"...Lead me to the Rock that is higher than I."
~ Psalm 61:2b ~
~ Psalm 61:2b ~
We are finite. HE is infinite.
We are fallible. HE is infallible.
We need HIM. Always.
Recently, we have sought to be a support to
friends who are grieving.
One friend lost her husband suddenly to cancer.
He was relatively young. In his prime. It's been a terrible loss.
One day he was fine. The next he was seriously ill.
And, within three weeks he was taken. Gone.
What a blessing to know that he knew the LORD.
He not only knew of HIM, he knew HIM in the only way that matters.
HE was his LORD. His Saviour. His Righteousness.
What a comfort these things are in times like these.
This precious widow, when asked, requests one thing ~
A verse. Simply, a verse to reflect on. A verse to cling to.
Lead me to the Rock!
In HIM alone is all comfort to be found.
From HIM alone, strength may be gleaned.

In HIM alone is all comfort to be found.
From HIM alone, strength may be gleaned.
How we need fortification.
Help from on high. Hope from His Word.
How we need HIM!
How we need HIM!
Really, her request is to be fortified.
To be continually directed to the One from Whom all things flow.
Fortified in the Living and True God of Heaven and Earth,
and the Truth found in His Word.
So that her feet will be firm upon the Rock, Christ Jesus.
and the Truth found in His Word.
So that her feet will be firm upon the Rock, Christ Jesus.
Aren't we all like this?
Do we not all need HIM?
We have been created this way.
With this need. This void that needs filling.
He alone satisfies. He alone gives all that is required.
He alone gives the peace that passes all understanding.
He alone gives the peace that passes all understanding.
How precious it is that He promises to give all we need.
Moment by moment. Day after day.
Moment by moment. Day after day.
And, so much more!!
Many Blessings,
Many Blessings,
Amen. Amen. Reading this makes me get teary-for
Your friend and the depth of her loss and for the sweetness that knowing our Lord brings. He alone.
Beautiful words of Truth, Camille! What an awesome photo and reminder of what is TRULY important...
So very sorry to hear this news. I will certainly keep her and her family in my prayers!
Hope all is going well, have a lovely weekend!
We mourn with those that mourn....it is what a friend does.
How hopeless we would be without Him, eh?
Beautiful truths for all of us! There have been so many times that the Lord has brought to my mind that He is my rock, my sure foundation. A precious reminder for me tonight.
Dear Jennifer ~ It is truly the most amazing thing to belong to our Precious Saviour!! Lasting comfort only is found in HIM!!
Dear Julia ~ Only the eternal really matters at the end of the day. No matter how long a life is lived here...it is still short in light of eternity! Thank you for your kind words.
Dear Jill ~ Thank you so much! Happy weekend to you all as well.
Dear Cindy ~ SO true! Yes, hopeless is certainly the word! How precious it was to witness the powerful message throughout the funeral...there was great hope because of HIM!!
Dear Jenn ~ Oh, yes...our sure foundation!! HE truly is Wonderful!!
With love,
He is my refuge, my fortress.. my strong tower. He is my everything but these are the names that sustained me through the hardest times. And He has proven to be so very much exactly what He says He is!
A prayer is sent for your friend tonight..
Blessings, Debbie
What an incredible post Camille. Will be praying for this family. So sorry for their loss.
What a great post Camille! How my heart aches for your friend. We will be sure to keep her family in our prayers. What great comfort and strength only the Lord can bring. Such a great reminder!
Welcome Debbie ~ It's lovely to *meet* you. How true it is...we are blessed to be in HIS care!! Thank you for praying for my friend...what a blessing! :)
Dear Connie ~ Thank you for praying...you bless me! :)
Dear Lisa ~ Truly, only HE can bring lasting comfort and peace...what a blessing it is to belong to HIM! Thank you for remembering my friend in prayer. :)
With love,
What a lovely post full of wisdom in discernment... I'm your newest rss subscriber...
Welcome Madge ~ Thank you for stopping by and for leaving an encouraging comment. It's lovely to *meet* you. :)
Many Blessings,
So true. I too have a friend grieving and struggling. Scripture has been the biggest help. Those holy Words hold us up when nothing else possibly could...
Dear Heather ~ Oh how we need HIM and HIS Word!! Truly, they are the words of LIFE!! May the Lord give much grace to your friend...and to you as you seek to comfort and come alongside. HE is able!!
With love,
Hi Camille! I just caught up on your last four beautiful posts. So much wisdom here! Thank you for writing about life, family, friends, recipes and all the other good stuff in between. I love visiting here.
Love, Heather
Dear Heather in Canada ~ You are a blessing to my heart. I am thankful for our friendship through this means. May the LORD bless you and your family! :)
With Love,
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