Treasures mount.
The eyes are opened.
And the list continues to grow.
"Enter into his gates with thanksgiving,
and into his courts with praise:
be thankful unto him and bless his name.
For the LORD is good;
his mercy is everlasting;
and his truth endureth to all generations."
~ Psalm 100:4-5 ~
The challenge was to reach 1000 gifts numbered ~
1000 has come and gone for me.
I continue to count because the
LORD's mercies are new every morning ~
Each day holds its own treasures.
There is joy to be found in the finding.
1201. Correspondence from a teenage
Great-Great Uncle who fought and died in WWI
1202. A stool for Austin's drafting board ~
*Free* to us...thank you Dad!
(I had only just written it on my *to buy* list)!
1203. More things to take to Bibles for Missions
1204. Listening to the composer at work
1205. Patch of distant blue breaking up the grey ~
It's winter and grey is the colour ~ I focus on the blue
1206. Double batch of Hamburger Soup simmering on the stove
1207. Little boy's hair to cut ~ right now! :)
1208. Daddy who takes our little girl on errands
and our boys to hockey
1209. Having learned that sometimes, waiting really is best
1210. Patience in the waiting ~ Grace!
1211. A boy who likes to wear his gifted-to-him jersey before he outgrows it
1212. Boys who help bring in the groceries
and do it with a smile ~ don't you just *love* those dimples? :)
1213. The discovery of a doll buckled in! :)
1214. When friends reach 1000 ~ sharing in the joy of it all!
1215. Towel spread with tools and screws and glue in the kitchen ~
promise of work to be done
1216. The long-ago-wedding-gift glass measuring bowl ~
still in use today
1217. Pure Vanilla Extract
1218. Morning muffins and the joy in their faces when it's not oatmeal
1219. Frozen berries ~ Summer's goodness in Winter
1220. Canadian Springs Water
Numbering my thanks is a habit I began over a year ago.
It has changed the way I look at *everyday* life.
I'm sure it would do the same for you.
Grab a journal and a pen ~
Set them on the counter and just begin!
Joy is everywhere.
Discover and be blessed.
In His Love,
I am thankful that on Saturday I was able to pick up my copy of 'One Thousand Gifts' ordered in weeks ago and so worth the wait. Only onto chapter 2 at the moment - it is a book I want to savour, not rush through.
Once gain so many little glimpses into your family life through your list. I loved the glass measuring bowl wedding gift that is still in use - we received tall vases and crystal rose bowls that I hardly use, they sit in the back of the cupboard! There is something to be said for giving practical gifts that can be used day in day out!
Great post--and great list! And yes, I love the dimples! I thoroughly enjoy visiting your site. The picture/colors in your header and your posts always do good things for my heart. : )
Thankful for the daffodils that are blooming in my flower bed. I peeked and there are tulips coming up and soon they will be in bloom. Thankful for a kitchen that has too much stuff that now I need to downsize or move around and clean dust! Thankful for the cupboards and floor, even though they could be updated, that I have to hold what God has given to us. Thankful for the Sundial Dreams music my friend so lovingly plays on her blog, Camille...and the other music as well. Have a blessed week, my friend! Hugs! :0)
Have I told you of late just how precious you are to me, Camille? I love the way you view life...from HIS perspective. I love the way that you look to HIM for your provisions. I love the joy you find in the every day. AND I love the way you choose blue over gray and count the hours of daylight. :)
Thank you for being a blessing, Camille.
Your list....ah! How encouraging. And just what I needed to read this morning! I have only just started my own 1000 gifts list. I'm all the way up to 17! woohoo!
Great list, Camille. I love the war correspondance gratitude... so special. Love the photos too and yes, those dimples!
Are you reading Ann's book? It's beautiful. I'm watching the videos here...
Have you seen them?
Enjoy Family Day!
Love, Heather
Yes those dimples are too cute!! Watch our girls :-)
Always a wonderful list Camille! I had to smile at "Emily" being buckled in safely, my little Kathleen does this to her dolls too. :-) Have a blessed day!
Your posts never fail to inspire me. I am in awe of the special correspondence you and your family have the privilege of reading. What a legacy... My great-grandfather served in WWII (he was the oldest survivor of the Bataan Death March) and reading his memoirs is so special.
Those dimples are priceless and you can see how pleased he is with the hockey jersey by the look in his eyes! My boys love their 'lightweight' hockey jerseys, but are never happy when I restrict their wear in the summer months when it is over 110... :)
Have a wonderful week!
Dear Ann ~ Ah yes...the practical gifts! I love it that many friends gave us those...they are used over and over again! I did receive my share of crystal too...they are used far less, but they contain special memories of their own. :)
Dear Lisa ~ What a sweet, sweet comment! Thank you for your encouraging words. May the LORD bless you as you visit here. :)
Dear Becky ~ How wonderful to give thanks for EVERYTHING!! Yaay for signs of spring!! How lovely it is to see flowers peeking out! I trust your week will be wonderful too! Thank you for stopping in and being a sweet encouragement. :)
Dear Dianna ~ Thank YOU for always being so sweet to me! I appreciate your kind words this day...thank you for your friendship, it is a blessing to my heart. :)
Dear Confessions ~ Yippee! You have begun to count! It is a blessing and I am sure you will reach 1000 in no time. Continue to thank the ONE from Whom all blessings flow...HE alone is worthy! :)
Dear Heather in Canada ~ Thank you for being such a faithful was through this listing of thanks that I found you! :)
Dear Cinnamon ~ LOL! I am not about to give him up too easily! The girls have to watch out for me! :)
Dear Jill ~ How fun that your girl buckles in her dolls too! I took the children to music lessons and Emily (the doll) was along for the ride. Without my noticing, Emma buckled her in as she left the van and I went and did my errands. When I got home...that was how I found her! :)
Dear Heather@Cultivated Lives ~ Thank you for your sweet words of's a blessing to my heart. May the LORD be glorified in all we do. What a rich heritage you have in those memoirs from your Great-Grandfather...very amazing! fun that your boys are into hockey too. Ah, yes...110 degree weather...not the time to be wearing a jersey! :)
Many blessings to you each one!
In His Love,
I love these lists you make. We take for granted all the "little" things God blesses us with each day.
I used to a list similar to this many years ago in a journal I found a few weeks ago. It was amazing how many blessings I had forgotten given by our God.
Is this list associated with a group of bloggers that do this? Like a link up?
I love how you see God's hands in all are a true blessing to me and many others. Your light for Christ shines brightly!!! had me at #1205...but then #1214!!! It is a joy to share, to make His name great and for all to hear (see!)l! Camille, I'm touched and after the couple of days I've just had...well you've got me all choked up. Thank you, friend. I'm blessed to get to be counted as one of yours. My oh my, heaven is going to be something else as all of us bloggy friends meet for the first time if we don't get to on this side. How beautiful is THAT? Come, Lord Jesus!
Dear Christine ~ Your encouragement is a blessing to my heart...thank you for your kind words! May the LORD be glorified in all we do...HE alone is worthy. To answer your question ~ Yes, I used to link up for these lists, but have continued on without doing so. It is a blessing in whatever capacity you choose to do it. Are you going to begin again? :)
Dear Tami ~ Yes, you are counted as one of my friends, and I was excited when you got to 1000! You are right...Heaven will be a glorious place...our Precious LORD Jesus Christ will be worshipped by us all perfectly! What a thought! :)
In His Love,
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