It's easy to feel small and insignificant.
To feel like we have nothing to give.
Like there is no great potential in us.
Nothing special.
But, those are lies.
We cannot trust our feelings.
We must base our feelings on Truth.
But, those are lies.
We cannot trust our feelings.
We must base our feelings on Truth.

Whatever the LORD calls us to is great.
Because He is Great.
We can live this quiet life for Him.
In His strength, by His grace, for His glory.
He receives it all as a gift.
The gift of us. We. Me.
"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God,
that yes present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy,
acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service."
~ Romans 12:1 ~
"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God,
that yes present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy,
acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service."
~ Romans 12:1 ~
That's it, isn't it? Surrender is the gift we give Him.
We bring our brokenness and He makes beauty from the ashes.
He carries us, makes us strong in His strength, and lives through us.
Day after day. Moment by moment. One step at a time.
Day after day. Moment by moment. One step at a time.
It's all about HIM.
So, if the sink is calling, the children are fighting,
or the laundry is piling up ~
Just stop and pray and ask for His strength to do the next thing.
Perhaps the next thing is to slow down to collect our thoughts.
To pray for wisdom, and to engage our world.
To be present within the four walls in which we find ourselves.
We honour Him when we do.
Perhaps the next thing is to slow down to collect our thoughts.
To pray for wisdom, and to engage our world.
To be present within the four walls in which we find ourselves.
We honour Him when we do.
It's simple, really. One day at a time.
Following Him wherever He leads.
No matter what.
No matter what.
Very often, it's to a quiet life of service.
A quiet life of the everyday and the mundane.
A life of doing the next thing.
A quiet life of the everyday and the mundane.
A life of doing the next thing.
Each day is a gift. Each moment is precious.
May we continually be found giving it all back to Him.
"And whatsoever ye do in word or in deed,
do all in the name of the Lord Jesus,
giving thanks to God and the Father by Him."
~ Colossians 3:17 ~
May we continually be found giving it all back to Him.
"And whatsoever ye do in word or in deed,
do all in the name of the Lord Jesus,
giving thanks to God and the Father by Him."
~ Colossians 3:17 ~
With love,
**Image in this post courtesy of Calvin ~
Thank you my love. XO
**Image in this post courtesy of Calvin ~
Thank you my love. XO
What a blessing and encouragement to read this today of all days. The girls have both been sick with scarlet fever and I feel like I've been trapped in the house and the tv has been on WAAAAY too much, nausea is still a visitor (I will be 15 weeks Sunday, so I am nearing my typical "end" to nausea!), and the children are bickering. I feel behind in every way. I need to stop. And bow. And ask for His strength. 'Cause I am running on fumes. Thanks, friend.
Thank you for that timely reminder Camille! Some days(actually most days!) I feel so overburdened by the stresses and monotony of every day life, that I forget to look up and see how amazing God's Loving Peace is. I loose focus of Him behind the chores, I guess. I feel so ashamed even just writing that :0(
What a beautiful post with so much truth Camille! Thank you for this reminder and to slow down and embrace him. The picture is gorgeous I could look at it all day, certainly frame worthy! Hope you are doing well my friend.
Dear Jennifer ~ Hang in there my sweet friend! Yes, slow and pray...HE is Faithful and will give you moment by moment all you need. I am praying for you...
Dear Julia ~ We have all been there my friend. Don't despair!! The LORD does not forsake us, and it doesn't depend on our merit...what a wonderful Truth that is! Keep reminding yourself of His all sufficiency.
Dear Jill ~ Thank you for your kind words my friend. The photo is Calvin's, so I cannot take credit...I will pass along your sweet compliment! :)
With Love,
Hi Camille! Oh, so very true!
I like this part:
"But, those are lies.
We cannot trust our feelings.
We must base our feelings on Truth"
And we cannot trust out hearts either. You are so right!
good words, thank you :)
Camille, this is BEAUTIFUL. Thank you for such wonderful encouragement. I love you.
Wow, that's just the encouragement I needed to hear! Thanks Camille, for reminding us of the truth. What a blessing your words are today :)
Dear Patrizia ~ It's nice to see you back in the blogging world! Thank you for stopping by and for your kind words. How precious our Saviour is! Blessings to you. :)
Dear Trisha ~ I'm so glad you were encouraged my friend. You often encourage me with your words. The LORD is so good to us, isn't He? Love you, too! :)
Dear Lisa ~ Thank you, my friend. May the LORD be glorified in all we do and say. He alone is worthy. May HE bless you always. :)
With Love,
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