Do you know what they are?
I do.
First hand.
*The Syllabus Blues*
I'm recovering from a
moderate case of them.
Last night I was
in the midst.
And my Sweetheart listened.
And encouraged.
And calmed my worries.
He also countered the lies
I was telling myself.
It's true.
Things often do
look better in the morning.
I think every Mum
at one point or another
second-guesses herself.
It's important to remind
ourselves what is true.
And remember what is truly
Sometimes we need to
get back to the
The LORD is Faithful.
HE leads us and gives us wisdom
as we seek HIM for it.
Are you in the midst of
your own version of the
*Syllabus Blues*?
Hold onto the Truth.
Go forward in HIS strength.
And in HIS Grace.
One day at a time.
Step by Step.
Moment by Moment.
May I encourage you to
seek the LORD for wisdom?
Seek HIM for the guidance you need
for the days that lie ahead.
I will too.
Many Blessings,
I haven't even started writing one out yet. So glad I decided to wait to start homeschooling until Oct. I was just listening to a great homeschool speaker, Todd Wilson, and he was talking about his book, "Lies Homeschool Moms Believe". It was so encouraging and helped me to really relax and stick with the basics. I really needed that!
When I start getting my own case of "syllabus blues" I start writting down truths from God's word. A friend recommended that I do that a few months ago when I found myself going down a deep rabbit hole, it worked. We forget truth so easily don't we?
Hi Camille,
Thank you for sharing something I went through many times when my kids were in their younger years of homeschooling. It's part of our sanctification process don't you think?
Seek the Lord and find rest in Him my friend,
What a great post Camille....I have those kinds of blues myself...always second guessing decisions. I have felt this all week as I sent my four youngest off to public school...wondering if I should be homeschooling...dh is not supportive of me homeschooling this last bunch of children LOL...I homeschooled the oldest three for seven years...but these adopted children are different...especially my African ones...they are so far behind and need more academic help than I can give. I know God is in control...and I pray over them each day before they head out...I pray for things they come home and tell me....I pray for the teachers and other classmates...for safety etc.
Anyway, I'm rambling. Just wanted to thank you for this post...and for always encouraging me through your comments on my means more to me than I can really say.
Hugs and blessings,
It does get overwhelming at times. Turning our eyes upwards instead of parallel to this world gives us the proper perspective and it's no longer about "Are they getting all the subjects they need to succeed?", but "How can I help them discern God's calling in their life?" and priorities change:-).
I've experienced some of those same feelings recently as well. Your words of encouragement were much appreciated today!
Sweet friend, we mamas are great at putting pressure on ourselves and second guessing. I'm thankful, too, for my husband, who so often speaks words of wisdom to me. Encouraging post, my friend, to keep our eyes fixed on Him and His provision. Love you!
Ah, Camille! Are you disappointed that you weren't doing it ALL? That failing to conjugate Latin verbs at age 8 would hinder their college application in 2 years? Hasn't the 11-year old finished that AP physics course YET? No, I'm joking. (Can you see my tongue firmly planted in my cheek?) Actually, I never get the syllabus blues, at least I haven't since 9 this morning!
I'm glad your hubby is behind you all the way. What is really important in the journey is not your children's academic achievement, but that they love the Lord their God with all their heart, soul, mind and strength, and to love their neighbor as themselves. You're doing great, so don't listen to those little voices. God bless!
So true. We need to pray for wisdom and then take things day by day, and moment by moment. I enjoyed your post, Camille and can certainly relate. Have a blessed day.
Dear Jackie ~ I should really check that book out...sounds like a great blessing! :)
Dear Maryann ~ How Wonderful God's Word is!! What lovely encouragement from your friend...such wisdom! :)
Dear Christa ~ How LOVELY it is to hear from you my friend!! Thank you for your sweet encouragement...God is truly good. Yes, I do believe it is all part of the sanctifying work of our dear LORD in our true! :)
Dear Connie ~ Hang in there my friend! God is indeed in control. What a blessing it is that you are daily committing your young ones to HIS care...HE is Faithful! HE is so good to us...and gently leads us along, don't you think? :)
Dear Jane ~ Ah yes ~ "How can I help them discern God's calling in their life?"...THAT is truly what it's all about! Thank you for your sweet encouragement. :)
Dear Lisa ~ Oh that the LORD would help us all to have HIS perpective in all liberating and freeing it is!! May HE give you daily all you need as you serve HIM in your family my friend. :)
Dear Trisha ~ You are always a sweet encouragement to me...thank you! Yes, indeed...we must keep our eyes fixed on HIM! :)
Dear Lois ~ What's really important is..."that they love the Lord their God with all their heart, soul, mind and strength, and to love their neighbor as themselves." Thank you for that my kind are a blessing. I do appreciate your sense of humour as well...LOL! :)
Dear Patty ~ May the LORD bless you as you seek to follow HIM in your family as well. Thank you for your kind words of encouragement and for your friendship...they are a blessing. :)
Thank you all for your encouraging and kind thoughts and for pointing me once again to the Saviour. What a blessing it is to my heart!
Many blessings to you each one!
In HIS Love,
The thing is, I had the syllabus blues after kindergarten! Haha! But oh how 1st grade has been sooooo much better already. And it's encouraging to know I'm not alone at second-guessing myself. I do wonder if I'm the only one who has second-guessed herself over kindergarten, though. :o) Oh well. Praise God for His encouragement through you. Thank you, Camille.
Dear Tami ~ I am thankful for the encouragement you give my are a blessing! :)
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