Summer fades.
Autumn arrives.
Seeking to treasure up
the beauties of the season
just past.
1485. Fresh blueberries to freeze.

1486. Crisp watermelon to enjoy ~
And the satisfying crunch as it splits open

1487. Full moon and the wonder of its beauty
(can a photo really capture it?)

1488. The crock pot to cook
for me outdoors on a hot day

1489. A boy who remembers and sheds the
socks before entering the house ~
filthy from outdoor work
1490. Backyard Badminton

1491. That the grass grows back ~ smile!
1492. Little local pool and watching the kids
jump in and jump in...
...and jump in again!
1493. Hot Dog cookout on the beach
1494. Saying *Yes* to Emma
(who will soon grow out of these requests)
and allowing her to bring her stroller to
the grocery store
1495. A generous cousin who loaned
her American girl doll to Emma...
complete with outfits galore! :)
1496. That the wheels can be cleaned ~
Almost as good as new
1497. More memories made
1498. The way that Emma talks to *the girls* ~
her doll and her cousin's
1499. Boys who climb trees and
a Daddy who goes with them!
(This photo is from last Summer ~
the scene this year was similar.
The little white dot at the top is Austin!)
1500. One of this Summer's last loads of
sheets drying on the line ~
I *love* this view!! :)
Welcoming Autumn...
saying goodbye to Summer.
Until next year....
"To everything there is a season,
and a time to every purpose under
the heaven..."
~ Ecclesiastes 3:1 ~
May each of you, kind friends,
celebrate the season the LORD has you in!
Many blessings,