Emma and the boys have all enjoyed Enid Blyton novels ~
They are definitely for both boys and girls...how great is that?
They are definitely for both boys and girls...how great is that?
Have you heard of this author before now?
I learned about her when I married my Sweetie ~ his family is British.
I learned about her when I married my Sweetie ~ his family is British.
Enid Blyton lived in England and wrote over 600 novels
for children and young people mainly during the 1940's and 50's.
Her novels often include adventure and mystery in which children do
the adventuring and mystery solving with minimal adult intervention.
They are *old-fashioned* and refreshing while transporting
the reader to a time of long ago.
Don't we all enjoy visiting other times and places and people
in the safety and comfort of our own home or back yard?

Emma has been devouring the adventure series
of books ~ click on the link above to find them for purchase.
I often find Emma sneaking in a reading time over and above
what is required ~ she'll take a book with her to the
yard, in the car, in the bath, or curled up in a cosy chair.
It's a joy to this Mama's heart. :)
Happy Reading!
**Disclaimer ~ I am not compensated for my opinions, I just share what I like.
Please be aware that these books, being of the *old-fashioned* variety,
sometimes contain things considered politically incorrect in our day.
**Disclaimer ~ I am not compensated for my opinions, I just share what I like.
Please be aware that these books, being of the *old-fashioned* variety,
sometimes contain things considered politically incorrect in our day.