A vapour.
That's what the Bible tells us.
"Whereas ye know not what
shall be on the morrow.
For what is your life?
It is even a vapour,
that appeareth for a little time,
and then vanisheth away."
~ James 4:14 ~
When the children were younger,
I thought there was
I really thought things
would go on and on
I was stopped by Mothers
and Grandmothers
who encouraged me to
They told me it would soon be gone.
I smiled and nodded.
I didn't really see it at the time.
They were right.
Enjoy these moments,
these days....
they are fleeting.
And so,
I continue to count.
1361. Seeing the boys' Tonka Trucks
parked by the shed ~
and the memories of how they
used to play *chicken* with them!
When did they stop doing that?!
1362. How Emma sets bugs free...
and talks so tenderly to them while doing it! :)
1363. Calvin's new camera ~
He saved for a long time and got it on sale.
1364. Candles to blow out ~
More memories made
1366. Growing together
1367. Raindrops to capture
1368. A boy to share the love of
photography with
1369. Provisions ~ over and over and over again!
1370. Health and strength day by day
It's easy to count.
It begins with noticing the *little* things.
Noticing the moments.
Entering into them and writing them down.
It's as simple as that.
My journal sits on my counter.
I list as events unfold.
Sometimes many all at once,
and other times in a trickle.
Would you like to begin?
Just grab a pen and a journal,
set them out on the counter,
and list out your blessings.
Find the joy in the moments ~
As they arrive.
Enjoy the journey!
Many Blessings,
Hi, Camille,
This is a great reminder! It's hard sometimes to stay in the 'now' instead of straining forward for what's ahead. I'm thankful that I do have the ability to savor the little things (I do!), but sometimes I want other things that I know are coming, so much that I don't live fully in the here and now.
Someone said, "Wherever you are, be all there."
Thanks for reminding me of that again.
Waving and smiling,
What a great reminder to not just let the days slip by. Time does fly, doesn't it?! My baby turns 13 in June, and I don't know how it happened so fast!
What an awesome list. I wake up every morning just thankful to be alive...and asking how I can serve the Lord this day...and just worship HIM.
Thanks for this post.
Have a blessed weekend.
It goes so fast. I want to savor every moment.
Dear Rhonda ~ I like that..."wherever you are, be all there"! How easy it is to always be looking ahead to the next thing...may the LORD help us to live each moment for HIM! Waving and smiling back! :)
Dear Lisa ~ How time flies!! A 13 year old still needs Mom and Dad...enjoy these precious days! :)
Dear Connie ~ Our lives are meant to bring glory to our Precious Saviour...may we always live like this is true! Have a wonderful weekend my friend. :)
Dear Stacie ~ Yes...too fast indeed! How wonderful to really slow down and savour the moments...may the LORD help us all to do so! :)
Many blessings,
I agree ~ we need to enjoy today and remember the days gone by ~ time does pass so quickly.
Oh yes Patty, so it does!! May the LORD help us each to live purposefully day by day for HIS glory! Have a wonderful LORD's Day! :)
Many blessings,
Wonderful list Camille! I really like the picture of the flower with the raindrop on it, great shot! Have a wonderful day!!
Thank you Jill! I hope you have a wonderful day too! :)
Oh I so enjoyed catching up with you.
What a lovely post.
Hope you have a wonderful day.
May Blessings~
Thank you for stopping by Carrie...it's lovely to hear from you! Have a fabulous day!
Someone told me when I was pregnant with my first to savor the moments for they go fast. My goal has been to do this. Though I sometimes get caught up in the day to day things and forget to stop and take time to savor them.
So happy for your little photographer and his new camera! Beautiful capture of God's raindrops on the flower!!!
Thanks for checking on me...April has been busy, both physically and emotionally. Things are slowing down again and I am happy to have time to catch up with my blog friends.
Still praying for the Crohn's issue.
Dear Christine ~ It's lovely to hear from you...sorry you have been *snowed under* lately ~ I will pray for you tonight. Thank you so much for your prayers...it's a great blessing to know that you have been praying! :)
In HIS Love,
Hi Camille,
Beautiful,beautiful post and a wonderful reminder!! I have so enjoyed my time here today.
Wonderful photos! I love your inspiration and your beautiful sweet spirit and love for the Lord.
God bless you.
Blessings and hugs.
Oh, how true this is my sister! My almost 15 year old reminds me of this everyday! Time just keeps clicking by, so it is so important to savor the moments, making the most of every second for the glory of Christ. Take care my dear friend and thanks for this precious reminder.
What a beautiful post and list, Camille. It is so true about how quickly our children grow up.
The pictures are beautiful...especially the one where the drop of rain was captured on the petal! Did you take that one, or did Calvin?
Hugs to you, friend!
Dear Linda ~ You really are a sweetie...thank you for your visit and for your kind and encouraging words! May the LORD be glorified in all we do and say...HE alone is worthy!! :)
Dear Jackie ~ Oh how quickly the time flies!! Especially when you have as much on your plate as you do!! What a blessing to know that the LORD is with us in each stage of life...enjoy these precious days my friend! :)
Dear Dianna ~ Oh how good it is to hear from you my friend! I have missed you!! Calvin has been taking some amazing shots, but that flower photo is mine....thank you for your sweet compliments. :)
In HIS Love,
It does go by so fast doesn't it!
So many blessings to be thankful for!
If Calvin has any photography questions e-mail me! I'd be glad to help him out!
Dear Jenn ~ Thank you for your kind words and for your offer to Calvin! If he gets stuck I will refer him to you...that's very thoughtful. :)
Many blessings,
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