We were at Children's today.
The review of Austin's heart was thorough.
Close attention was given to the leads ~
particularly the one which was most difficult to place.
The lead in question also happens to play a role of utmost importance
in the long term recovery of Austin's heart.
The prayer is that it will stimulate the heart
muscle to pump and, over time, help to reshape it.
X-Rays were taken,
Echo and ECG were done,
and then the pacemaker was tweaked to
maximize its effectiveness.
It's amazing to witness the technology of this device first hand ~
as Austin likes to say, he truly is "cybernetically enhanced". :)
I am pleased to report that all looks well.
The leads have not shifted and they are functioning as intended.
Things are definitely going in the right direction.
What an incredible blessing and mercy!
Please join me in giving praise
to our Great God!!

We wish to thank you all for your loving concern
and prayers for our family.
We stand in awe of God's Goodness
and His provision for us.
Once again, the road ahead is long.
But, we have every reason to hope for a good recovery.
Every reason to hope because of
the ONE in Whom we place our trust.
His ways are best.
Although we are not anticipating to have to say
an earthly good-bye to our son any time soon,
we know that if that should become necessary,
the LORD would still be doing all things well.
What a comfort it is to know that He
is in complete control.
He is working all things together for our
good and for His glory.
At the end of the day,
what really matters has been settled at the Cross.
The LORD Jesus Christ is the Saviour of Austin,
and his eternity is secure IN Him!
Resting in our Gracious Saviour this day!
And seeking, by His Grace, to live one day at a time.
Each day is precious.
With Love,
Close attention was given to the leads ~
particularly the one which was most difficult to place.
The lead in question also happens to play a role of utmost importance
in the long term recovery of Austin's heart.
The prayer is that it will stimulate the heart
muscle to pump and, over time, help to reshape it.
X-Rays were taken,
Echo and ECG were done,
and then the pacemaker was tweaked to
maximize its effectiveness.
It's amazing to witness the technology of this device first hand ~
as Austin likes to say, he truly is "cybernetically enhanced". :)
I am pleased to report that all looks well.
The leads have not shifted and they are functioning as intended.
Things are definitely going in the right direction.
What an incredible blessing and mercy!
Please join me in giving praise
to our Great God!!
We wish to thank you all for your loving concern
and prayers for our family.
We stand in awe of God's Goodness
and His provision for us.
Once again, the road ahead is long.
But, we have every reason to hope for a good recovery.
Every reason to hope because of
the ONE in Whom we place our trust.
His ways are best.
Although we are not anticipating to have to say
an earthly good-bye to our son any time soon,
we know that if that should become necessary,
the LORD would still be doing all things well.
What a comfort it is to know that He
is in complete control.
He is working all things together for our
good and for His glory.
At the end of the day,
what really matters has been settled at the Cross.
The LORD Jesus Christ is the Saviour of Austin,
and his eternity is secure IN Him!
Resting in our Gracious Saviour this day!
And seeking, by His Grace, to live one day at a time.
Each day is precious.
With Love,
I am so thankful that things are going well. As you so beautifully stated,God is in control!! You all are continually in our thoughts and prayers.
Praise God for His goodness.
Love and prayers,
Dear Camille,
I hear such Surrender to His will for your life and the lives of your loved ones. Your heart is pure, your faith is real.
I Praise the Lord for all He is doing in Austin's life. Your story is touching many for Christ.
I thank you for taking the time to share this intimate part of your life with our family.
In His Love,
Great news, Camille! I'm so glad that all is looking well. The best part of this post is the peace that exudes from your writing. As always, so inspiring! BTW, I've been good ;) Only Prairie Primer for one more week then I get to take a whole week off from ALL homeschooling. The kids are having a much needed play date right now while I get to catch up on my blogging!
Praising God with you! A wonderful post - we will continue to pray that Austin will move in the right direction. And... what tremendous peace there is in the fact that Austin is in the hands of his all-wise, all-powerful, and loving Heavenly Father! Our continued prayers for Austin and the entire family. Have a wonderful CHRISTmas season!
Praising God with you and your family....awesome news. Have a blessed Christmas.
So happy for you! So happy for Austin's heart!! Praising God with you!!
Dear Misty ~ Thank you so much for being such a sweet encouragement! I appreciate you! :)
Dear Virginia ~ How precious it is to belong to our Saviour! I know you understand that very well! Your encouraging words are a blessing to my heart...thank you so much! :)
Dear Jackie ~ I'm so pleased to read that you are being good my friend! Enjoy your break!!! Thank you for always encouraging my heart...I'm thankful for you. :)
Dear Anonymous ~ Thank you my precious friend! May the LORD bless you and your family this Christmas as well. :)
Dear Connie ~ How lovely it is to hear from you! Thank you so much for rejoicing with us! May the LORD bless you and your family this Christmas too! :)
Dear Cinnamon ~ Yes, the LORD indeed is worthy of all praise! Thank you for rejoicing with us and for your friendship across these miles. Merry Christmas! :)
With Love,
Thank you so much for the update. I am always in awe at how God works in our bodies, but especially in our hearts. Your perspective is truly evidence of God's amazing work. Praising God for what he has and will continue to do.
So glad all is going well. Blessings to you all.
So grateful to hear that everything is going well! What a great God we have, and how perfectly He does everything! Hoping your family has a wonderful Christmas...full of peace and rest!
With much love,
Dear Heather in AZ ~ Yes, my friend...it is always of the LORD...what a blessing to belong to HIM!! Thank you for keeping up with us on this journey. The LORD is Good! Merry Christmas to you and yours. :)
Dear Patty ~ Thank you, my friend, for your continued encouragement and for rejoicing with us. The LORD is Good! Merry Christmas to you all. :)
Dear Lisa ~ How precious the LORD is!! Thank you so much for rejoicing with us my friend...and for continually encouraging my heart. May the LORD bless you and your family with HIS peace and joy as well! Merry Christmas! :)
With Love,
I am making a joyful noise to the Lord Camille. Answer to prayer and faithfulness!! May His name be glorified! Many Blessings Pippa
Dear Pippa ~ Thank you my friend. You bless my heart! :)
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