July 6, 2013

Twenty-Two Years Ago

Twenty-two years ago, on this day,
at 10:30 in the morning ~ I married my Sweetheart.
We were young.  We were happy.  We were full of hope.
We had no idea what joys and sorrows lay ahead.
We didn't need to know.  It was a blessing that we didn't.
By God's Grace, we were building our lives together on the LORD.
And, He is Faithful.  SO Faithful.

We have nothing to fear when we are HIS.

At our reception we sang "I Cherish the Treasure of You" to each other.
One part of the song includes these words ~

"This sacred vow I make to you, does not contain an "if",
though I'm aware that trials lie ahead.
I will love you, and pray with you, and through it all I will
stay with you, our home will be a refuge of unconditional love."

It's a beautiful song and very meaningful.
And, it's all possible with the LORD.

We have had many happy times ~ many joy-filled times.
There have also been times of sorrow, 
as well as trials and troubles along the way.
But, God is Faithful.  He does all things well.

Prior to our precious Austin's passing,
we had ups and downs in our lives...as everyone does.
However, nothing compares to the depth of this sorrow.
We've never gone through anything like this.
But, God is Greater and He is Deeper.  
His ways are best and He walks this path with us.

Last night, we tended Austin's grave together.
It's what we did for our anniversary date.
Twenty-two years ago, we could not have imagined ourselves here.
But, we are here.  And, so is our Precious Saviour.
Each step of the way.

Many Blessings,


Maryann said...

You two make such a beautiful couple. Happy Anniversary, I think your anniversary date was perfect. We probably could't handle it if we knew what was in our future, he gives us grace for today and today alone
Much love and blessings

Jill said...

Happy anniversary! Wishing you many more years of happiness.

Thinking of you!


~marci~ said...

Happy Anniversary! The pictures display such joy. May blessings abound as you live for Him. We are celebrating our 25th year. I will share about 'celebrate part one' soon...
God gives such grace. Your trust in Him shines through your posts. Thank you for sharing Him.

Wanting What I Have said...

Happy Anniversary, sweet friends!!! We are praying for you...and the tears are flowing. I can't fathom the depth of your heartache...coupled with the peace He alone gives. Much love to all of you!!

Grandmabeckyl.blogspot said...

Happy anniversary to both of you. Yes, it's good not to know what's around the next corner in life. That's what faith is. Carry on your love for each other with God as savior and friend, because he knows you. I think that was a good date, Austin was your son and he will alway be special to you. Just had son and family here. I enjoy my grandchildren so much too. Hugs and many more happy, blessed years together!♡

Dianna said...

Awww...Happy Anniversary to you and your Sweetheart, Camille. I enjoyed viewing your wedding photos you shared here. I've not known you long, but throughout this time I've come to realize one thing about you...you truly trust our precious Lord in whatever circumstance you find yourself in. Your testimony is precious and you, Howie, Clavin, Fraser and Emma continue to be in my prayers on a regular basis. Hugs to you, my sweet friend.

Heather said...

Happy Anniversary, beautiful friend. What gorgeous photos! Terry and I sang the same song at our dear friends' wedding :)

Hopes Handcrafts said...

Happy Anniversary! May the Lord bless you and keep you, May His Face continue to shine in yours. {{hugs}} Thinking of you XX

My Memories Are Not Your Memories said...

Happy Anniversary to You and Your Love. I have yet to leave a comment on your blog but I have been a reader for quite some time. I know you don't know me but we have something in common ~ our love for our Lord & Savior. I wept when I read that Austin went to be with Jesus. My husband came over to see me and as he sat next to me he wept too. We prayed for you and your family together. I am so sorry for your loss. I think of you and pray for you often. Blessings, EMichelle

Farmgirl said...

God is faithful. Rejoicing for you on 22 years with your husband. Praying for you also.

Angela said...

Happy Anniversary! May God bless you in the years to come. I don't think anyone can fathom that they will be tending their son's grave on their anniversary. Although that does sound like special way to spend it. I'm glad that God doesn't tell us in advance what is happening but does prepare us. May God continue to bless and strengthen you.

Camille said...

Dear Maryann ~ Yes, my friend. HE is Good and does give grace for this day...how precious HE is! Thank you for your sweet words and friendship. :)

Dear Jill ~ Thank you my sweet friend. Thanks you. :)

Dear Marci ~ Happy 25th! God is truly Good. So very, very good. Thank you for your kind words and encouragement. I appreciate you. :)

Dear Jennifer ~ Thank you my precious friend...thank you! We so need prayer...how we need HIM! Love you. :)

Dear Becky ~ Thank you so much for your kind and loving words. I am blessed to know you. :)

Dear Dianna ~ I so appreciate your prayers for us my friend...thank you from the bottom of my heart! :)

Dear Heather in Canada ~ Aren't the words so powerful? We don't realise the depth of their meaning until we face those trials we sang of, do we? But, our Great God is Greater...HE carries us through. How precious HE is! Love to you. :)

Dear Julia ~ Thank you sweet friend...thank you! :)

Dear EMichelle ~ Welcome here! I am so glad you left this note...how would I get to know you otherwise? Thank you for your kind words and for your prayers. It is just the most precious thing to belong to the Family of our Great God! HE is Good. Always. :)

Dear Heather on the Farm ~ Thank you my precious friend. SO thankful for your prayers...yes, God is Faithful. How wonderful it is to belong to HIM! Love to you. :)

Dear Angela ~ Thank you for your kind and thoughtful words my friend. It truly was a good way to spend our anniversary date...not something we ever imagined...but, right just the same. Hugs to you. :)

With Love,

Stacie, A Firefighter's Wife said...

Crying for you my friend. Let the searing pain of your loss mold weld you together. Respect the way that each of you grieves, for it will be different. Give so much grace and love. Steve and I have survived our devastation but it was so, so hard. It still is, but I can say we are closer than we were before. Bonded together and with God in a new way.

I love you and continue to pray for you and your family.

Camille said...

Dear Stacie ~ Yes, where would we be without HIM?? Thank you so much for praying...you bless my heart! :)

With love,

Debbie Harris said...

Camile, what a beautiful tribute for your wedding anniversary post.
You were a beautiful blushing bride that radiates the glory of Christ.
I have enjoyed reading this post and looking at your lovely wedding.
July 6th is the anniversary of my parents, they are nearing 60 years.

Beautiful blessings to you!