What did we *DO* all Summer??
Well, we had some fun playing.
And, we had some fun working.
We all got in on the act.
One of the first things I did was
ask Howie to pick me up some of this...
Well, we had some fun playing.
And, we had some fun working.
We all got in on the act.
One of the first things I did was
ask Howie to pick me up some of this...
To fix this...
Yes, I did it myself!
(Don't even ask how many rags I used up)! :)
And my Sweetie taught Calvin
how to do this...
And Calvin sanded most of it himself!
Emma got to try...
For about two minutes. :)
The finished deck...
(it's wet from being washed...
we didn't use a *high gloss* stain) :)
Fraser and Emma tackled this...
We got this (it's a lovely, creamy,
washable yellow).
Austin stacked and stacked and stacked...
Which my Dad built!
(Thank you Dad) ~ xo
My Treasures...
We are not always this productive in the Summer-time.
It seemed that MANY things needed attention
this year for some reason.
We are very thankful that we have
so many precious helpers! :)
Many blessings,
Looks like you did quite a bit this summer. Phil has to work on the washing machine tomorrow. He has it all torn down and needs to get another part. He got one on Wed. then washer leaked when I did a load on Sat. so he torn it apart. Hopefully he'll be able to get part and put it together cuz I need some stuff or it's off to laundromat for wash then bring home to dry. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Good to have you back but it's good to take some time off.
ohhh...you HAVE been busy Camille! Wow...great job well done..to you all!
So what's next on the agenda??
Wonderful pictures and wonderful helpers, Camille! Congratulations on a very productive summer!!
Summer is a nice time to get projects done. We have done alot of them too.
Those look like some fun projects! How neat that everyone got to get involved!
You are training them well...what wonderful helpers...and wow, that is lots of work accomplished.
Great photos.
Looks like you are were very productive this summer. Ilove the picture with the hands full of paint. We are more productive in the fall(and spring) much too hot to work outside in the summer except for lawn and garden care. We will be staining a deck and pergola soon. Enjoyed the pictures, you are truely blessed with all those helpers
Wow looks like you got a lot of projects completed! :-) How wonderful! I think it is so great you get the children involved and teach them new things.
Have a wonderful week!
What a great summer!!! I love a good project-y'all tackled so many! I love the deck and picnic table, and the wood shed, OH MY!!! beautiful!
Wow, Camille, I'm tired just looking at all you did. You did not allow your paint-covered family to BATHE in that nice CLEAN and NEWLY-GROUTED tub, did you? Good job, everyone!
Wonderful projects your family got done. You have definitely been productive. Good job on the tub too…I don't think I could have tackled that. Or if I did, I am sure it would not have turned out that well!
WOW! You all did get a lot done!
Man, you guys got a lot done! I've just been trying to keep my head above the water with the garden and watering our huge lawn. It seems like it is all we can do just to keep it watered and mowed. We really need to sand our deck down and re-stain it. Was hoping we could do it this year, but it seems the summer is getting away from us. Oh, well, I guess we'll have to push it back to next year. I just have to tell myself that it is not the end of the world, it is all going to burn eventually anyway :) Kudos to you guys for getting so much done this summer!
What fabulous memories you made as a family working together, those hard jobs can make some of the most fun memories of all. Great post :)
Dear Becky ~ Oh how trying it is to be without a washing machine! How handy your husband must be with tackling the fix-up job!! I hope it's all in working order for you soon. :)
Dear Julia ~ This post was deceiving I suppose...*I* did not *do* much of it at all! I did, however, supply lemonade to the faithful crew and watermelon slices, etc... Next? Hmmm...the basement bathroom needs the same treatment as the master bath did...I suppose that's got to be done soon...after all, I'm on a roll. :)
Dear Jane ~ It felt good to get so many projects done....thank you for your kind encouragement! I know you are productive at your home as well. My garden does not look anything like yours!! :)
Dear Chelle ~ I know you have been busy in your family lately too! How wonderful to get some things accomplished! Feels good, doesn't it? :)
Dear Lisa ~ Oh yes, we wouldn't have got nearly so much done if it weren't for the help of the children. I know you are accomplishing much around your home too...well done! :)
Dear Connie ~ Thank you for your sweet encouragement. It was actually amazing to me to look back through the photos and recount all that has been done around here. We didn't do nearly as much last Summer. :)
Dear Maryann ~ We cannot do much outdoors in the winter and spring around here as it rains and rains and rains some more. LOL! I'm sure you will enjoy the cooler weather that will soon be coming. Enjoy doing those projects around your home this fall. :)
Dear Jill ~ Thank you for your sweet encouragment my friend. I know you have been getting lots done around your home too...great job! :)
Dear Jennifer ~ Thank you so much my friend! I know how much you *love* projects!! You and your husband have done so much around your place too!! It actually makes my head swim to think about doing some of the things you do! LOL! Happy Fall to you! :)
Dear Lois ~ *I* actually wasn't too busy...*they* were. And children thrive on being productive, don't you think? No, the painti-est of the two cleaned up downstairs. :)
Dear Jackie (Bondservant) ~ Thank you for your kind words my friend. LOL! Did you notice that I mentioned I used LOTS of rags??? Thankfully the stuff takes a little time to solidify. And, white on white always helps. :)
Dear Jenn ~ I know you have gotten a lot done around your home too my friend. T'was the Summer for it around here...when it rains, it pours! :)
Dear Jackie (Cheesmakin') ~ Ah, yes...one day it will all burn...you are right! How wonderful to keep that perspective!! Our deck desperately *needed* attention LAST Summer, and it didn't happen...so, no, waiting another year will not ruin it. And you have done SO much with that HUGE garden of yours!!! (You'd laugh if you saw mine)! :)
Dear Allison ~ Thank you so much for your sweet words of encouragement! Happy Fall to you! :)
Many blessings to you each one!
In HIS Love,
How delightful to see everything that you accomplished this summer (well, at least a lot of it. :)) I love that last picture. What a treasure!!
Dear Trisha ~ Thank you so much my friend! Really, it was the children that accomplished the bulk of it! How wonderful it is. The LORD is so good to us, isn't HE? :)
Love to you!
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