If we belong to the LORD,
the Bible tell us that we will one day be with
HIM in Heaven!
THAT is an incredible thought!
But what about now?
Are we promised riches?
We are promised the peace that passes all understanding.
We are promised that HE will never leave us.
We are promised that all our needs will be met.
We *love* Spurgeon in our home.
We feel as though he really has been pastor to us over the years.
"Morning and Evening"
is a devotional book that was written over 150 years ago
by the "Prince of Preachers" (Spurgeon).
The November 11th evening reading was such a blessing to our hearts!
Here I will share some quotes from it with you.
If you do not own a copy of this devotional,
I would encourage you to purchase one for your home!
It is that wonderful!!
"He shall choose our inheritance for us..." Psalm 47:4
"Believer, if your inheritance be a lowly one you should be
satisfied with your earthly portion; for you may rest
assured that it is the fittest for you.
Unerring wisdom ordained your lot,
and selected for you the safest and best condition."
~ C.H. Spurgeon ~
Do we understand this?
Oh that we would fully comprehend the
incredible depths of it!
Ordained of God...
our inheritance has been ordained by God for us!!
Maybe things are not going as you planned.
Maybe every week you wonder where the money
for the next bill will be coming from.
Maybe your health is poor.
Maybe your children are wayward.
Whatever the situation, we all need to remember this...
Our lot is chosen for us and will be used by God
to do His perfect work in us!
"Remember this, had any other condition been better for you
than the one in which you are, divine love would have put you there.
You are placed by God in the most suitable of circumstances..."
~ C.H. Spurgeon ~
Do we really believe this?
Oh that we would truly grasp the profound truth of it!
All comes from the loving hand of our perfect
Heavenly Father...for our good and His glory!
How wonderful to read such truths from a man who has long been
in Glory and who knew His Lord well!
The truths he shares are timeless.
They often strike us as timely for whatever it is we face.
Isn't God's Word like that?
Perfectly suited for every occasion.
How blessed we are!
What an inheritance!!
"Be content with such things as you have,
since the Lord has ordered all things for your good."
~ C.H. Spurgeon ~
** All quotes in this post taken from "Morning and Evening"
November 11th Evening Reading ~ by C.H. Spurgeon.
Yes, Camille! Praising God for cultivating contentment in my heart and for your wise words of encouragement.
Love you!
Wonderful! Love these quotes and I've read about those very thoughts in the Word this week. Beautiful photos too!
Have a great weekend.
Love, Heather
p.s. If I ever come for a visit, I'm bringing all this candy... since you offered :)
It is good to know we are in His hands. Blessings to you and yours.
Camille....this is really great. I think my dad even has a copy of Spurgeon's devotion in the home somewhere. While I have never read any of his things...my dad has :) :) :) So it's a name I'm well familiar with...oh and that last quote from C.H. Spurgeon..."Be content with such things as you have...." My grandmother used to say it exactly that way....and now my dad says it too :) :) :) :) God is good and I'm still here to tell about it :) :) :) Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)
What wonderful encouragement! Thank you! I too enjoy Spurgeon.
Trisha ~ How encouraging God's Word is to our hearts...what a blessing that HE has given it to us!! Thank you for your sweet words today! :)
Heather ~ How blessed we are to have HIS Word!! I'm so glad you have been reading these very things as well...such encouragement for our hearts, isn't it? And yes...bring the candies! :)
Patty ~ How precious to belong to HIM! Yes, in HIS hands...how wonderful!! Thank you for stopping by today! :)
Heather in Oregon ~ Oh you must try to find that copy of Spurgeon's devotions...it is so rich...I'm sure it will be a great blessing to you heart! What a rich heritage you have...such a lovely testimony. :)
Stacie ~ I am so glad you enjoy Spurgeon...so much to be gleaned from his writings, don't you think?
May the LORD bless you each one as you seek to follow HIM!
In His Love,
I love this about our Lord! He knows our needs and provides them. Even when we are in circumstances that are not what we hoped for, God chooses these times and places us there because He loves us and is sanctifying us always, for His glory. These times are exactly what we need! These truths help me to rest and trust in Him.
Thanks you Camille for sharing a little of who our Lord is.
Have a blessed Lord's day my friend,
Christa ~ Oh isn't HE wonderful?? I am so thankful that HE is perfect in all HIS ways and that we can REST in HIM and HIS plans for us...what a blessing to just TRUST!! May the LORD refresh you this LORD's Day my friend! Thank you for stopping by...it is always lovely to hear from you. :)
In His Love,
Thanks for the encouragement! Hugs across the miles my friend!
I too love Spurgeon...I had no idea though that there was a book out there called "morning and evening". I think a google search is in order.
Thank you.
Love, LOVe, LOOOOVE this!!! And love Spurgeon! And Morning & Evening! :)
Becky ~ Hugs back to you my friend! Have a wonderful week! :)
Treasures ~ You can purchase it at Christian Book Distributors...the link is here in this post ~ just click on the title of the book. I'm so glad you enjoy Spurgeon too! :)
Jennifer ~ Oh I am so glad!! We have been so blessed over the years by his writings...such encouragement he gives!! :)
Blessings to you each one!
In His Love,
Catching up a little bit this morning before heading off to my Tuesday ladies Bible study...oh these quotes from Spurgeon get me all teary. You just inspired me to break out my copies of Morning by Morning and Evening by Evening again. Was given them years ago when I was in my darkest days by the two men who I worked for who passed them along to me because they didn't want them. They were gifts from a patient to the surgeon and his PA. I've not cracked them open in a long time...until now. Oh how God is pulling at my heart to take Him in deeper! He uses you as a vessel.
Tami ~ What a precious thing...to be drawn to the LORD! May those copies of Spurgeon's devotionals be a great blessing to your heart! Sending you (((hugs))) this day! :)
With Love,
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