We often go and tend to Austin's grave.
We water the flowers and clean off his stone marker.
It is lovely in the cemetery. It's a peaceful place surrounded
by God's beautiful creation. We are thankful.
It is lovely in the cemetery. It's a peaceful place surrounded
by God's beautiful creation. We are thankful.
A few weeks ago, I was at Austin's grave alone.
I had made a detour on my bike, and stopped by for a few minutes.
A lady walked past me with her dog and we exchanged a few words.
Her husband was buried not far from our son. She is eighty.
As I worked at Austin's grave, I noticed an elderly
gentleman grooming some graves a little way off.
When I was leaving, I acknowledged his work.

He engaged me because I had engaged him.
He is ninety. His wife has been gone six years.
His hobby is tending her grave and those around it.
We exchanged stories and quickly began talking about eternal things.
His face lit up when he realised I was a Christian. We made a connection.
He wanted to see Austin's grave. Then, he weed whacked it for me.
He said he would add our son's plot to his roster. He's been back since.
Isn't it incredible to think of these *chance* encounters
that are anything but *chance*? Furthest thing from the truth.
We marvel at the many ways in which the path we are traversing
intersects with another's. Sometimes only once.
We are keenly aware that our Lord orchestrates every meeting.
He so gently leads us along. He is with us each step of the way.
The Lord is so very good to us, isn't He?
May we be found following Him wherever He leads.
Until He calls us Home.
Many Blessings, Camille
He wanted to see Austin's grave. Then, he weed whacked it for me.
He said he would add our son's plot to his roster. He's been back since.
Isn't it incredible to think of these *chance* encounters
that are anything but *chance*? Furthest thing from the truth.
We marvel at the many ways in which the path we are traversing
intersects with another's. Sometimes only once.
We are keenly aware that our Lord orchestrates every meeting.
He so gently leads us along. He is with us each step of the way.
The Lord is so very good to us, isn't He?
May we be found following Him wherever He leads.
Until He calls us Home.
Many Blessings, Camille
What a beautiful story...thank you for sharing!
oh yes! Not be chance but by choice, His Choice, His Holy Spirit. Yes..He is SO wonderful! Love and ((hugs)) xo
Dear Nadine ~ Thank you for reading it. Hugs! :)
Dear Julia ~ Truly wonderful! How blessed we are to belong to Him...I know you agree. XO
With Love,
Camille that is so sweet how the Lord provides relationship when you least expect. Hope you are well? Bless you!
Dear Camille,
Thanks for sharing this post. I totally agree with you. Events don't happen by chance, but God planned them all along. There are many times things happened for a reason in our lives and we thank God for it. He knows everything and I am thankful that our God leads the way and we just faithfully follow.
Wishing you love and grace on this Thanksgiving Day!
Our love to you and your family,
I just weep everytime I read one of your posts about Austin. This post is another window into your heart and seeing how you miss him. Praying for you my friend.
Many hugs,
I have made friends with other mothers who have lost children at the cemetery. I have made life long friends that only we understand after losing a child.
Not only people who have lost children but others as well. I am glad you have found friendship too in an unlikely place.
Blessings and Hugs,
Dear Pippa ~ Thank you my friend...we are well in the Lord. How precious He is! How have you been?? We must catch up soon. :)
Dear Sandy ~ Hugs to you my sweet friend! Happy (belated) Thanksgiving to you all. XO
Dear Connie ~ Your words are very kind and your encouragement is very sweet...thank you! :)
Dear Donna ~ How interesting it is to meet others along the way as the Lord leads us so gently along life's path. He is so very good to us, isn't He? Hugs to you! :)
With Love,
What a joy to be reminded that if it matters to us, it matters to the Lord.
HE knew that your story and your testimony would encourage this man.
And to have the fellowship even in sharing in the tending of Austin's grave.
Love you as always,
Dear Laura ~ Love you...as always! XO
How wonderful that you were able to encourage each other. What a precious man! Isn't it nice to know Austin's grave is being looked after even in your absence? Wow, what a blessing!
He is solo good. What a precious gift to find a brother in Christ and to be a comfort to each other.
I know you won't get this for a little while until your plugged back in but I had a second between snuggles to comment.
Lovely story. I am at peace just reading. God bless you, dear friend. xo
Dear Jackie ~ Yes, we are truly blessed. How wonderful it is to belong to the family of our Great God! :)
Dear Joleena ~ I am looking forward to visiting with you soon so I can see the little one you are snuggling! What a blessing. :)
Dear Heather ~ May the Lord bless you, too, my friend. Hugs! :)
With Love,
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