It was a shock.
Our child with
Crohn's Disease needed blood.
Two units of packed cells.
Just to get him out
of the critical zone.
A little.
After about 10 months of only
using natural means
to treat this disease,
he needed a boost.
Two things.
One was the transfusion.
The other was a pharmaceutical.
Prednisone is currently
the drug of choice.
Not the route
we wanted to take.
But, the one
that made the most sense.
For now.
And only for a very
short period of time.
The LORD willing.
We continue to use
supplements and diet
to manage this disease.
It all seems to be working.
God is Good.
All the time.

Through it all we pray.
We trust.
We lean on the LORD.
We rest.
What else can we do?
And sometimes,
that is the point.
The place where we need to be.
Completely and utterly
dependent on HIM.
The book of Job is such a comfort.
Job's reactions through
all of his suffering
were upright and godly.
He was beyond reproach.
We, of course, are not.
But, we serve the same God.
Job's God is my God.
that thought is!
We continue to trust that the
LORD does all things well.
That HE makes no mistakes.
We look to HIM
each step of this journey.
We know HE is in control.
HIS ways are perfect.
We rest.

If you find yourself
in a difficult place,
do not despair.
The LORD never gives us
more than we can bear.
With HIM.
"For I know the thoughts that
I think toward you, saith the LORD,
thoughts of peace, and not of evil,
to give you an expected end."
~ Jeremiah 29:11 ~
Look to HIM.
Rest in HIM.
Many Blessings to each of you,
**Photos in this post courtesy of
our precious Emma ~ Thank you! xo
Our child with
Crohn's Disease needed blood.
Two units of packed cells.
Just to get him out
of the critical zone.
A little.
After about 10 months of only
using natural means
to treat this disease,
he needed a boost.
Two things.
One was the transfusion.
The other was a pharmaceutical.
Prednisone is currently
the drug of choice.
Not the route
we wanted to take.
But, the one
that made the most sense.
For now.
And only for a very
short period of time.
The LORD willing.
We continue to use
supplements and diet
to manage this disease.
It all seems to be working.
God is Good.
All the time.
Through it all we pray.
We trust.
We lean on the LORD.
We rest.
What else can we do?
And sometimes,
that is the point.
The place where we need to be.
Completely and utterly
dependent on HIM.
The book of Job is such a comfort.
Job's reactions through
all of his suffering
were upright and godly.
He was beyond reproach.
We, of course, are not.
But, we serve the same God.
Job's God is my God.
that thought is!
We continue to trust that the
LORD does all things well.
That HE makes no mistakes.
We look to HIM
each step of this journey.
We know HE is in control.
HIS ways are perfect.
We rest.
If you find yourself
in a difficult place,
do not despair.
The LORD never gives us
more than we can bear.
With HIM.
"For I know the thoughts that
I think toward you, saith the LORD,
thoughts of peace, and not of evil,
to give you an expected end."
~ Jeremiah 29:11 ~
Look to HIM.
Rest in HIM.
Many Blessings to each of you,
**Photos in this post courtesy of
our precious Emma ~ Thank you! xo
Oh Camille...praying for you and your sweet family. What a difficult journey this is. I am so thankful we serve a mighty God. Liftin
Dear Camille,
Keeping your son and family in our prayers!
Oh my friend... when you hadn't posted for a while I wondered, and prayed. And prayed. {{{{hugs}}}} He knows and will carry, my friend. I'll continue to stand in the gap for you.
So sorry to hear that your son is going through a hard time with the crohn's disease. Be careful with the prednisone. My sister-in-law, who also has crohn's disease took prednisone for some time when she was younger. She has been unsuccessful in being able to conceive ~ it can cause fertility problems. Sometimes there is no other choice, but maybe he can quit using it soon. I hope all will be well soon for your son and family. Blessings.
Dear Camille,
How scary! I am glad that your child is doing better, I am sorry that medication is needed at this time but thankful that there are some means of help through this. Obviously the Lord is our help, comfort and strength. I am continuing to keep your whole family in prayer with this. Joshua 1:9 is an encouraging verse for me and I hope you will find it to be too :) I love you!
Miss Emma, you take beautiful pictures!
I so need those words of encouragement this morning Camille! My eldest and I are walking the journeying of trust and faith for God's Provision for work and finances. I am excited to see how God will fulfil his promise to never leave nor forsake.
Sorry to hear about the need for a transfusion and steriods...I am praying it is only for a short time and that God will continue to give you wisdom.
Praying that your little one will be begin to feel better soon. That the Lord would continue to give you wisdom and that he would continue to sustain you as you walk through this difficult time.
Oh Im so sorry to hear that my friend.. But Im glad you are doing whatever is necessary.. I know the doctors had me on predsisone at one time too, with my colitis. I just realized yesterday that I need to be on a Gluten free diet in order to stay healthy..
Keep hanging on to the Lord like I know you will,, and we will keep you and your family in our prayers.. God Bless
I'm so sorry to hear this. I hope your child feels better soon.
thank you for your encouragement. It is easy to get discouraged with you are in tremendous pain.
Oh Camille...I am so sorry about all this. Praying for complete healing for your son...and God's wisdom for all doctors and medical staff.
I pray also that you have a blessed, and peaceful new year.
Dear Jennifer ~ Thank you so much for praying and for your sweet encouragement! Yes, indeed...we serve a Mighty God!! :)
Dear Nadine ~ Thank you for praying for us means so much! :)
Dear Susan ~ How lovely to think that you were praying throughout my silence here...what a blessing! Thank you for your sweet is a joy. :)
Dear Patty ~ Thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words and for the warning/caution too...I do appreciate it! Yes, we do plan for it to be of short duration...all the more reason to stick to that resolve. :)
Dear Sharon ~ Joshua 1:9 is a wonderful verse...thank you for directing my thoughts there! It is so true...the LORD is WITH us in this! What a comforting thought. I appreciate your are a blessing to me. :)
Dear Julia ~ How lovely to know that you are praying for us in the midst of your own trials! We will remember you and your situation in prayer as well. Thank you for your sweet friendship. :)
Dear Maryann ~ Thank you so much for praying for our family...God is so Good to us, isn't He? It is a blessing to know that others are lifting us up to the Throne of Grace. May HE bless you abundantly too! :)
Dear Karen ~ May the LORD give you wisdom as you walk a similar path...what a blessing to know what your *triggers* are...may the LORD give you the grace your need to avoid them! :)
Dear Stacie ~ Thank you my friend! We are remembering you in prayer these days as well. :)
Dear Connie ~ How precious it is to know that you are lifting us up in prayer. The LORD is so Good to us all...isn't HE? :)
Many Rich Blessings to each one of you!
In HIS Love,
Oh Camille,
Our Lord has chosen you from the foundations of the earth and for a reason known to Him, He has chosen this path for your son and your family. We don't know why, but all we can do is continue to look to our holy God and know He cares and have hope that all of this is not in vain.
I will be fervently praying for you and your husband, as well as the rest of the family as you watch your son go through this.
I leave you with Psalms 27:14...
"Wait on the Lord; be of good courage,And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord."
Much Love,
Precious Camille,
Thinking of you and praying for your son. We try to do things naturally too…but sometimes God has brought us to a place where we too must use other medical means. Not our first choice, but even in that our God is Sovereign. It has taught me to be less legalistic of my natural methods…and realize that God works all things for our good…even those routes we would not have chosen on our own. Love you my friend and you will be in my thoughts and prayers.
In Him,
Dear Camille,
We'll be praying for your family. Indeed, it's so good that we can rest in the Lord. What comfort. May you find strength in our Mighty God.
Hi Camille, I am so sorry to hear how Austin has been struggling! Both John and I have had our share of Prednisone, he for Polyarteritis Nodosa and me for my Asthma. In both cases it has been a life saving drug! But it can be hard on your system. I have been taking lots of other immunity boosters to help with some side effects recently (landed in ER over Christmas). I pray that Austin will react quickly to the meds and will start to heal from this bout of disease. God is amazing in providing with our medical service, and advice and many times this last couple of days I have given thanks to HIm who orchestrates all so perfectly. I do so now for you and Austin and I pray that you will feel the Lords comforting and healing presence. Much love and blessings Pippa
Dear Camille,
What a great God we have with whom we can rest and trust in! Yes, He does carry us through and reminds us this place is not our home. We look forward to a world of no more sickness, no more sin,
no more concerns...we shall see Him and be as close as we can possibly be to Him...we shall be like Him!
"Nay in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us..." NOTHING "shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. All these trials draw us closer to our Saviour who endured so much for us. We continue to pray for dear Austin and your family. Have a blessed New Year! Love,your friend, Susan
Oh Camille, I am praying! Even in the trials your bring the Lord's LIGHT! I love that about you! You just keep praising and shining. What a testimony you are my friend!
Dear Christine ~ How lovely it is to hear from you my friend! Thank you so much for your encouraging words and for pointing my thoughts to the always! You are a blessing to me. :)
Dear Jackie ~ How encouraging your words were to my heart...thank you so much my friend! I know you understand where we are coming from and it is a blessing to know that you do! :)
Dear Sandy ~ I always appreciate it when you leave a comment here my encourage me! Thank you too for directing my attention to our Great God...HE alone is Worthy! :)
Dear Pippa ~ I am so sorry to learn of all your recent trials my friend! How wonderful it is to read that you see God's Hand in it all...HE is Faithful! Thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words and for praying for is a great blessing to my heart! :)
Dear Susan ~ How sweet it is to read your thoughts my friend...God is SO Good to us, isn't HE? Yes, indeed...these trials DO bring us closer to the LORD and wean us from this world...we are blessed! Thank you for taking the time to encourage my heart...I'm thankful for you. :)
Dear Soraya ~ Thank you so much. :)
Dear Jenn ~ May the LORD be glorified...HE alone is Worthy! Thank you so much for praying for is a great blessing to know that you are! I am thankful for your friendship. :)
Many blessings to you each one!
In HIS Love,
*critical* *disease* *blood* all very scary words. I'm so thankful that you were able to get help when you needed it and that the Lord gave you both wisdom. How is he doing now?
"Lord I pray for this young one. That you would give him comfort and draw him and this sweet family closer to You. Please give him rest and allow his body to heal. Restore him. In Christ name~"
hugs dear friend~ Cinnamon
Hi Camille, I'm sorry to hear about your son. Our son was on prednisone too at one time. It can help, and hopefully your son won't be on it long enough to suffer any side effects. Maybe you already have done this, but I would suggest lots of chicken soup for right now. Maybe you should go to the pecanbread website and do the SCD in stages beginning with the chicken soup broth and adding things gradually. Maybe not taking any supplements either in the beginning. I've read of some kids who even taking 1 vitamin a day could make them flare. Have you ever talked with Erin at She is very helpful. I'll be praying for you and for your son to get better soon!!
Dear Cinnamon ~ How lovely it is to have you as a friend and to read your prayer for us! Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment and for your encouraging words. They are a great blessing to me. He is doing quite a lot better now...thank you so much for asking! :)
Dear Terri ~ Thank you so much for sharing that website with me...I will check it out! I appreciate your insights as well...I know you have been on this road like us and just want the best for your son. May the LORD indeed give us all daily the wisdom and grace we need. How blessed we are to belong to HIM! Thank you for your friendship. :)
Many Blessings,
Sorry to hear about all his troubles. I'm sure that was a scary time for all of you. I wish I could donate a pint of my much-in-demand O- blood! (It would be difficult to transport it across the border, I'm sure!) Next time I donate, I will specifically pray for you.
Dear Lois ~ Thank you so much my friend! It is a lovely thing to know that so many have lifted us up in prayer...God is SO Good to us!! What a blessing it is that you are a donor...THANK YOU!
In HIS Love,
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