November 25, 2016

Flashback Friday ~ Our Little Men

Our three little men...pre-Emma days.
The year was 2001 and life was full.

I captured the photo below of my Sweetie reading to
our boys at about the same time as the photo above was taken.

How quickly the days and months and years fly by.
Before we realise what is happening, our little ones grow up.

Happy Friday!
With Love, Camille


Stephanie said...

Oh Camille, what precious photos! The last picture is just too sweet.

Thinking of you, dear one... Hugs and joy to you!

Cheesemakin' Mamma said...

Love these pictures! You are so gorgeous. Howie is a lucky man and I know he knows it. Fraiser's little chubby legs are so cute!

Sandi said...

Aww! So sweet.


Katy said...

So, so sweet!!! :)

Debbie Harris said...

Precious memories you have and those photos are just the sweetest!

Have a blessed day, dear lady~~

Camille said...

Stephanie ~ Thank you for your kind words my friend….we remember those days with fondness….how good and gracious the Lord is to us! Big Hugs to you! :)

Jackie ~ Aww….thank you for your sweet comments. I am thankful for my Sweetie…the Lord is so very good to give us one another, isn't He? Big Hugs! :)

Sandi ~ How quickly the days and years pass by….I cannot believe how long ago that was! Thank you for your sweet words. Hugs to you! :)

Katy ~ Thank you, sweet friend. Hugs! :)

Debbie ~ Thank you so much! May the Lord bless you with a wonderful day, too. Big Hugs! :)

With love,

Grandmabeckyl.blogspot said...

Oh dear and adorable boys with feet to tickle! Thanks for sharing the memories. I know how it goes...our children are adults and now our son has 3 children. Good memories and thankful God gave them to us. Parenthood is good even though trying and blessed all at the same time! God is good! Love and hugs,

Thankful for Grace said...

Very sweet photos. They are a treasure, for sure!

Yes, our little ones grow up so fast! My "baby" is fixin' to turn 25 this week, and my other child will soon be 27. Seems like just a couple years ago they were toddlers on my lap.

I have been putting together photo books for them, and it's been fun to meander down memory lane as I do. What a blessing that we have photos of our kids' lives...previous generations did not.


Pam said...

I love these precious pictures, Camille; What treasures they are. Yes, time goes by far too quickly. Have a lovely week.

Sandy said...

What precious photos, Camille!!
Yes, it's so true how fast the days, months and years past right before our very eyes.
God is good.
Hugs and love to you my friend!!

Camille said...

Becky ~ Oh, I know you understand my friend….thank you for sharing your wisdom here. :) Enjoy those precious grandbabies!! Hugs to you. :)

Patti ~ What a precious project you are doing for your grown children….they will love those photo books!! It is incredible how many photos there are to sift through, and you are right…they are gifts of this age in which we live. Hugs to you! :)

Pam ~ Truly….time does fly by! Have a lovely week, too! Big hugs. :)

Sandy ~ Thank you, sweet friend. You are currently in the midst of the memory making…enjoy it all! Hugs to you all. :)

With Love,