Very often, we mark the ages of our babies in months.
I remember answering inquiries into the ages of ours in that way.
And, now...I mark the home-going of our Austin in months.
Some day, it may switch to years. But, at the moment,
I cannot bring myself to think of it in those terms.
It can be crushing.
Our Austin has been in the presence of his Saviour
for sixteen months now. The first of each month
marks another mile-stone for us and for our son.
We are closer to eternity. He is already in it.
Some days, we feel numb with all that has happened.
Other days, we are washed over with great sorrow.
But, we continually redirect our gaze on those eternal things.
It's the only way to continue to live.We, as you might well imagine, have been reading up
on the subject of Heaven since our Austin was called Home.
There are so many accounts of people who have supposedly visited Heaven.
They frequently return with stories to tell. They disclose how they felt and
what they saw and what they did while they were there.
But, were they really there?
what they saw and what they did while they were there.
But, were they really there?
Not much in these accounts rings true with the Scriptures.
All we need to know is revealed to us within its pages.
Some information on Heaven is withheld. And, rightly so.
Much of it is too wonderful to put into words.
Paul the Apostle was even forbidden to
reveal what he had been shown.

Some information on Heaven is withheld. And, rightly so.
Much of it is too wonderful to put into words.
Paul the Apostle was even forbidden to
reveal what he had been shown.

One book that has encouraged our hearts is "The Glory of Heaven" by John MacArthur.
As per his usual style, John MacArthur gleans truth from Scripture,
and teaches from that reference point. It is refreshing and reaffirming.
He refutes many of the errors that are swirling around on the subject of Heaven.
He brings the reader back to the bedrock ~ The Word of God.
The Bible is the ultimate authority on all these things.
It's faith-building and encouraging.
Would you like your own copy of this book?
No matter what stage of life you are in, I am sure you will be blessed.
There is never a bad time to fill our minds and hearts with truth.
It's always a good and wise thing to do.
One copy have been set aside for one of you.
All you have to do to be entered into the draw is to leave a comment.
Lord-willing, I will draw a name from the hat
on Monday, October 6th at Noon, Pacific Standard Time.
Many Blessings, Camille
**This Giveaway is CLOSED**
As per his usual style, John MacArthur gleans truth from Scripture,
and teaches from that reference point. It is refreshing and reaffirming.
He refutes many of the errors that are swirling around on the subject of Heaven.
He brings the reader back to the bedrock ~ The Word of God.
The Bible is the ultimate authority on all these things.
It's faith-building and encouraging.
Would you like your own copy of this book?
No matter what stage of life you are in, I am sure you will be blessed.
There is never a bad time to fill our minds and hearts with truth.
It's always a good and wise thing to do.
One copy have been set aside for one of you.
All you have to do to be entered into the draw is to leave a comment.
Lord-willing, I will draw a name from the hat
on Monday, October 6th at Noon, Pacific Standard Time.
Many Blessings, Camille
**This Giveaway is CLOSED**
Thank you for sharing this resource!
Please enter us. I always think of your Austin on my Joshua's new month. Joshua will be 16 months on the 7th. We were just talking about all those books that have come out on "visits" to heaven and you are exactly right it does not line up with scripture. Thank you for always pointing people to the truth here on your blog. Praying for your family today!
It's 2 months today since little Reese has gone...thanks for all your encouragement....we keep your family in our prayers as elly
Camille, what a wonderful way to honor your encouragement to others with this book. Please enter me into the drawing. Thank you!
Bless your sweet heart, Camille.
You have a beautiful sounding book to give away, and in honor of your dear son, Austin. Precious indeed.
I agree with you, in that many of the books out there on this subject do not hold up to the Word of God.
John Mac Arthur is one of those I have gleaned much from in his teaching over the many years I have walked with my Jesus. This would be a wonderful book to receive through your generous love and give away.
Thank you for allowing me to enter.
My prayers are with you, dear friend.
The Lord bless you, Debbie
Thinking of you and praying for you!!
I have marveled at how you could always turn things to the Lord and write about it on this space....amidst this very difficult time in your life. God bless you for this very encouraging testimony you have willingly allowed us to share with you.
I remember when I was little, I had so many loved ones pass away too soon and I asked my grandmom why didn't they let us know in some way they were ok...why didn't they want to come back. She said "maybe it is just so amazing there that they don't want to come back".... I've held onto that hope and kept my faith that God has amazing things waiting for us in heaven. Only when we reach him will it all make sense. Hugs....
I also think it's a wonderful way to honor you son, include me in the drawing please. Continuing to pray for your family.
Thinking of you. May your heart be refreshed today even as you refresh others!
Hugs to you my friend!
I was just talking to my hubby yesterday about how much I miss my Dad and how he would always say that he was an alien here and just passing through on his way to heaven. Amen!
We sometimes sing a song at church where the last line is "come quickly Jesus, take us all home tonight" amazing that day will be!
Keeping you in my thoughts & prayers!
Please enter me in the drawing. I'm encouraged by your faithfulness to the truth. I've had so many people share books about heaven and near death and after death experiences with me. They are shocked when I tell them that these books don't seem to line up with the Word of God. There doesn't seem to be much discernment today, does there? May He continue to give you discernment and may your life continue to be a testimony of His grace.
Dear Friends ~ Thank you for entering this giveaway. For those of you who did not win, perhaps you could add this book to your wish really has been such an encouragement to our hearts. Many Blessings to each of you! Love, Camille
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