Quotidian: daily, usual, or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace.

Second Cousins.
Here we go >>> again!
But, this time around, Betsy is not an option.
Fresh ends.
And the winds came (55 km/h)!
Preparing to begin.
World Domination.
Making room for the game.
Switching things up.
Imparting wisdom.
Daddy serenade.
Happy Monday Y'all!
With Love, Camille
aw good to have you back to blogging! Lovely times and always fun for games and just enjoy seeing your family! Another driver!!! God bless you all!
Goodness, those kiddos of yours are growing up too quickly! ;)
After seeing that post about Emma's coloring book, I placed an order for the forest one! :)
That wind was so crazy, we lost power for 3 days because of it...so thankful for our generator that kept our fridge and freezer going!
It's so good to see you back!!
Life...and common place...The children are busy with all things life, aren't they? :-)
Oh how I remember those"driving" days, I loved them!! It was nice having a chauffeur when it lasted.
I pray your school days go well for you in this new year ahead of you. Enjoy!
Blessings~~ Debbie
Becky ~ Thank you, my friend! It's always a blessing to hear from you. Hugs! :)
Nadine ~ It was absolutely incredible, wasn't it? So many trees were down in our area....but, we didn't lose power as you did! So glad you were safe and had back up power for your food supply. What a blessing! How fun that you have one of her colouring books, too. Hugs to you. :)
Debbie ~ Thank you so much! Ah, yes...the chauffeuring days have returned! However, I find it is a little stressful until about the half-way point in their training. We'll get there. Hugs. :)
With love,
Lovely...all of it!
Katy ~ Awww...thank you!! It's just life, isn't it? If we look closely and take time to really see it, the preciousness of it all emerges. Hugs to you! Camille
Love the cute red heads (of course)!
Jackie ~ Of course! :) XO
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