And his subject ~ Emma, the flying girl!
A little excitement took place in the living room ~
with no apparent damage to the furniture or the child.
Never. A. Dull. Moment.
And his subject ~ Emma, the flying girl!
A little excitement took place in the living room ~
with no apparent damage to the furniture or the child.
Never. A. Dull. Moment.
Happy Reading!
**I am not compensated in any way for these recommendations ~
they reflect our personal choices for our family.
Psalm 121
I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills,
from whence cometh my help?
My help cometh from the Lord,
which made heaven and earth.
He will not suffer thy foot to be moved:
he that keepeth thee will not slumber.
Behold, he that keepeth Israel
shall neither slumber nor sleep.
The Lord is thy keeper:
the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand.
The sun shall not smite thee by day,
nor the moon by night.
The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil:
He shall preserve thy soul.
The Lord shall preserve thy going out
and thy coming in
from this time forth,
and even for evermore.
~The Holy Bible~
188. Opportunity to exercise as a family ~ at the beach no less!
189. The best husband in the world! (Calvin took this picture and really "captured" his Dad ~ love it).
190. Red Olympic Gloves! (I have a pair too...thanks Mom!)
191. Love in our home and lives...
192. Tea lights and their pretty holders
193. Calvin who brings joy (and "spice") to our lives!
194. Washable felts! :)
195. Children spontaneously doing piano duets
196. Super Glue! :)
197. One on one time with the children
198. Spurgeon's "Morning and Evening"
199. Small warm hand tucked in mine ~ won't last forever!
200. Whipping wind and sting of rain on face ~ ability to feel
201. Boisterous Shoreline ~ Waves crashing
202. Blustery Day!
203. Seagulls soaring overhead ~ God's design in creation
204. Distant Auntie brought near by a phone call
205. Phone ringing ~ familiar voice on the line
206. Birth announcements
207. Crazy Squirrel running the lines today ~ his antics made me laugh
208. My little cookie making girl ~ determined to "do it all herself"!
209. Emma cheerfully asking if she could do dishes for her regular chores
210. Thankful that today's hockey injury wasn't much worse ~ elbow will heal
Many Blessings,
142. Pink and blue of the sunset...moments later they vanished into night
~ photo taken last week
143. The opportunity to "catch" this sunset!
144. Mummy and Emma moments
~ taken in Banff spring 2009
145. Picnics
146. A picnic spot at the Banff Springs Hotel
~ No we did not stay there! :)
147. Adventurous spirit!
148. Safety during said adventurous moment! :)
149. Amazing photo by firstborn
~ It took a few shots to get this one!
150. Mountaintop experiences ~ literally!
151. Children who have caught the "bug" and are doing a thankfulness journal!
152. Quiet shoreline ~ waves gently lapping
153. Horizon on the sea
154. Flash of pink running at the edge of the shore
155. Three young men jogging together ~ Austin, Calvin and Fraser
156. Happy faces greeting us along the promenade
157. Blogging friends
158. Great post-Christmas deals
159. Gifts stashed away for Christmas 2010!
160. Betsy's quick fix ~ free of charge! (Our van)
161. Oxford Hill
162. Empty Chocolate Boxes (no more temptation!)
163. Orthodontic Appliance for Emma
164. Braces for Austin's teeth
165. Funds to pay for Ortho treatment (see above)
166. Mild winters
167. Calm days
168. Dreams
169. Empty laundry hampers
170. Full laundry hampers ~ indication that there are precious people inhabiting this home
171. Working appliances
172. Hum of the washing machine
173. Doors loudly closing ~ little men live here
174. Velcro un-zipping...children who can do for themselves
175. Emails from Austin
176. Task lighting to illuminate my kitchen sink
177. Mountain view from kitchen windows
178. Snow capped mountains pink in the morning light
179. Furnace that faithfully circulates warm air through our home
180. Order restored
181. New schedules created
182. Time to spend with my children ~ they soon will be grown!
183. Little girl that lovingly cares for her dolls
184. Reading aloud to Emma on her bed at night...right now it's "Mary Poppins"
185. Memories
Many Blessings,
102. My Fraser ~ Number 6 lining up a shot (Photo by Calvin!)
103. Date with hubby...a quick walk and...
104. ...Starbuck's ~ Chai Tea Latte with Vanilla...mmmm!
105. Thankful that "Old Betsy" (our van) was "fix-able"
106. Betsy was mended with very little inconvenience
107. We can cross the line for gasoline...blessings! :)
108. Thankful for "Nexus"...quick border crossing pass
109. Hard working husband
110. Eyes to see with
111. Ears to hear with
112. Mind to think with
113. Children that make a mess
114. Full tummies
115. New camera to play with
116. Beach to walk at
117. Free parking!
118. Online shopping
119. Money to buy books
120. God's illuminate my heart
121. Perspective
122. Trials and troubles...they drive me to my knees
123. Work for the children
124. Old-fashioned neighbourhood
125. Children for my children to play with
126. Bikes to ride
127. Woods to ride in
128. City conveniences nearby
129. Protected little quiet street to live on
130. A home to call our own
131. God's mercy in not stripping from us the many blessings we took forgranted
132. Not getting what I deserve
133. Getting what I don't deserve
134. Taste buds ~ As my hubby says...God didn't have to give us any! :)
135. Buddy (the neighbour's dog)
136. Amazing neighbours
137. Dog walking jobs
138. Paper route
139. Character building experiences for the children
140. Laptop
Many Blessings,