When I began all this counting,
it was unclear to me how it would take shape.
I was not sure how long I would keep it up.
I had no idea how long it would take.
I was unprepared for how it would change me.
Little by little.
Reaching One Thousand Gifts was the goal.
Numbering each of them ~
One by one.
I have given extra thought to this post.
This *milestone* journal entry.
It is just that...a milestone, something to note,
but then life continues on...I press on.
"Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended:
but this one thing I do,
forgetting those things which are behind,
and reaching forth unto those things which are before,
I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling
of God in Christ Jesus."
~ Philippians 3:13-14 ~
The form of the journal as it took shape ~
week after week and month after month ~
changed and it began to become easier to give thanks.
It became a part of who I am.
Some journal entries were elaborate and
some were simple.
But they all contained bits and pieces of us,
of our family ~ our life.
Real life.
There are times we are called to be thankful
even in difficult circumstances.
We are not called to understand.
We are called to give thanks.
In the midst of the everyday and the messy.
In the midst of chaos and trials.
In the midst of joys and sorrows.
When it seems impossible.
Even then.
It is the mark of a Christian.
The mark of one purchased.
I am not my own.
I have been bought with a price.
I belong to HIM.
It is to HIM I give the thanks.
To the ONE from WHOM all blessings flow.
By HIS grace and for HIS glory.
This day, and the next, and the next and the next.
Until HE takes me home.

The numbering helps.
BUT, it is only a tool.
The purpose is to develop
the habit of
The habit of
Will I continue?
Yes, by the grace of GOD.
Day after day, week after week,
month after month.
As long as HE gives me strength.
Will it always be in this format?
I cannot say.
But for now it is.
For now, I continue.
Numbering gifts ~
To 1000 and beyond.
As I count the last few up to 1000,
the ONE I want you to see is the LORD.
My PRECIOUS Saviour.
Without HIM life is not worth living.
After all, it really is ALL about HIM!

978. He has given us HIS WORD!
979. He is PATIENT!
980. He gives me HIS peace that passes all understanding
981. He is LOVING and KIND
983. He is ALL KNOWING
984. He is ALL SEEING
986. He is PRESENT everywhere all at once
987. He is PERFECT
988. He is WISE and JUST
989. His MERCY extended to me...even while I was yet a sinner
990. His GRACE extended to me each and every day
991. His KEEPING power over my life
993. He HEARS me when I pray!
994. He LEADS me so gently along
995. He GIVES all I need and more!
996. He CARES about all the details
997. He SHOWS me the way to go
998. He PROMISES never to leave me nor forsake me!
999. He is my SHEPHERD
1000. And I am HIS sheep!

**Photo kindly shared with me by my friend Christa ~ So sweet! :)
Oh there is SO much to be told about HIS infinite LOVE and MERCY.
If you belong to the LORD, that is WONDERFUL!
If you do not know HIM yet,
please prayerfully consider this article.
Where will you spend eternity?
Waste no time ~
None of us are guaranteed a tomorrow.
Please prayerfully consider this truth.
Many blessings to each and every one of you!
In His Love,
it was unclear to me how it would take shape.
I was not sure how long I would keep it up.
I had no idea how long it would take.
I was unprepared for how it would change me.
Little by little.
Reaching One Thousand Gifts was the goal.
Numbering each of them ~
One by one.
I have given extra thought to this post.
This *milestone* journal entry.
It is just that...a milestone, something to note,
but then life continues on...I press on.
"Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended:
but this one thing I do,
forgetting those things which are behind,
and reaching forth unto those things which are before,
I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling
of God in Christ Jesus."
~ Philippians 3:13-14 ~
The form of the journal as it took shape ~
week after week and month after month ~
changed and it began to become easier to give thanks.
It became a part of who I am.
Some journal entries were elaborate and
some were simple.
But they all contained bits and pieces of us,
of our family ~ our life.
Real life.
There are times we are called to be thankful
even in difficult circumstances.
We are not called to understand.
We are called to give thanks.
In the midst of the everyday and the messy.
In the midst of chaos and trials.
In the midst of joys and sorrows.
When it seems impossible.
Even then.
It is the mark of a Christian.
The mark of one purchased.
I am not my own.
I have been bought with a price.
I belong to HIM.
It is to HIM I give the thanks.
To the ONE from WHOM all blessings flow.
By HIS grace and for HIS glory.
This day, and the next, and the next and the next.
Until HE takes me home.
The numbering helps.
BUT, it is only a tool.
The purpose is to develop
the habit of
The habit of
Will I continue?
Yes, by the grace of GOD.
Day after day, week after week,
month after month.
As long as HE gives me strength.
Will it always be in this format?
I cannot say.
But for now it is.
For now, I continue.
Numbering gifts ~
To 1000 and beyond.
As I count the last few up to 1000,
the ONE I want you to see is the LORD.
My PRECIOUS Saviour.
Without HIM life is not worth living.
After all, it really is ALL about HIM!
978. He has given us HIS WORD!
979. He is PATIENT!
980. He gives me HIS peace that passes all understanding
981. He is LOVING and KIND
983. He is ALL KNOWING
984. He is ALL SEEING
986. He is PRESENT everywhere all at once
987. He is PERFECT
988. He is WISE and JUST
989. His MERCY extended to me...even while I was yet a sinner
990. His GRACE extended to me each and every day
991. His KEEPING power over my life
993. He HEARS me when I pray!
994. He LEADS me so gently along
995. He GIVES all I need and more!
996. He CARES about all the details
997. He SHOWS me the way to go
998. He PROMISES never to leave me nor forsake me!
999. He is my SHEPHERD
1000. And I am HIS sheep!

**Photo kindly shared with me by my friend Christa ~ So sweet! :)
Oh there is SO much to be told about HIS infinite LOVE and MERCY.
If you belong to the LORD, that is WONDERFUL!
If you do not know HIM yet,
please prayerfully consider this article.
Where will you spend eternity?
Waste no time ~
None of us are guaranteed a tomorrow.
Please prayerfully consider this truth.
Many blessings to each and every one of you!
In His Love,
1000!!! Wooo hoooo!!! Thank you for living out this testimony of thanksgiving!!! What a blessing it is to my own life to read your numbered thanks. You encourage me, dear friend. I rejoice with you in reaching 1000, and I look forward to (for now) your continued sharing of thanksgiving to our heavenly Father, for His sovereign goodness in your life.
How appropriate to end your 1000 gifts counting sheep!
I loved your picture and I'm sending you [on e-mail] another one from when I had my sheep Cotton and Lace!
Beautiful post to end Thanksgiving weekend with!
Blessings, Stephanie
I love the last of your 1000. He is always faithful, even when we are not. God is good. All the time.
Camille, This post was beautiful and so touching. I really appreciated all the ways you found to be thankful in our Lord and Savior.
I have enjoyed your thankful posts all year. It has been a blessing. Thanksgiving is all year, every day. It's not about food....come see my latest on thankful thoughts! Have a great day! Hugs!
Dear Jennifer ~ You encourage me...thank you for your sweet friendship, it is a blessing to my heart. How wonderful that the LORD is constantly with us in this journey...what a blessing that HE is indeed Sovereign, as you so aptly point out. In ALL things! :)
Dear Stephanie ~ Thank you so much for your encouragement...AND for sharing those sweet photos with me ~ I am sure those sheep were VERY precious to you! They are adorable. :)
Dear Cindy ~ Oh YES! ALL. THE. TIME. How fresh this is in your life my friend! You have a beautiful testimony of God's goodness...it is so lovely to witness it! May the LORD continue to give you daily all you need. How precious that we belong to HIM!!
Dear Jenn ~ Oh there is SO. MUCH. that is wonderful about our Saviour, isn't there? Thank you for your sweet encouragement and for your friendship...it's a blessing! :)
Blessings to you each one!
In His Love,
Dear Becky ~ So sorry about missing you in the comment, above...I was typing as you were. :( I agree...thanksgiving ought to be everyday, all year long! The LORD blesses us daily, so we should thank HIM daily! Thanks for the encouragement here today my friend...I appreciate you. :)
Have a lovely weekend!
In His Love,
Congrats on your 1000 thankfulness milestone. You so right, being thankful changes us!
Yay! Encouraging words here, friend! 1000...and the counting goes on and on.
Love you!
Great job! You did it!!!
I'm so proud of you.
Wow--you've reached 1000! Yeah! That's a lot of blessings. It's been a fun journey to walk with you, reading what you've written:) It does help us really appreciate all that we have, doesn't it?
Keep counting, my friend.
With care,
Dear Jackie ~ Thank you for your encouragement...I appreciate you! :)
Dear Trisha ~ How sweet you are! Yes, the counting goes on and on...what a blessing! How wonderful our Saviour is!!
Dear Stacie ~ Like I said to Jackie...I appreciate you too! Thank you so much for your encouraging words. :)
Dear Teresa ~ I am so thankful that the LORD brought this idea across my path through Ann's blog...what a blessing it has been! Thank you also for your kind words of encouragement...they are a blessing to me! :)
May the LORD bless each of you with a wonderful week!
In His Love,
Visiting from Ann's...congratulations on reaching 1000 gifts...may God continue to give eyes to see his gifts to you each day!
What a beautiful post. I love the gratitude community so much. I come away so blessed and refreshed. And you are right, counting gifts does change us. I'm finding it so much easier, I notice more and ascribe thanks in the direction of the One who gives these wonderful gifts.
Dear Jenna ~ Welcome! Thank you for your sweet encouragement...it's lovely to "meet" you! I agree...we *do* need the LORD to help us in this venture!
Dear Heather ~ Welcome! I appreciate your input here on this post...what a blessing it is to be a part of this community! Yes, it does become easier and it is so encouraging to view things this way. May the LORD help us each in this journey to please HIM with our thanks.
Blessings to you both!
In Him,
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