The LORD has done
Great things!
We stand amazed at
HIS providential care over
our precious Austin (and all of us)
in the past (nearly) two months.
The road ahead is still a long one.
We will not know the full picture for
perhaps another year or more.
But, God is already there.
We have nothing to fear.
All things are possible
with our Great God!
We rest in His perfect plan.
He does all things well.
His ways are always best.
"For with God nothing
shall be impossible."
~ Luke 1:37 ~
Currently ~
Amazing things are happening.
We praise HIM for HIS Gracious
and Loving Hand upon us.
We daily marvel at all that HE has done!

Austin gained 15 lbs in 5 weeks.
He went from being bed-ridden (in the hospital)
to being able to walk 45 minutes (or more) non-stop!
His speed and stamina increase
nearly every day.
He has been eating us out of house and home ~
Just like a *typical* teenage boy.
I cannot begin to tell you how
The regular routines of being both
a violin student and teacher have begun again.
School work is being tackled.
Siblings are being teased ~
And they are teasing back. :)

Austin has even been able to take on household
responsibilities once again ~
Currently, he's my vacuum guy. :)
"O magnify the LORD with me,
and let us exalt HIS Name together."
~ Psalm 34:3 ~
Thank you to each one of you who
has prayed for Austin.
The LORD continues to daily give
His grace and strength.
He does the unseen.
The Amazing.
As this journey continues,
I plan to post updates ~
The LORD willing.
Thank you so much for the
kindness and love shown
to us in so many tangible ways.
We appreciate each one of you!
We are blessed beyond measure.
In HIS Love,
Great things!
We stand amazed at
HIS providential care over
our precious Austin (and all of us)
in the past (nearly) two months.
The road ahead is still a long one.
We will not know the full picture for
perhaps another year or more.
But, God is already there.
We have nothing to fear.
All things are possible
with our Great God!
We rest in His perfect plan.
He does all things well.
His ways are always best.
"For with God nothing
shall be impossible."
~ Luke 1:37 ~
Currently ~
Amazing things are happening.
We praise HIM for HIS Gracious
and Loving Hand upon us.
We daily marvel at all that HE has done!
Austin gained 15 lbs in 5 weeks.
He went from being bed-ridden (in the hospital)
to being able to walk 45 minutes (or more) non-stop!
His speed and stamina increase
nearly every day.
He has been eating us out of house and home ~
Just like a *typical* teenage boy.
I cannot begin to tell you how
The regular routines of being both
a violin student and teacher have begun again.
School work is being tackled.
Siblings are being teased ~
And they are teasing back. :)
Austin has even been able to take on household
responsibilities once again ~
Currently, he's my vacuum guy. :)
"O magnify the LORD with me,
and let us exalt HIS Name together."
~ Psalm 34:3 ~
Thank you to each one of you who
has prayed for Austin.
The LORD continues to daily give
His grace and strength.
He does the unseen.
The Amazing.
As this journey continues,
I plan to post updates ~
The LORD willing.
Thank you so much for the
kindness and love shown
to us in so many tangible ways.
We appreciate each one of you!
We are blessed beyond measure.
In HIS Love,
Yippee!!!!!!!!! I am so happy to read this!!! Praise the LORD! Love you, sweet friend!
Praising Him with you, dear Camille! What an awesome God we serve, indeed!
What amazing answers to prayer! Thank you so much for the update.
Hi Camille,
What a blessing! We are so thankful! We have been praying for Austin daily, and what a joy it is to hear that he has had so much improvement. We praise the Lord with you!
Love, Sue
Thanks for the update on Austin. Glad to hear he's doing much better. Eating and teasing are a good sign he's better for sure along with the weight gain. Praising the Lord right along with you and continued prayers as well. Hugs!
How wonderful to hear how well Austin is doing! Praying that his recovery will continue to go well for him!
God is an awsome God. I am so glad your son is doing better.
I rejoice in what God is doing and praise Him with you. May He continue to work and be glorified. Blessings, Camille.
Oh thank you so much for this update! Praise the Lord!!!!
I just started Ann's "A thousand Gift" and I've decided to do it. I can't wait to see how listing my blessings and focusing on the good will change my perspective. I've watched you do it, and you are the most grateful person I know.
Dear Trisha ~ SO thankful for what HE has done!! Thank you for entering into our joy my sweet friend. :)
Dear Raeann ~ Oh how Awesome HE truly is!! Thank you for rejoicing with us and for praying for us. You are a blessing to me. :)
Dear Lisa ~ We have been amazed to see the Hand of our Great God at is such a blessing to belong to HIM! Thank you for joining with us in praising HIM my friend. :)
Dear Sue ~ I so appreciate your prayers for our family my friend...thank you so much! The LORD is always Good, isn't HE? I continue to pray for you as well...HE holds you in HIS Hand. :)
Dear Becky ~ How sweet it is to know that you have been praying. Thank you so much for entering into our joy my friend. The LORD is carrying us through. :)
Dear Nadine ~ Thank you so much for your continued prayers my friend. The LORD daily gives HIS grace and strength. I am so thankful for friends who pray! :)
Dear Chelle ~ Yes, indeed...Our God is Awesome!! What a blessing to know and rest in the fact that HIS ways are best. One day at a time with HIM! :)
Dear Patty ~ Yes, may HE be glorified always. Thank you for rejoicing with us my friend! :)
Dear Stacie ~ The LORD does all things well. We know that HIS ways are higher than ours. What a blessing it is to rest in that knowledge. HE will carry you through...HE is Faithful! Continuing to pray for you as well my friend. :)
Many Blessings,
WOW! Amazing news, Camille! Will continue to lift up you and yours before the throne of grace....
What a wonderful testimony to God's healing powers! How wonderful to see Austin eating and gaining weight! Praise the Lord Camille!! So happy for you:)
oh..I wonder what happened to my comment ...hmmm??? Blog bugs??
Anyways... I am so excited to hear this wonderful report..May the Lord be TRULY glorified!! \0/
Dear Cindy ~ Thank you so much my friend! We are blessed by the prayers of God's people...thank you for remembering us before the Throne of Grace. :)
Dear Pippa ~ How Wonderful it has been! It makes what was going on almost seem like a terrible dream. I stand amazed at God's provisions! Thank you for entering into our joy with us my friend. :)
Dear Julia ~ This is the only comment I saw from you on this post...thank you for taking the time to leave another one! Yes, indeed...we want the LORD to get all the glory!! :)
Many Blessings,
Dear Camille,
Praise the Lord, indeed. What Great Things He hath done!! What a blessing it is to belong to Him.
Hugs to you my friend!
In His Love,
Dear Sandy ~ Thank you for rejoicing with us! Yes, we truly do serve a Wonderful LORD!
Oh my goodness!!! Now THIS one has me smiling ear to ear!!! Praise God for Austin's returning strength and vigor!!! So very happy with you for such GOOD news!
MUCH love to you,
Dear Tami ~ Thank you for rejoicing with us my sweet friend. God is indeed Good! Always. Still praying for you and yours. :)
So very very happy to hear this news!!
Dear Jill ~ Thank you my friend! God truly is gracious in HIS dealings with us...we are so grateful! :)
This is SUCH good news! Again, I'm just praise the Lord with how merciful He is! Praying we continue to see these delightful posts :)
Dear Jackie ~ Thank you for rejoicing with us my sweet friend! God truly is Good to us, isn't HE? :)
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