture of the laundry!
Dear Jill ~ It is wonderful to know that all these things come directly from the hand of God! We all enjoy so many benefits the air we breathe! Thank you for your encouragement! :)
Dear Karen ~ Oh how powerful it is to give thanks! It really lifts us up, doesn't it? Thanks for stopping by! :)
Dear Jenn ~ Thanks for your photography means a lot. Oh laundry on the really makes me smile! :)
Blessings to you!
In Him,
Giving of thanks ~ always a good thing to do. It helps keep life in perspective. Blessings!
Dear Patty ~ Yes,'s what I find is needful in good doses throughout the day ~ only with the LORD is it possible! :)
Blessings to you!
Thank you so much for these wonderful posts Camille :) I love your photos too! So many precious gifts from the Lord, how can we not be thankful for everything. Great perspective (really the only perspective) as Patty said :)
Thank you so much for your sweet and encouraging posts. I am always refreshed visiting you my friend!
have a blessed day in Him!
Dear Sharon ~ You are a sweet encouragement to me...I always enjoy visiting you as well. May the LORD be glorified in all we do! Have a wonderful week! :)
In Him,
Love seeing pink hanging on a line :)
Love how you're wondering what God has in store for Fraser because of his desire for Spanish... how cool is that?
Oh Heather! PINK on the line was a LONG time in coming in our family! I NEVER thought it would come to pass!! AND Fraser...yes, he has a love for countries and is very interesting to see that passion at such a young age. :)
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