"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning."
James 1:17
And the numbering of gifts continues...will you join us?
102. My Fraser ~ Number 6 lining up a shot (Photo by Calvin!)
103. Date with hubby...a quick walk and...
104. ...Starbuck's ~ Chai Tea Latte with Vanilla...mmmm!
105. Thankful that "Old Betsy" (our van) was "fix-able"
106. Betsy was mended with very little inconvenience
107. We can cross the line for gasoline...blessings! :)
108. Thankful for "Nexus"...quick border crossing pass
109. Hard working husband
110. Eyes to see with
111. Ears to hear with
112. Mind to think with
113. Children that make a mess
114. Full tummies
115. New camera to play with
116. Beach to walk at
117. Free parking!
118. Online shopping
119. Money to buy books
120. God's Light...to illuminate my heart
121. Perspective
122. Trials and troubles...they drive me to my knees
123. Work for the children
124. Old-fashioned neighbourhood
125. Children for my children to play with
126. Bikes to ride
127. Woods to ride in
128. City conveniences nearby
129. Protected little quiet street to live on
130. A home to call our own
131. God's mercy in not stripping from us the many blessings we took forgranted
132. Not getting what I deserve
133. Getting what I don't deserve
134. Taste buds ~ As my hubby says...God didn't have to give us any! :)
135. Buddy (the neighbour's dog)
136. Amazing neighbours
137. Dog walking jobs
138. Paper route
139. Character building experiences for the children
140. Laptop
Many Blessings,
What wonderful blessings from God! I have enjoyed reading your list...it helps me to appreciate the little blessings around me each day too!
You mention going over the border for gas...is it much cheaper down here - I seem to think it is expensive, but of course we own a towing company and go through a lot of fuel!
Wishing you a lovely day!
Our cars name is "Betsy" too :) How funny...
Joining you in gratitude for a hard working husband; a true gift from God.
Enjoyed reading your list...
#140..laptop...amen to that!
Nadine ~ We drive a minivan and I figure with exchange and everything we save at least $15 on a fill...put that together with the $$ I save on chickens, eggs, butter and cheese and you have a worthwhile trip. Actually, the whole exercise including border crossings and shopping usually takes less than 1 hour...I have saved as much as $100 on one trip!
Mavis ~ That is funny! :)
Jenny ~ You are so right...I always said I wanted a hubby who I had to hold back rather than push...blessings upon blessings!
Annesta ~ I guess technically the name for a laptop is "notebook"...but who would know what I meant? :) Thanks for stopping by!
Camille, I was calculating in my mind how many of your blessings I was going to comment on until I came to 131. Wow, that one hits home. THAT'S an amazing God who has the power to, but doesn't strip us of our blessings. It does happen, and I've known that experience, but there's been so much more grace than discipline!
Thanks for the reminder.
Oh Heather ~ It's ALL of Grace! Even when something IS stripped from us...it is ALWAYS for our good! What a WONDERFUL God we serve.
With Love,
Hi Camille,
Thanks a lot for sharing your countless blessings, they seem to be endless! What a faithful God is He. There are many things in life indeed that we should acknowledge and be grateful in the Lord who gives us all these gifts that we enjoy.
We are so thankful for your family.
blessings to you...
Hannah :)
Dear Hannah ~
I am thankful for YOU! It is truly a beautiful thing to give thanks for ALL things...if only I would ALWAYS have this perspective!
Looking forward to our visit next week!
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