Summer gives way to fall.
The seasons ebb and flow and
I continue to give thanks.
the seasons.
The weather changes and so do the activities.
We look back and wonder where the time went.
How did it go so quickly?
"Back to School"?
We embrace the life God gives and the things in it to be done
and we enjoy remembering the moments...
741. Little girl stretched out on her tummy colouring ~
pink socks in the air
The seasons ebb and flow and
I continue to give thanks.
the seasons.
The weather changes and so do the activities.
We look back and wonder where the time went.
How did it go so quickly?
"Back to School"?
We embrace the life God gives and the things in it to be done
and we enjoy remembering the moments...
741. Little girl stretched out on her tummy colouring ~
pink socks in the air
742. Quatchi and Mukmuk ~
deeply discounted Olympics stuff
743. The birthday celebrations...Fraser's and Mine
745. Shoes lined up at the front door...
ready to slip on at a moment's notice
746. The continued (maybe?) promise of corn ~
this was a new experience for us
747. Whites on the line ~
bleaching in the sun
748. A "photo moment" with one of God's little creatures...
749. Two oldest helping out with some painting ~
they did a great job too!
750. Two middle children making a tent out of cardboard boxes and
asking to spend the night ~ those crazy kids! :)
Just a side note ~ this box was from our new deck furniture and this
"tent" was created on the night of our "cousin cook-out"...
751. "End of the season" sale on lovely hanging baskets...
about a month ago!
752. Oldest mastering the "art" of reading directions ~
and assembling our new patio chairs mostly on his own...
thank you Austin!
753. Patio furniture found at a "clearance" sale ~
God's blessings!
754. Father and son working together
755. Entrepreneurial young men ~
And the neighbours that hire them! :)
756. Enjoying the new furniture ~
photos of the boys taken in secret. :)
757. A Daddy that will colour with his little girl...precious!
758. Rooftop experiences ~
and thankful that nothing got broken! :)
759. Oldest saying ~ "Mum, this is so MUCH fun...
Dad's playing with us!" ~
An impromtu water fight on a hot summer's day ~
the "little" things!
760. Oldest and youngest boy climbing "the" tree together ~
shared excitement and experiences...conquering fears!
AND again ~ thankful that nothing got broken! :)
**Do you see the little white dot at the top of the tree?
That would be Austin ~
Be. Still. My. Heart!
761. Corinthian Bells ~
Windchimes from my sister...thank you!! :)
762. Homemade blackberry syrup...oh yum!
763. Daddy and two youngest camping out in the backyard
764. The *last* outdoor fire of the season
765. Roasting hot dogs on an open fire
766. More S'Mores!
767. A few more days of sun before fall weather sets in
768. Stars in the night sky...God's handiwork ~
the wonder of it all!
769. Excitement of youth and...
770. How it rubs off on us...
Many Blessings,
Hi Camille...goodness, you have a lot to be thankful for today :) :) :) I always love it when you number your posts. I've slacked in writing mine down...but I'm always grateful in my heart for small blessings etc...The one photo of your hubby with one of the children on the rooftop...Oh, goodness...reminded me a little of Anne Shirley when Josie Pye challenged her to walk the ridgepole of a roof. I'm glad no one was hurt on the rooftop or the tree.
I just spent the last bit of my day cleaning the bathtub. Oh, my knees. I don't mind cleaning the bathtub...which is weird since I really dislike cleaning..BUT, I do wish someone would invent a lovely scrubber attached to a pole so I could scrub stuff clean and not have to ruin my knees in the process :) :) :)
Have a lovely SUnday and a great week. This weekend is Labor Day weekend here in the USA. My father and I are staying home just enjoying the day..I found some lovely things at a couple of yard sales this weekend. I'll be posting about those soon. Lots of love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :) :) :)
LOVE all these!!! I cannot believe Austin was THAT HIGH UP IN THE TREE. I don't know how you could even take a picture! Oh. My. Goodness.
The patio furniture is FABULOUS! I love the stripes. GREAT choice! God's provisions are so wonderful!
I loved seeing these photos. They made me tear up. What a gift- simple pleasures with our families. We are so blessed. Thanks for sharing:-).
Ah, the final days of summer. It was FREEZING here today and yesterday! Feels so much like Fall already but I believe we'll get one more heat wave... hopefully :) Love the tents in the backyard--looks like they're having a blast! My favourite photo is the roof! So fun. Love your deck and discounted chairs! Now, time to buckle down, eh? (Just had to be Canadian there :)
Have a good week.
love, Heather
Boy in tall tree? I remember our son climbing to the top of our very tall tree. He never fell, thank you Jesus. Memories! Thanks for sharing. It's cooling here, so now when will it rain? Hugs!
Beautiful photos of your summer - I await ours, it is spring but the days are already 'summer warm' and the snakes are already out and about!
I just wanted to let you know my copy of 'When you rise up' arrived in today's mail. I am onto the second chapter and saying so many Amens. I think I will need some post it notes to mark my favourite quotes too. So thank you for the recommendation Camille!
You are truly blessed...
ps love the pink
have a great day..
talk to ya soon my friend.
What a wonderful summer you the pink socks. Will enjoy seeing all the activity in your Autumn Season.
Dear Heather's Blog-o-rama ~ LOL...yes, good old Anne Shirley! I didn't think of that...I was not keen on the idea, but of course, they are not only my children...they have a Daddy who takes them on "adventures"! :) I kneel on a special cushion made for knees when I do anything like the bathtub...they are cheap and help SOOO much! I will look for your yard sale finds when I fun! :)
Dear Jenn ~ I *love* being able to call you by name! :) Yes, Austin was WAAAY up there, but remember he is NOT little like your small man...he is 15!! AND like I said to Heather (just above), he has a Dad AND a Mum and even though I think it's not a good idea, Dad thinks it's we go with that and I turn away (unless I am taking a picture ~ *wink*) and I pray. :) Thanks for the kind compliments on the was *so* amazingly perfect...and it came with SIX chairs! God is so kind to us...beyond reason!
Dear ThyHand ~ Oh dear, now you are going to get me to tear up! I think all of us Mums have a hard time with things slipping away, don't we? Seize the day...the moment...and enjoy!! My new motto ~ just made it up now. ;-)
Dear Heather ~ I know what you mean about buckling down! Why is it SO hard this year?? Maybe this rain will help! I *love* it that you are Canadian too...funny, eh? ;-)
Dear Becky ~ Oh yes, it is the LORD we must thank for these mercies! I do pray while he does such things, and I warn him when he's not up there...a mothering thing to do, right? The rain? Well, it's begun here...not there? Hmmm...I rarely ask where the rain is, usually it's the sun I am looking for! LOL! :)
Dear Ann ~ I *love* the seasons! How fun that you are opposite to us here in the "north"...I have thought about you and your winter while we have been having summer...interesting to think, isn't it? I am SO glad you are benefitting from that book...I plan to read it again and again. Such a blessing! :)
Dear Karen ~ Oh that we would all slow down long enough to realise just how blessed we are! That's why I began numbering the seems to freeze time, just a little! :)
Blessings to you all!
In His Love,
Dear Treasures ~ I was publishing the above comment while you left yours, so I missed you...sorry! Thank you for your kind words and for your visit! Ah, yes, the did it come so quickly? AND suddenly?? ;-)
Celebrating thanks with you this day :)
Love your pictures!
Hey Friend... Its Fall... here is Fla we dont have a change of season,,, lol, so we can determine when to start
but it is close..
love your post.. see ya soon my friend.. have a great week
Lovely to hear from you today -t-! I appreciate your sweet encouragement...thank you! :)
LOL Karen ~ Recently you seemed to be done with the oppressive heat of I thought your blog header was appropriate! Thanks for your visit today...have a great week! :)
Blessings to you both!
In Him,
Hi Camille,
First i just have to say my heart skipped a few beats seeing Austin in the top of that tree! Wow, impressive. :-)
What wonderful memories this summer has brought to your family. So many blessings!
My daughter got the biggest smile on her face when I told her you liked the names of her goldfish, she said be sure to tell you thank you!
Hope you have a wonderful week!
Dear Jill ~ Mine too Re: Austin! ;-) I'm so glad your girl was happy...I think they are fun names. Enjoy those goldfish! Have a wonderful week too! :)
So many wonderful things to be thankful for! Thank you for sharing. I am thankful for a hug that I just recieved from my five year old as I was typing this comment!
Dear Stacie ~ Thank you! Oh yes, hugs from little people are the BEST!! Top of the list for sure! :)
Last campfire of the season. Oh what a beautiful fragrance to hold onto as the weather cools and the trees turn golden.
Your photos are lovely.
Happy Birthday! When was the actual day? Is Fraser's on the same day?
You have some growing young men there learning important lessons about work--painting and working for neighbors. Your deck looks really nice from what the picture shows.
Thanks for sharing!
With His grace,
Welcome Janis! It's lovely to "meet" you! Thank you for taking the time to leave a sweet and encouraging comment ~ mmm....campfires and seasons changing...isn't God's creation wonderful? :)
Dear Teresa ~ Thanks for the birthday greetings! My birthday is July 14, and Fraser's is exactly three weeks later, on August 4th...we are the only summer birthdays in our immediate family. Thank you also for the compliments on the deck. My Dad built those railings for us...we are so blessed that he is willing to help us around here (our house is older and needed some attention a few years back)...another subject for another post....maybe one day. :)
Blessings to you both!
In Him,
LOVE this gratitude list! Your home seems so peaceful! Love that in photos from a gal with four children that peace is still evident.
And that photo of your boy at the top of the tree!!! Be still MY heart too! And 769-770... It never ceases to amaze me how something I deem as mundane can be met with such excitement by my little ones. That is probably one of my favorite things about parenting, getting to view EVERYTHING new again. God is sweet to us that way, isn't He?
Blessings on you, my Canadian friend!
Dear Tami ~ It's not always peaceful, but the LORD does bless us with HIS peace, which is so WONDERFUL!! I agree, children are a treasure from the LORD...parenting is a sweet adventure. It was lovely to hear from you today...thanks for taking the time to visit! :)
Blessings to you!
In Him,
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