The pacemaker was placed yesterday.
However, he was excited and ready to get on with it.
Truly, evidence of the Grace of God in his life.
He was taken into the OR at 3:45pm PST
and brought back out again at about 5:45pm.
We took him home at 8:00pm!
Amazing, don't you think?
Apparently, Austin was awake for the whole thing.
He chatted with the electrophysiologists and nurses throughout ~
he found it to be very interesting.
They even showed him the x-ray while the leads were being placed.
It went like clockwork ~ perfectly!
To God be the glory!!
Below ~ Austin with our Children's Hospital Electrophysiologist, Dr. Sherwin.
She is one of those who has championed Austin's cause,
for which we are very thankful!

Things got quite uncomfortable when the device was inserted.
It had to be placed under the muscle.
My poor guy ~ he was a real trooper!
Apparently, he was told it was like having a baby, only in reverse. :)
New respect for Mum? I think so!

Austin was blessed with a good sleep last night ~
with the help of some powerful meds to keep him comfortable.
Now, he rests and recovers ~ it really was a bit of an ordeal.
We must watch for infection, while praying that it does not appear.
And, Austin must adjust.

But, his heart ~ it's working properly for the first time in a long time.
I just spoke with him and he reports feeling the left side of his heart beating!
It makes me smile.
May the LORD use this means to bring healing to the
left ventricle which has been greatly reduced in its function.
This device will *listen* to what the atria want to do,
and seek to mimic that pacing in the lower two chambers.
It will send the message that has long been interrupted, and help his heart to beat in sync.
The prayer is that, over time, it will help to tone the heart muscle up once again.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your prayers,
and for all your love and concern ~ We are so thankful for each one of you!
"Like as a father pitieth his children, so the LORD pitieth them that fear Him.
For he knoweth our frame: He remembereth that we are dust." Psalm 103:13-14
With our Love,
Howie, Camille, and Austin (and siblings too!)
**The device in these photos is not exactly as the one placed in Austin ~ but, it is similar.
Austin asked if it was the one they would be using,
and they said they would certainly rinse it off before putting it in!
(FYI ~ That is Austin's humour...exactly!)
Praise the Lord that all went well! I couldn't help but think that was the ultimate homeschool experience for Austin, getting to stay awake during his surgery and listen and learn. Wow! What a trooper though. Praying that his heart will get stronger every day. Thank you so much for the update, I've been wondering how it went. I'm so glad he was able to come home so quickly, too! Love and Hugs, Jackie
Dear Camille
So glad that Austin is home again and the surgery went well.
Praise be to our Heavenly Father for all His care and protection
Blessings ,Jeannie
I needed to hear good news today~thank you! may Austin continue his journey to good health.!!
Dear Camille,
I am so happy to hear the good report on Austin! I was praying for him yesterday and hoping for a good outcome...Praise the Lord!
I shall continue to keep him and your family in my prayers!
Love & Blessings!
I am thankful that things went good for your son. I pray this helps him. God is able. My husband and I have a friend who's son was 12 when he had his and he is doing wonderfully. He is now 16.
I can't believe he is at home already. What a blessing! We will continue to pray for him, especially about the heart muscles getting toned. God is good!
Praises! I've been waiting for his post. Last night at about 6:00 my time. Austin popped into my head. I thought to myself... he must surely have had surgery by now. But, the feeling wouldn't go away so I stopped by the fridge (I was making dinner) and prayed for a successful surgery.
It made my heart leap to read that that was very close to when he went into surgery. WOW! God is good and I need to remember to listen to those quiet promptings and then ACT!
We also got your lovely card last night and it brought tears to my eyes to see all those smiling faces. My kids were happy to see the photo! Thanks so much for the picture and we are sending love right back at you!
Oh sweet, sweet Camille! I am so very happy to read this!!! Y'all have been on my heart so much and in my prayers just as much. Such great pictures and such WONDERFUL news! Praise God for His mercies!!! I'm so thankful with y'all and will continue to pray that Austin remains free from infection and that he gets stronger every day beyond everyone's expectations. So happy for you all and the beautiful news you were blessed to report.
LOVE you MUCH, my precious friend!
Dear Camille,
Praise the Lord!! How we rejoice with you all!!! We are so glad the Lord's hands were upon the whole surgery. Oh, Praise His name! Wow, Austin was awake the whole time, he sure was a trooper! We'll continue to pray for him and your family.
It was so nice to visit you all last Sunday. Hugs. :)
In His Grace,
Rejoicing with tears over this good, good news, Camille!! Thank you for such a lovely update, pictures, too!! All of you radiate with the love of Jesus, and it is a blessing to so many. Continuing to pray for all of you. Love you!!!
Camille, I just printed this post out. Our children will be delighted to see these pictures, and we'll put them up so we can pray whenever we look at your smiling faces. :)
I am so glad to read your post. Praise the Lord that Austin did so well and is recovering. Praying that there is no infection and that he heals well. Praying too that his heart becomes stronger and stronger. Blessings, Angela
With tears in my eyes, I am so thankful right along with you that all went well. He will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. Much love to you and your dear family!
Praising the LORD with you all! Austin's sense of humour, and his smile continues to warm my heart! Our continued prayers are being sent your way! I hope and pray that the Pacemaker will GREATLY benefit Austin's life, and that this will be the beginning of his road to recovery! We do serve a kind and wonderful Physician. Much love to you all!
Praising God with you!! What an excellent report and what an amazing young man. I don't think I'd would have been as chipper as he was.
Praying for everything to work just as you said....for healing and strength in the heart and no infection!!
Happy happy happy for you!!
Wow I can't believe that it was so quick! And how wonderful to hear that all went well with the surgery. I do know exactly what you speak of when you mention Austin being excited and the evidence of the Grace of God in his life. I saw that too when my little girl had surgery - she couldn't stop smiling and was so cooperative and polite. But it was more than just her using manners or 'being brave' - I knew that she was radiating Jesus and the theatre and ward staff were ministered to through her. I have no doubt that the Lord has used Austin in all he has been through and people's lives have touched as a result!
We will continue to pray as he recovers and adjusts and that his strength is returned as a result of this amazing technology that came about because of the knowledge, wisdom and skills gifted to men by God.
Thank you so much God for helping Austin! Bring swift healing and protect his body from infection. We place Him in your loving hands. In Jesus' name, amen
PS thank you for the card! I will get Jackie's to her when I see her. I will not be sending cards out this year. Too hard with where we are at. But I wanted to thank you for thinking of us. Thank you also for your continued prayers for our family even though you are going through so much yourself.
So glad to hear this good news! We kept remembering yesterday that Austin was going to be having his surgery and praying. We'll keep praying for healing to go well too. Again, SOOO happy!
Lisa in BC
Oh Camille, We are so happy to read this! What wonderful news and what a tough guy you have! Love his sense of humor and the courage he shows. We are so thankful everything went well. We will keep him in our thoughts and prayers.
Much love,
Precious Friends ~ I really do wish I was able to respond separately to each one of you here in this space. However, it is not possible at this time. Thank you for each of your comments, prayers, love and support...we feel incredibly blessed by the outpouring of love from all of you! The LORD truly is Good. HE sustains and HE continually gives grace each and every day. What a blessing it is to belong to HIM! Every comment has been read and taken to heart...thank you so very, very much!!
With Love,
So glad I just happened to pop on here today! Wow!!! So amazing and so glad that Austin is ready to MOVE FORWARD!
I am so thankful and happy for you all that things went so well. You have been in my thoughts and prayers. ( I have also had prayer request for your son and family at church.)Thank you for the update~I have been thinking of you all and wondering how Austin's surgery went..
Love and prayers,
So thankful that Austin's pacemaker is in and everything went well. I prayed for him alot that day. So will continue to pray for healing and no infection and for all of you. It certainly affects everyone! Hugs and blessings!
So glad to hear that everything went well and that Austin is home. Praise the Lord! We got your Christmas card the other day...thank you so much for the pic too. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and that Austin continues to improve. Love from Cheryl
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