A dear friend of mine
has much wisdom to share.
We have known one another for over 17 years ~
A blessing from the LORD.
Shortly after Austin was admitted to hospital,
this sweet friend was in our home with her
teenaged daughter who has Lymphoma.
Early on in this young lady's battle with Cancer,
her Grandpa was planning to stop by for a visit.
He was weeping on the phone.
And my friend told him that tears to that extent would not be
welcomed in the presence of her daughter.
They were not having a funeral.
Her daughter had not died.
They were rejoicing in each day graciously given
by the LORD.
They were living.
That is what we plan to do too.
Live life as it is given.
And cherish the moments as they come.
Day by Day. By God's Grace.

Grace is there as it is needed.
Not for the worrying about what is to come.
I can testify that this is true.
Once again.
Yes, there have been tears.
Tears like I have never experienced before.
But, I am finding that those tears
often are about the *what ifs*
and the *fears* of what may lie ahead.
It's not productive to go there.
We are to enter into this moment.
Enter into this day. Live it for HIS glory.
It's a gift. It's what we have been given.
The gift of today.

I contemplated shutting down this blog.
But, then I remembered that our story is not finished.
It's still being written. Life still is being lived.
God still has much to do in our hearts.
And so, I plan to continue.
When there are significant changes in Austin's condition,
I will give updates.
But, in the meantime, life goes on.
And we all want to participate
in whatever the LORD gives.
And live life to the fullest for HIM.
One day at a time.
Each day is a gift.
"It is of the LORD's mercies that we are not consumed,
because His compassions fail not.
They are new every morning: great is Thy faithfulness."
~ Lamentations 3:22-23 ~

We will, of course, continue to pray.
God has already done amazing things,
for which we are thankful!
Medically speaking, the progress may be slow,
and the journey long.
But, God is able to accomplish far
above that which we ask or think!
Our times are in HIS hands.
What a blessing it is to know that HE does all things well.
How wonderful it has been
to witness HIS hand upon our son.
If the LORD brings us to mind, would you pray too?
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
We appreciate you all so very much!
Permit me, if you will, to return to my *regular* posts.
Posts about life and living. About the simple things.
The *everyday* things. Amazing things about my
Precious Saviour and HIS Goodness.
Perhaps even the mundane.
And, in the meantime, please know that your prayers
for our son and our family continue to be cherished.
Each one of you is a blessing.
Is there something you need prayer for?
Please feel free to email me privately (sidebar),
or leave a comment on this post,
and we will seek to remember you before the Throne of Grace.
HE hears and answers.
HIS ways are always best.
We have been filled up beyond
measure with the outpouring of love
shown to us during this trial.
May the LORD bless you, each one!
"The LORD is my strength and my shield;
my heart trusted in Him, and I am helped:
therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth;
and with my song will I praise Him."
~ Psalm 28:7 ~
He is Good. Always.
Much Love,
has much wisdom to share.
We have known one another for over 17 years ~
A blessing from the LORD.
Shortly after Austin was admitted to hospital,
this sweet friend was in our home with her
teenaged daughter who has Lymphoma.
Early on in this young lady's battle with Cancer,
her Grandpa was planning to stop by for a visit.
He was weeping on the phone.
And my friend told him that tears to that extent would not be
welcomed in the presence of her daughter.
They were not having a funeral.
Her daughter had not died.
They were rejoicing in each day graciously given
by the LORD.
They were living.
That is what we plan to do too.
Live life as it is given.
And cherish the moments as they come.
Day by Day. By God's Grace.
Grace is there as it is needed.
Not for the worrying about what is to come.
I can testify that this is true.
Once again.
Yes, there have been tears.
Tears like I have never experienced before.
But, I am finding that those tears
often are about the *what ifs*
and the *fears* of what may lie ahead.
It's not productive to go there.
We are to enter into this moment.
Enter into this day. Live it for HIS glory.
It's a gift. It's what we have been given.
The gift of today.
I contemplated shutting down this blog.
But, then I remembered that our story is not finished.
It's still being written. Life still is being lived.
God still has much to do in our hearts.
And so, I plan to continue.
When there are significant changes in Austin's condition,
I will give updates.
But, in the meantime, life goes on.
And we all want to participate
in whatever the LORD gives.
And live life to the fullest for HIM.
One day at a time.
Each day is a gift.
"It is of the LORD's mercies that we are not consumed,
because His compassions fail not.
They are new every morning: great is Thy faithfulness."
~ Lamentations 3:22-23 ~
We will, of course, continue to pray.
God has already done amazing things,
for which we are thankful!
Medically speaking, the progress may be slow,
and the journey long.
But, God is able to accomplish far
above that which we ask or think!
Our times are in HIS hands.
What a blessing it is to know that HE does all things well.
How wonderful it has been
to witness HIS hand upon our son.
If the LORD brings us to mind, would you pray too?
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
We appreciate you all so very much!
Permit me, if you will, to return to my *regular* posts.
Posts about life and living. About the simple things.
The *everyday* things. Amazing things about my
Precious Saviour and HIS Goodness.
Perhaps even the mundane.
And, in the meantime, please know that your prayers
for our son and our family continue to be cherished.
Each one of you is a blessing.
Is there something you need prayer for?
Please feel free to email me privately (sidebar),
or leave a comment on this post,
and we will seek to remember you before the Throne of Grace.
HE hears and answers.
HIS ways are always best.
We have been filled up beyond
measure with the outpouring of love
shown to us during this trial.
May the LORD bless you, each one!
"The LORD is my strength and my shield;
my heart trusted in Him, and I am helped:
therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth;
and with my song will I praise Him."
~ Psalm 28:7 ~
He is Good. Always.
Much Love,
we continue to keep your son and family in our prayers. Beautiful post, living each day to the fullest is a theme we live by around here. God has given us this moment and day, none of us are promised tomorrow.
Happy Birthday, Austin!! Our church family was rejoicing with you yesterday, thinking of you celebrating this special milestone. How gracious God has been. May His praise ever be on your lips!
Thinking of you so much and praying for you all. We love you across the miles and praise God with you for His endless mercies!!!!
Oh absolutely Camille. That is exactly what I have been meditating on after reading your blog in recent weeks - that each day is a gift from the Lord. Each day is a new opportunity for God to work in our lives if we allow Him to. Thank you for telling the story of your family through your blog and allowing us to share in this part of the journey with you and uphold you all in prayer. Your faith and trust in God has been an inspiration and it has brought me closer to Him.
Indeed, dear friend....we will continue to pray.
HI Camille,
I'm glad that you are going to continue blogging...I"m especially happy that you are choosing to live life and not put everything on hold!!!
After my dad came home from the hospital, that's the commitment that we both made. God knows the number of our days...and I didn't want to baby my father so much, that he couldn't enjoy life.
I'll be keeping your son, you and the rest of your family in my prayers ;) :) Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)
p.s. Thanks for giving me the honor of being able to pray for you all :) :) :)
Yes, your friend is very wise and you, Camille, are beyond beautiful. Your heart is so precious and I'm so thankful to "know" you. Thank you for your openness and honesty and for keeping your blog open for as long as you are able. I will continue to check for updates, as I pray, and also, to revel in your always-lovely-"mundane" posts :)
Love, Heather
Camille I think you are wise to appreciate each day as it comes. None of us can ascertain what lies around the corner, but to live with God's grace and peace is a blessing. Praying that God will continue to give you all the strength that you need. Each day is a gift and we all need to remind ourselves and count our blessings. Bless you for your faithfulness! With much love Pippa!
I enjoyed reading this post. The children look happy and I will continue to pray for Austin's health and well being. Remember Psalm 91...where God protects you, a refuge and fortress. He love you so much! Hugs and smiles!
Camille, I love the picture of all the children. Precious. What a wonderful gift to focus on today, the here and now. You are so wise to enjoy each moment.
Thank you for updating. You come to mind often and we keep you in our prayers.
Psalms 27:4-5
One thing have I asked of the LORD, that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to inquire in his temple. For he will hide me in his shelter in the day of trouble; he will conceal me under the cover of his tent; he will lift me high upon a rock.
Oh, Camille ~ I'm so glad you will continue to blog ~ especially about the 'regular, simple, everyday' kind of things. And I will most certainly pray at my every remembrance of you and your sweet, sweet family.(Hope the Lord doesn't mind my sending up many little arrow prayers throughout the day!).
Did Austin just have a birthday? Mine is today so I am in great company with both our birthdays being in April!) He is such a handsome young man, and I must say, he looks remarkably well for having been through such an ordeal! I hope he had some fun on his special day!
Blessings to you all!
Thank you for this post...and Y.E.S. know that we WILL continue to pray daily.
Many hugs sent your way.
Happy Birthday, Austin! May your 18th year be full of many blessings! May God's healing hand be on you, and may you experience His great mercy, love, and peace.
We continue to pray for you and your family daily.
Camille, I am so glad you will continue with your blog! Thanks for the lovely blog post! :)
Susan, Arnold, & family
I think posting about life is a wonderful way to celebrate this time. I've heard that the most frequent command in the Bible is "Do not fear" and "Do not be afraid". That is my prayer for your family- that peace and joy will reign in your home.
So glad for you to have your son at home. I can appreciate your friends story~for we have grandparents that do the exact same thing. We have to shield them from all the facts for the same reason.
Camille, this was a lovely post. I have been praying for your dear family! And I'm glad you're not shutting down your blog! I love you my dear friend!
Habakkuk 3:17-18 came to mind as I read your post. How easy it is to praise Him in the good times but fail to do so in the bad times. He deserves our praise continuously ~ always worthy! What a testimony of praise you are giving to Him during this time. What a witness of your faith and His faithfulness. You are right, it is the what if's and the fear they bring that keeps us troubled ~ but perfect love cast out fear. May you and yours rest in His perfect love one day at a time. Be assured, He brings you and your family to mind ~ and I lift you up to the God of the universe who sees your deepest need. I am glad you are going to keep sharing, my friend.
Dear Camille,
Yes, every day is a gift from the Lord. How precious. Thanks for sharing your photos. :) You are all in our prayers. Take great care, my friend.
In His Love,
Love my Cousin. What a shining example of the kind of Mother and Wife God calls us to be.
Beautiful words with a beautiful meaning. We are still praying for Austin and will continue to do so. God bless you my frind. You are an encouragement and a blessing to me.
Dear, sweet, friend your faith shouts volumes here! These words...WOW! I know they will bring glory to the Lord!
I'm praying and loving you even though so many miles seperate us.
Dear Junior ~ Ah, yes...one day at a time with the LORD. I have added you and your boy to our list of people to pray for too. Thank you SO much for praying for us! :)
Dear Trisha ~ What an encouraging thing it was to think that you all were so happy for us on Austin's birthday! How precious it is to belong to the Family of God! YOU are precious! Thank you for your sweet friendship. :)
Dear Ann ~ Thank you SO much my sweet friend! The LORD is so gracious to us, isn't HE? What a blessing it is to belong to HIS Family! I can do nothing good without HIM. :)
Dear Cindy ~ Thank you for praying for us...I know you undestand!! What a blessing it is to call you friend. :)
Dear Heather in CA ~ We do so appreciate the prayers of God's people! Thank you for kindly remembering us at this time...I am thankful for YOU! How wonderful it is to just take each day...what a blessing that it's an agreement you have with your Dad...what a blessing you are to him! :)
Dear Heather in Canada ~ How sweet of you to even be interested in the *mundane*...you are a blessing to my heart. Thank you for your kind friendship over the years...I'm thankful to *know* you too. :)
Dear Pippa ~ How encouraging you are my friend. Thank you so much for praying for us. I continue to pray for you too. The LORD hears and answers. HE is Good. Always. :)
Dear Becky ~ We are thrilled to have our Austin home again...thank you for your sweet words of encouragement! Thank you SO much for pointing me to Psalm 91...it's a precious, precious Psalm! God's Word is SO encouraging, don't you think? :)
Dear Cinnamon ~ Thank you so very much my sweet friend! The LORD's Word is so encouraging to our hearts, isn't it? Thank you for taking the time to write out such wonderful verses. :)
Dear Raeann ~ How amazing our Great God is! HE has been sustaining our precious son and causing things to go in the right direction...we are thankful beyond measure to have him home! Austin's birthday was on the 8th...how fun that you are the day after! Happy (belated) birthday to you!
Much Love to you all!
Dear Connie ~ How lovely it is to *know* you and to know that you are lifting our family up in prayer. Thank you SO much! :)
Dear Susan ~ I am SO thankful for you! We are blessed to know you. The LORD is SO Good to us, isn't HE? Sending Love to you all! :)
Dear Jane ~ How precious your words are! Thank you for your sweet friendship and for encouraging us in the LORD. HE is Good. Always. :)
Dear Marci ~ May the LORD give us all wisdom as we walk these paths. What a blessing to know that HE is in complete and Sovereign control!! Thank you for your sweet and encouraging words. :)
Dear Heather (farmgirl) ~ Lovely to hear from you my friend! Thank you SO much for praying for us and for your kind words! It's a blessing to know you. :)
Dear Patty ~ How precious it is to know that the LORD has been bringing us to mind!! Thank you SO much for praying my friend. God is SO gracious to us, isn't HE? :)
Dear Sandy ~ Thank you once again for your kindness to us all during this trial. You are a blessing to our family! :)
Dear Krissy ~ How fun that you posted a comment!! I love you too!! And, it really is all the LORD...I am so wretched without HIM!! :)
Dear Donna ~ You have always been a blessing and an encouragement to me my sweet friend! Thank you SO much for praying!! :)
Dear Jenn ~ Precious friend...the LORD does all things well. I appreciate your kind and encouraging words. What a blessing to know that you have been praying! :)
Much Love to you all!
Precious friend...Sending you a big hug and a quiet embrace, a nod and tears that reflect a heart aching with and for you and yet a heart that soars as I see you giving thanks and praise to God...trusting in Him when you cannot see what lies around the curve. Love you.
Dear Jennifer ~ Thank you for your kind words and sweet encouragement my friend. I am thankful for you! :)
With Love,
Praying that God would continue to pour out much grace to your family, that he would give you wisdom and that he would give you perfect peace. You are an inspiration and a blessing...and I am so glad you decided not to shut the blog down.
You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast because he trusts in you Isaiah26:3
Blessings and Hugs
Dear Maryann ~ Isaiah 26:3-4 have been my *go to* verses during this whole time...thank you for pointing me back to Scripture here! God is so Good to us, don't you think? What a blessing to belong to HIM. Thank you for your sweet words and encouragement. You are a blessing. :)
In HIS Love,
Just checking in on you :-) Praying for you today. Hoping you are enjoying God's goodness daily and enjoying your sweet family.
hugs~ Cinnamon
Amen. I hope you will continue to keep us posted. I continue to keep him and your family in my prayers.
Will continue to pray! So much love to you, friend!
Dear Cinnamon ~ HIS mercies are new every morning! Thank you for your sweet friendship and for praying for us. God is so Good! :)
Dear Jill ~ I appreciate you my friend. Thank you for always encouraging my heart. :)
Dear Terri ~ I'm so thankful for your prayers...the LORD is so Good to us! Love to you too my friend! :)
Much Love,
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