*UPDATE* ~ Austin's memorial is scheduled for Monday, June 10, 2013 ~
Please email Camille at flowersinhisgarden@gmail.com
if you are in our area and would like to attend.
"...The LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away;
Please email Camille at flowersinhisgarden@gmail.com
if you are in our area and would like to attend.
"...The LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away;
blessed be the name of the LORD." ~ Job 1:21b ~
Suddenly, and without warning, our precious Austin
was taken to be with his Saviour yesterday morning ~ June 1, 2013
sometime between 9:45 and 10:45am peacefully in his sleep.
I had spoken with him at 9:45 and returned to his room to wake
him for the day at 10:45 when I found him unresponsive.
He had tucked himself in and appeared to be asleep ~ peaceful.
It has been determined that his heart went into ventricular fibrillation
and was unable to recover with the shocks delivered by the internal defibrillator.
Apparently, he would have passed out from the
fibrillation and passed away shortly thereafter.
It does not seem real. I write this from a broken heart.
I had told Austin he was to bury me ~ it was not to be the other way around.
But, our Great God had other plans ~ better and wiser ones.
Austin suffered most often in gracious silence the last three years of his life
with rarely a complaint ~ he just was not a complainer.
He was always easy-going and found joy in the little things.
The LORD has delivered him from his pain and suffering.
He is with the Lord Jesus Christ in glory ~ praising the Saviour he loved!
He would not want to come back.

But, oh, how I want him back!
For just one more hug, one more smile, one more laugh.
To see him and hear him and touch him ~ my first baby.
But, this is not what is best. God truly does what is best.
His ways are perfect. He always does all things well.
We must continually speak Truth to ourselves.
We must fill our minds with Truth. God's Word is Truth.
It is living and powerful and is our sustenance in times like these.
Each day is a gift. Each moment is precious.
God graciously gave us extra time with our Austin.
Humanly and medically speaking, he should have died last spring
when he was first diagnosed with Dilated Cardiomyopathy.
But, God saw fit to restore him to health and life for a few months.
It was a gift that I will always cherish. From the hand of a Loving God.
May we never charge Him foolishly.
May He be glorified in all we do and say and think.
May He continue to daily give grace to live for Him.
We cannot take this journey alone ~ and, we are not called to.
He walks this path with us. The waters will not overflow.
He walks this path with us. The waters will not overflow.
In Austin's Birthday card this year,
the verses we shared with him were these ~
"Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by name;
thou art mine. When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee;
and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee:
when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned;
neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.
For I am the LORD thy God, the Holy One of Israel, thy Saviour."
~ Isaiah 43;1b-3a ~
These promises are real and true.
They will stand sure until the end of time.
We have every confidence that we will one day see our
precious Austin again. In Heaven. Forever. With the LORD.
Thank you for walking this journey with us.
Thank you for supporting us in the myriad of ways that you have.
We appreciate each and every one of you.
Keeping our eyes fixed by His grace alone ~
And with Much Love,
**The photo in this post was taken in the Fall of 2011 ~
It's a favourite photo of Austin when he looked most himself.
**Please know that your thoughts shared and comments made
will be cherished by each one of us ~
I will, however, be unable to reply at this time.
We will have to be absent from this space for the next while ~
Thank you for your gracious understanding.
Please pray that we would remain steadfast in HIM.
**If you are not sure where you will spend eternity,
please click here and prayerfully consider your never dying soul.
Update ~ Howie posted on his blog in his own words as a Dad.
If you would like to read what he wrote, please click here.
Oh Camille, I have no words~just tears. I plan to meet him and your whole family in heaven one day!!! You are such an encouragement~even through the grief you bear right now!
Oh, Camille. With tears streaming down my face I mourn for and with your family. The hurt is felt so deeply because the love is so deep- an ability to love give to us by our Creator. He knows your broken hearts and is with you. I can picture His loving arm around your family on one side with His other arm at last around His precious Austin. My thoughts and prayers are with you and for you all.
Oh Lord Jesus,
we lift this dear family to you. We are so sorry...to read this, this day.
Their hearts are full of bittersweet. The loss is great, with the loss of their oldest son - but the JOY of knowing they will see and be with their loved one again - ONE DAY! brings much hope.
May they rest in that HOPE today and in the days ahead. May they know and feel your LOVE constant and true. Thank you for their example of walking in trial - in peace. Their faith is truly encouraging.
We lift them to YOU Lord, in these days of heartbreak, emotion and rejoicing.
(Psalm 84 - comes to mind, today)
So sorry, Camille. You are loved.
Oh, Camille I am so sorry for the loss of your son. My heart hurts for you. I will be lifting up you and your family in prayer. Praying that the Lord would comfort you during this time and surround you with His peace. I am so, so sorry. Hugs to you
I am in tears at reading about the passing of your precious son. I wish I could be there to pray with you, hold your hand, give you a hug, or just sit in silence. I praise God that we do not grieve as those who have no hope, that your son is redeemed and you will see him again. I also praise God that you can bless the Lord during such tragedy. What a testimony of your faith! I will be praying for you my sister. May God wrap you in His arms and speak peace and strength to you and your family at this time. Love, Jackie
Camille, I am crying as I read your words. My heart aches with your Mama heart for your Austin. What a young man you raised. What a blessing to have him in your life for such a short while.
In all your grief and tears to be able to know, without any doubt, that you will one day see his precious smile once again. Oh the joy of that day!!
Keeping your wrapped in prayers sweet friend.
"And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away." Rev 21:4
Precious friends...I have no words. We are grieving with you and we love you and are praying for you. Your testimony to His goodness has come at no small price. I pray He comforts your hearts in amazing ways and holds you near as He is glorified in your walk. Wish I was there to cry with you. Love you.
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I grieve with you. even though I have never met you I still consider you a friend. I will be praying for you and I know God is with you.
Camille, my lovely friend. I'm weeping and my husband is beside me, so emotionally moved for you. Words cannot express my sorrow. My heart aches for your loss. I know that he is with the Lord and you're right, he would not want to return to this earth--but the pain is great. May His love surround you and give you a peace that passes all understanding.
Love, Heather
Camille, I am so so sorry to hear about your loss. My heart is breaking for your family. I will continue to pray for your family in hopes that it will bring you comfort.
Oh Camille, my heart breaks with yours. I am so sorry for your family's loss and I will be praying that God will comfort and bless during this time.
Words are not enough, I know, but may God bring help and courage through your friends and family.
My heart aches for you and your family. Courage and strength to you, and may Christ's love be made real by the people who surround you.
Hugs, and all my love,
Dear Camille and family, With tears in my eyes, I gasped when I saw the title of this post....right before lunch today. I shared it with Phil and Megan and he came over and gave me a hug,and prayed for you all at lunch, with tears....As a mother it grieves my heart that you have lost your son..even the firstborn. Our hearts go out to all of you at this sad time. I know Austin will remain in your hearts forever. I am truly thankful for the promise of heaven because of Jesus. Hugs and may God carry you in His arms through this difficult time in your life. Hold onto His promises! ---Becky and Phil
We are so sorry and grieving with you, precious friend. I love you, am weeping with you, praying for you, wishing so much I could be there with you. May the LORD give you the strength and grace to continue to walk in Truth even in this hour of immense pain. Blessed be the name of the LORD.
Oh Camille,
We grieve with you in heart and spirit. What a bittersweet joy to know he is with his Precious Redeemer. What a testimony Austin has been and still is, to us! May The Lord hold you close through these difficult days. Our hearts ache for you and many tears have been shed for you! If we look to Rev 22 we see a glimpse of that home he may now call his, as our Pastor preached this morning. What a glorious awakening Austin had- no more pain and suffering, only glory in his Saviour, in a place where there is no sorrow, no pain and no sin! That is truly a blessed knowledge for you, I am sure, but I know the pain and grief has still shattered you. Our prayers are with you.
Dearest, dearest friend,
I am weeping with those who weep...
O death, where is thy sting? Oh, grave, where is thy victory?
Prying for His mercy and grace to overtake you and yours..
In Christ alone,
Oh Camille that was so beautifully written...my mommy heart aches for you today ...may God hold you close each minute over the days to come...We will be praying for your family xoxoxooxoxo Christy
We are just devastated to hear this today. We our praying for you and mourning the loss of your precious son with you today. May the Lord surround you with His peace and may His strength uphold you and keep you in the days and weeks to come. Our words, although sincere, cannot express the depth of our sorrow.
Phil and Esther
oh Camille...I am in shock and with tears running down my face, weep with you and Howie, Calvin Fraser and Emma. How precious you have all become to me and words just seem insignificant at this time. Please know that you all are in my prayers. May the Lord be your Strength and Your Fortress..and I pray His Loving Presence will uphold you all in the coming days. {{hugs}} XO
God gives life and He is the only one who can take it back. Austin is in His hand now, will not suffer pain and agony. Camille and family, be strong and of good courage. We will pray for you.
From Ron Marie Lance and Myrtle Rance ( GBC)
I have been following your blog for a long while now and our family prays for you every Friday night. How my heart aches for you as you must feel such a grief!!! We will be praying daily that God would give you the grace that only HE can give! With much hurt and prayers, Kristina Auclair and family- Michigan
With tears I write this. My heart is broken for your family. I'm just so sorry! It is clear that God is already using you through this tragedy and He is being glorified. Oh, I wish I could hug your right now and we could sob together. I pray that you and your family will be allowed to grieve as you adjust to a different kind of life without Austin. I'm praying for Austin's precious siblings, too. It is easy to see how much they all loved each other and the closeness they shared. Your family has NOTHING to regret. Clearly, Austin was well loved on this earth. God placed him in an amazing family who could do nothing less than pour out their love on him daily. May the God of all comfort be with you in such a mighty and powerful way during this time of grief.
All My Love,
Our hearts are aching for you and yet the genuine trust in the Father that you have ahared is inspiring and beautiful! I cannot even begin to imagine your feeling of loss but may you be lifted up and carried by the pryers of God's people.
Dearest Camille, I am in shock and tears as I type. I have just told the children that Austin has gone home to Heaven and they pointed out the photo of the children that you sent me that is pinned to our family pinboard above the desk. I had forgotten it was there as I read your post and I cried more tears when I looked up. Before I read your post I had not long finished our daily devotions for the children and it was from Matthew 5, words that Jesus declared from a mountaintop. 'Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted' and 'Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.'I think it no coincidence that this was our reading today. I still have the little thank you note that Austin sent me. When I first sent over that little package from Australia for him when he was so very ill I didn't know if he would even get to open it but the Lord answered prayers and gave him back to you for another year and now He has called him home. He is seeing God and experiencing Heaven in all its unimaginable, breathtaking beauty. Oh the hope of Heaven that we have as believers, knowing that Jesus is 'already there' waiting for us in our real home together with our loved ones from this earth who we will see again and be with for all eternity. Please know how very much your family means to us even though we have never met. You will be very much in our prayers in the days that lie ahead and we take comfort in knowing that the Lord will comfort you as He promises in His Word and come so very close to you all at this time.
Camille, I don't even "know" you yet I mourn and cry for your loss. I will be praying for you. May God be with you and strengthen you. Love in Christ, Michelle
Even though you don't know me we are one in Christ.I am sorry for your loss and am praying for you and your family even now.. Our Great Physician has come to heal your beautiful son forever... Your son is in heaven enjoying and delighting himself in our Great God. As hard as this sorrow is worship and adore God there. As Job did , in full surrender of His divine will said" Though he slay me ,yet will I trust Him." Job 13:15 Charles Spurgeon once said that "this kind of worship sweetens the sorrow and takes away its sting:. I will be praying for you and your family. May the God of all comfort, comfort you even now. 'Pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us." Psalm 62:8 Lord Bless, A sister in Christ
I am praying for you and your family. Be encouraged knowing that your separation is for a short time until you are reunited in heaven! What a celebration that will be. I picture Austin safe in the arms of Jesus his Savior! Your family will be covered in prayer! I am amazed at the grace and peace that God bestows upon us just when we need it most! Grieving with you and praying for you my friend! Sue
I am so very sorry for your loss. May God wrap you in his comfort and peace in the days ahead. our thoughts and prayers are with your family.
Dear Camille - I write to you as a sister in Christ - my heart broken for your family. I am so so sorry for the loss of your beautiful son. There are no words. You do not know me but we are friends with Lisa here in Arizona. As a result of your work in her life (and the Lord's ) they are our precious friends - and so now I write to you to say that our church is praying for you as you walk this road. Though I have not lost a child myself I've walked the road with dear friends and acknowledge the depth of its pain. May the Lord give you all you need during this time. Love in Christ, Tracy
Oh my precious sweet sister and friend, when I received your e-mail the tears fell. They are falling again this morning as I read your beautiful words and feel the tangible heart ache in them. We gathered as a family last night and prayed that the God of all comfort would pour out His comfort on your family. May you know and feel His presence with you. We know that He will walk with you through this time of sorrow. We are also praising the Lord, because we know that Austin knew Him as His Lord and Savior. What a sustaining thought that is.
I love you dear friend and know that I am praying unceasingly for you and your family.
I am so sorry to hear about Austin. My heart aches for the loss of your son. I know you are broken hearted. I too, as the many other commentors above am in tears from reading this. I am so thankful for God's love. I know He will be with you and your family and give you all that you need during this time. My dad passed away 1o years ago on June 1. I am thankful that there will be a great reunion day. Lots of love and prayers to you and your family.
Misty and family.
Ohhh Camille I am so sorry and saddened to hear this news. I don't know what to say other than I am there for you in thought and prayer and love. I will be contacting Pat to find out details of meals and service etc. Please know that we are all praying for His Peace and comforting arms over you and extending God's hugs and love in our hearts. Grieving with you and all the family!
Camille, our hearts ache fro you and your family. You are in our prayers and thoughts daily. May the Lord send His comfort and peace your way.
I am so very sorry for your loss but at the same time so very thankful for your son's salvation and knowing he is in Heaven. I pray for your family's strength and comfort during this time.
We love you so much Camille. Praying always. Praise the LORD that Austin was such a strong Christian believer. He is dancing around the throne.
Oh my sweet Friend, I am so, so, sorry to hear this. I am rejoicing with you on one hand that he is with our Savior and he is without pain and his body made whole, but how you must long to touch him, hear his sweet voice and hug him once more. I echo Jackie as I pray for your children. They were obviously close and I know that a mother's heart wants more than anything to take their pain away. It is impossible, so I pray that they will look to God and that this would help make their faith their own. All my love and prayers my Sweet Sister in Christ. In the darkness you are shining...
Dear Camille,
My heart is breaking for you as you mourn and yet the glimpse of eternity and what awaits us in Heaven is fresh with Austin's passing into glory. We are praying for your family to be secure in the Lord's love as you grieve.
Your family is in our heartfelt prayers.
Dear Camille & family,
I was touched as I read the beauty you expressed in your words. My tears flowed as I saw your handsome young man, Austin. May God comfort you in your grieving, courage to continue & take one day at a time. I am remembering you & your family in my prayers. Your tears of sadness here,are tears of joy in heaven as Austin is with his Saviour & you know you will see him again. God's love for you especially during this difficult time. Ruth Jones, BC, Canada
You have my heart, to use as you need. Hopefully to strengthen yours. Much love and prayers.
Psalm 73:26
My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
So sorry for your loss.
I am so sorry to hear this! Praying for you!
Dear Camille and Family,
Your family is in our prayers. Words are Not sufficient.
My mama heart is heavy and tears are flowing.
We are praying.
I pray that you feel God's presence as you journey through this time of heartache. It may get harder before it gets easier, but as someone who has had to walk this path, I know God will see you through. Praying for you. Summer
This is my first time to visit your blog, 'Thy Hand Hath Provided' sent me. With eyes filled to the brim with tears, in sorrow for your temporary separation from your son, but also in joy and gratitude to have read you beautiful, faith-filled post. When our Savior was asked, when healing the man blind from birth, who had sinned, he or his parents, he replied neither. He said the malady was so the works of God could be made manifest in him. So it is today. God has been glorified today in all that you so eloquently wrote. Your faith is exemplary. Nonetheless, your family will be in my prayers today, and in the coming weeks as you adjust to a new 'normal'. May God's richest blessing be upon you...now and always. God is good, he is so, so good.
Katzcradul ~
With joy that Austin is with our Lord and heartbreaking sorrow for your loss at this time; you're in my thoughts and prayers. May our Lord comfort your continuously in the coming days. A Sister in Christ
Dear Camille, Howie and family our thoughts and prayers are with you all at this difficult time. Sincerely, Steve & Terri
Thank you for sharing Austin's story with me. Blessings to each of you during this time.
Thinking of you, your family and your dear sweet Austin. Stay strong my friend. Mavis
Oh Camille, my friend. With a heavy heart and tears I acknowledge yours and your family's loss. God is near, He is trustworthy in His sovereignty. As I was recently reminded ~ when we can't trace His hand, trust His heart. Praying.
Oh my, how my heart breaks for you and your family. I'll be praying for you and your family. May God give you all the grace, strength and comfort that you need in the days ahead. May he strengthen your faith and lift you up daily.
So sad to hear of Austin's passing. You have our prayers for all of your family. I am impressed how you wrote so eloquently so soon afterwards. You are a strong lady. hugs, Erin and Rick
Let us therefore draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and may find grace to help in time of need. (Heb. 4:16)
Camille, my heart is heavy and sad. I am helpless to say anything that could bring comfort to you and your family during this time of extreme loss. He will see you through this. We will uphold you in prayer. May His amazing grace cover and enfold each of you.
Dear Camille,
I have no words. This space seems so narrow and unappropriated to send you my hugs and all my love. But prayers reach the farthest and know no limits, so know, please know, that I will be praying fervently for you.
Much love, sister. Much love.
May peace be with you and your family throughout this time. He was blessed with exceptional musical talent and I will have many fond memories playing piano with his fiddle tunes. He really loved it and he taught us all how to grab life like a big apple. God Bless
I just came across your blog and Austin's story last week. I mourn with you and will pray for you and am so glad that you will be able to find joy in knowing that you will see him again.
Thinking of you. Beautifully written...you are a wonderful example of faith. May God bless you in this incredibly difficult journey.
This is the first time I have visited your blog. I am so sorry for your loss, but I know what you are going through. My son died 2-1/2 years ago. God is ALWAYS good. The song that would not leave me then was The Solid Rock
My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly trust in Jesus’ Name.
The verse the Lord reminded me of was Job 13:15 Though he slay me, yet will I trust him:
I will be praying for you and your family.
This is my first time on your blog as well. I have had one misscarriage. I have not had a child I have loved for years pass. I feel as though I have no eloquent enough words to offer you. I've never met you, but I want you to know that as a mother, my heart is grieving for you. And as a fellow believer in Christ, I am praying for you. May you know the comfort of His presence, and His strength to face each day.
Oh Camille, my heart truly aches for you and your precious family after reading this. I have no words other than I will be praying for all of you.
Isaiah 41:10 Fear thou not; for I am with thee; be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.
Oh I am so sorry! I am truly a stranger- found your blog from another tonight. But please know I am praying for peace for you and your family!
What a comfort it is to know that your precious son is in heaven and that you will see him again. You are such a great encouragement to so many through this.
Matthew 11:28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Sweet sweet friend, my heart is sad.....know that we all will be lifting you up to the One that knows you and your families every need. You are so precious Camille, what a testimony to the ones that do not know Him. Love you and I am a phone call away! I wish I could be with. Reading your post it seems that your son taught you all much......you are rich that he loved his Heavenly Father. I love you! me
Dear Camille,
Thank you for letting me know of Austin's going Home to be with the Lord Jesus. I cannot imagine how difficult it is to lose one of your own children, but I am so blessed to see how you are, as David said, encouraging yourself in the Lord by remembering God's promises to you. I will continue to stay in touch.
Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:
For thine is the kingdom,
And the power,
And the glory,
For ever,
...your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.
Love in Christ,
The Brevieres
Continuing to pray for you. Can't help but meditate on I Thes 4 and 5 and look forward to the day when you will reunited with Austin again and all of us will get to worship at the throne room of God.
Dear Camille,
Tears flowed and flowed when I read of your precious son Austin's passing. I am so sorry and so sad and my heart breaks for you and I am praying for you and all your family. Praying that the Lord will wrap His arms around you, comfort you and give you peace as you mourn the very sad loss of your precious son.
Your post is so beautifully written and your faith and trust in the Lord is a powerful testimony.
I feel that my words are so inadequate at this extremely painful and sad time. Please know I am praying and will ask others to pray too.
God bless you Camille.
Love and Hugs.
Mr. and Mrs. J ~ My deepest sympathy. Austin was a very kind hearted and lovely boy. I will miss chatting with him and seeing him. My heart goes to you and your family. He is now in the Lord's hands. I pray for peace for your hearts.
Camille, I was so shocked and sorry to hear this news. My heart aches for you and your family. Thinking of you all and praying for you. Sarah
Praying for you and your family today, for our Heavenly Father to wrap his arms around each of you. While we smile for Austin because he is in a place we can only "IMAGINE", our hearts break as we miss him.
Our 13 year old daughter went to Heaven awhile back and although we miss her everyday, we smile at the memories the Good Lord gave us with her!
much love,
Camille your words have so lovely expressed the sentiments of your heart and the faith your family shares during such a heartbreaking departure. Your hurt is real and so is your God. No better joy in knowing that Austin is with his heavenly father, even when he is terribly missed by his family.
I was able to watch parts of the service today- I was at work, so between patrons I watched, and cried, and prayed.
The Lord was glorified.
I am praying for you and your precious family DAILY.
The next time we come out your way, I will come and visit you and pray with you and hug you.
My heart is so heavy.
God is so good.
Camille, there are no words. I am so so sorry. So sorry. Crying with you and for you. And praying with you and for you. -Taylor
Camille, your words are beautiful, thank you for sharing with us. I shared your blog with our daughter Kailey who loved her time babysitting your children.
For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.
Romans 8:18
Humble yourselves, therefore, under Gods mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
1 Peter 5: 6-7
Love Karen Deleeuw
i am so so sorry for your loss. i will be praying for the peace of God and the comforting presence of the Holy Spirit to surround you in the coming weeks and months.
We returned from our vacation yesterday to this sad news. The timing of our return meant that we missed the memorial service, but know that we are praying for you and for your family as you move forward on this difficult path.
May the Lord bless you and comfort you and hold you in his arms as you bring glory to Him, even in the midst of such great sorrow.
Camille, I continue to think of and pray for you and your family. You haven't been very far from my thoughts for the last week and a half.
Much, much love.
Oh dear Camille. I still remember our family dinner together with fondness. You have such a generous heart and your children have caught that through your nurturing. You had been in my heart lately. I heard of your situation from Shawna. I have lost contact info for you over the past few years and your sister was kind enough to let me know of your blog. Our prayers are with you. ~ the Austin's
I am so sorry to hear about your loss. Love and prayers,
Precious Friends ~ Words cannot begin to express our gratitude to each and every one of you for your love, encouragement, prayers and for all the myriad of ways we have been blessed in this last month. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your kind words and for the love shown to us through these means. May the LORD draw us each to Himself, and may we seek Him with all our hearts and glorify Him now and for all eternity. He alone is worthy. With Much Love, Camille
dear ones...
I can't believe Austin is already with the LORD! The last pic I saw was him studying outside...and he looked so good. I'm so sorry that I didn't see this earlier...I could have covered you in prayer. But please know that I am interceding for you now... and in the days and months ahead.
The Holy Spirit brought to mind one of my peaceful tunes. I sung it as a child and still do...anytime The Lord brings it to my spirit. I'm signing it over you tonight.
Peace, peace,
wonderful peace..
coming down from the Father above..
sweep over Camile and her family today...
with fathomless billows of LOVE.
No more pain for Austin...Just pure JOY! wrapped up in pure LOVE! His family membership has just been transferred to heaven....but he'll always remain right here on earth...as a sweet sweet song in the hearts of those who knew him best.
hugs to all of you
May the blessings of the Lord overtake you and fill you with His peace!
patrina <")>><
Matthew 5:4 Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
I am soooo sorry to see this news as Patrina sent me this because she just saw it and I had not been on the blog for a long time!
My heart is in my throat! Oh - how I wish I could reach through this computer and give you the biggest [[HUG]] right now! You are one of the best moms I have ever met and yes - we know that Austin is radiated now with the FACE of JESUS and he would never want to return...but the pain your heart must feel now is one that only JESUS and our FATHER can carry. I feel so bad that I did not know until now.
My own mother passed away on May 25th and we just had her Memorial service [here] on June 20th.
Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and I'd love to call you and talk with you by cell phone if that works at some point - just to pray with you over the phone if you'd want that! Let me know and I will email it to you!
So many people have lost loved ones suddenly in recent weeks. I still believe that JESUS is coming to RAPTURE us soon and very soon - and this is His way of preparing us - while He takes those we love on ahead of us!
I love you and will pray for you and all your family to rest in JESUS precious love during this grieving process.
Let not your heart be troubled...
Choosing JOY even in this,
Psalm 126
Dear J family, how we love you and appreciate you! Thank you for your example of faith and steadfastness in our loving Lord.
Words will never express how our hearts ache for you right now. We too are comforted by a wise and loving heavenly Father who makes no mistakes (Rom. 8:28), and it looks as if Austin has graduated before us all. His world, right now, is one that we can only long for and dream about; and one day soon it will be our joy to go there and see our Saviour, and Austin standing by His side.
Just as He did with Job, may our wonderful Lord grant you comfort, healing and wisdom to see how He will bring about many blessings because of this seeming tragedy in our lives. May God use your testimony to the saving and blessing of many souls in the days ahead.
All our love and prayers, your brothers and sisters in Christ, at Grace Baptist Church.
Pastor and Mrs. White
June 3, 2013 at 12:18 PM
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