A few new pieces of art have recently been added to our home.
Calvin had some calendars printed which included a number of his photos.
The one he made for me had carefully selected Bible verses added to the pictures....love!
Last summer, my Dad created some more of his beautiful drawings.
He shared one of them with us. A Grizzly mama bear with her cub is
featured in it with one of the Rocky Mountains in the background.
It currently lives in the office area of our home.
We've had this frame for a number of years, but, it was never put to use.
Once the bathroom had a fresh coat of paint, I was inspired to hang art.
Guess where the picture came from? An old calendar. Free!
It's hanging on the wall to the left in the photo above.

The hand towel rack that had been pulled out of the wall needed
to be installed in a different spot than it had previously been in.
And, these two little plaques go perfectly in the space created.
I especially love the Bible verses featured on them.
What precious promises the Lord gives His people!!