Prior to any of our children
being born into our family,
we prayed for their Salvation.
We prayed that they would
love the LORD and follow HIM.
We prayed that HE would have their hearts.
We continue to pray.
This past Sunday,
Austin followed the Lord Jesus Christ
in the waters of baptism.
He obeyed the LORD's command.
By God's Grace.
"And Jesus came and spake
unto them, saying,
All power is given unto me
in heaven and in earth.
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations,
baptizing them in the name of the Father,
and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Teaching them to observe all things
whatsoever I have commanded you:
and lo, I am with you alway,
even unto the end of the world.
~ Matthew 28:18-20 ~
We are rejoicing!
Rejoicing in God's Mercy.
In HIS Goodness.
In HIS Grace.
"All that the Father giveth me shall come to me;
and all that come to me I will in no wise cast out."
~ John 6:37 ~
May the LORD have the hearts of
each of our children.
Be encouraged.
As long as there is breath,
there is hope.
The LORD is Faithful.
And HE does all things well.
Many blessings,
**Photos courtesy of Calvin ~
Thank you my love. xo
Hurrah! for Austin! Rejoicing with you all tonight, Camille! It is such a joy, blessing and comfort when our children make such a committment and public testimony to follow Jesus!
Excellent photos, Calvin! Not a blurry shot in them!
wow! im baptized so long already but it touches my heart everythime i see this..when people make the choice to follow christ and be a child of him is the most precious moments of a persons life..thanks for sharing..i dont have words..loves soraya
That's truly something to celebrate! It just touches a parent's heart when one of their children turn their hearts to the Lord and become born again! Rejoicing with you, Camille!
oh how exciting, Camille!! i am so happy for you and Austin!! Praise God!!
My son gave his heart to the Lord last Friday (the 4th),,,He came home from Youth Group wanting to do it..but with me...I felt so HONOURED...Hallelujah and Glory to God on the Highest!!
So glad you have photos to capture such a profound moment for your family. I have tears in my eyes.
Praising God with you, Camille!
So thankful for our children... who follow the Lord. God is faitfhul.
Thanks for commenting on my blog!
Praising God with you today!!!
So excited with you. Praise God for this incredible life that He has gifted you with.
There's nothing more wonderful than your children following in truth.
Dear Camille,
Indeed, we are rejoicing with you!! What a great testimony to follow the Lord in the waters of baptism. How precious to see Austin taking that step. Praise the Lord. What great wisdom to pray for the children's Salvation before they were born! I am learning from you. Love those photos by Calvin!! :)
In His Grace,
Hi Camille,
One of the greatest joys there is, is to see our children walking in the truth! 2John 4; 3John 4
May our ever merciful, gracious and prayer hearing God continue to lead and bless you all!
Give my best to Austin♥
Your friend and sister in the Lord, Susan
What a precious post! I am so happy for y'all! Rejoicing in God's goodness and faithfulness!
Praise be to God!! Love you, my friend, and I'm rejoicing with you.
Rejoicing with you and yours, Camille! What a glorious day for him!
So happy for you and your sweet son! What a blessing to see him following Jesus~
Congratulations~ Cinnamon
Bless you Austin for taking this next step in your commitment to Jesus Christ. I am so thrilled for you:) May He continue to give you strength, wisdom and encouragement! Blessings Pippa
Oh Camille!!!! Tears! Baptism and happy tears - what a beautiful day! So happy to see these beautiful photos and rejoice with you, my friend! Oh we pray these same prayers, and yes, "as long as there is breath, there is hope." Beautifully said.
CONGRATULATIONS!!! I look forward to knowing your son in heaven. :-)
Oh how wonderful, Camille! I'm rejoicing with you!
Dear Raeann ~ How sweet of you to enter into our joy with us my friend...thank you! The LORD truly is Good!! :)
Dear Soraya ~ Thank you so much for joining with us in our rejoicing! How wonderful it is to witness a baptism...I agree with you! :)
Dear Becky ~ How true it is that something like this touches a parent's heart...I couldn't agree more! Thank you for rejoicing with us! :)
Dear Julia ~ Thank you my friend! How wonderful it is to read that your boy wants to follow the LORD too...what a blessing!! Yes, indeed...all praise belongs to our precious Saviour! :)
Dear Heather ~ Thank you so much my friend! May the LORD be glorified! :)
Dear Teena ~ How Good our Great God is!! What a blessing that HE leads us so gently along. Thank you for your kind words. :)
Dear Jenn ~ Thank you my friend...thank you! HE alone is worthy! :)
Dear Connie ~ What a sweet note of encouragement...thank you! Yes, indeed...Praise HIS Holy Name!! :)
Dear Chelle ~ I couldn't agree with you more my friend. How Wonderful our Precious Saviour is!! :)
Thank you to each of you who left a sweet are all a blessing to me.
Many Blessings,
Dear Sandy ~ You are a sweetie my friend...thank you for always being an encouragement to my heart. May the LORD be glorified in all we do...HE alone is Worthy! We must get together soon! :)
Dear Susan ~ Thank you so much my precious have always been such a wonderful encourager! We must get together soon too! :)
Dear Jennifer ~ Thank you so much my sweet friend. The LORD is so Good, isn't HE?? :)
Dear Trisha ~ I am thankful for you and for your friendship...thank you for entering into our joy with us! :)
Dear Cindy ~ Thank you so much my friend. Still praying for you. :)
Dear Cinnamon ~ It truly is a blessing to watch our children grow in Grace...God is Good! May HE lead each of your children throughout their lives as well...for HIS Glory! :)
Dear Pippa ~ Thank you for your sweet and encouraging words to Austin...what a blessing! The LORD is so Good to us, isn't HE? :)
Dear Tami ~ I know you pray the same way my friend...the LORD is Faithful. What a blessing it is to REST in HIS Sovereignty. HE is Good...all the time! :)
Dear Mary Grace ~ Welcome! Thank you so much for your sweet words. Yes, indeed...HEAVEN!!! How wonderful the thought!! :)
Dear Jackie ~ Thank you so much my friend! How Wonderful our Great God is!! :)
Thank you to each one of you for entering into our joy with us...God is SO Good and Gracious and Merciful! May HE be praised!
Many Blessings,
I'm so behind on my blog reading... But this post just made my heart sing. I'm rejoicing with you and your family. And I'm in faith that God is at work in the same way with my own children!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Heather in AZ ~ Oh may the LORD truly do HIS Work in each heart of each of your children and ours!! HE is SO Good!! :)
Many blessings,
Oh Sweet Camille! A true blessing from our Lord for the drawing and saving the soul of your dear Austin! A parents prayer has been answered by our mighty God in heaven! This is truly great news!
I will pray for Austin, that our Lord will continue to grow, mold, sanctify him to the likeness of Christ! Not just today...he will be on my prayer list. As a young man, as we know, there will be many temptations but I will pray he will hold fast...with the strength of Christ in him, and keep his eyes fixed above!
Oh how I rejoice with you and your husband!
Love In Christ,
Praise God!!!! What a wonderful blessing. Congratulations to Austin (and you and Howie too!) I love this!
Dear Christine ~ You are a treasure! Thank you so much for your continued prayers...the LORD is so good to us...always!! I will add your sweet family to our prayer basket and we will pray for the Salvation of your precious children. :)
Dear Sharon ~ Yes, indeed...Praise the LORD! HE is so gracious to us, isn't HE? Thank you for entering into our joy my precious friend! :)
With Love,
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