A dear friend of mine
has much wisdom to share.
We have known one another for over 17 years ~
A blessing from the LORD.
Shortly after Austin was
admitted to hospital,
this sweet friend was in our home with her
teenaged daughter who has Lymphoma.
Early on in this young lady's battle with Cancer,
her Grandpa was planning to stop by for a visit.
He was weeping on the phone.
And my friend told him that tears to that extent would not be
welcomed in the presence of her daughter.
They were not having a funeral.
Her daughter had not died.
They were rejoicing in each day graciously given
by the LORD.
They were living.
That is what we plan to do too.
Live life as it is given.
And cherish the moments as they come.
Day by Day.
By God's Grace.

Grace is there as it is needed.
Not for the worrying about what is to come.
I can testify that this is true.
Once again.
Yes, there have been tears.
Tears like I have never experienced before.
But, I am finding that those tears
often are about the *what ifs*
and the *fears* of what may lie ahead.
It's not productive to go there.
We are to enter into this moment.
Enter into this day. Live it for HIS glory.
It's a gift. It's what we have been given.
The gift of today.

I contemplated shutting down this blog.
But, then I remembered that our story is not finished.
It's still being written. Life still is being lived.
God still has much to do in our hearts.
And so, I plan to continue.
When there are significant changes in Austin's condition,
I will give updates.
But, in the meantime, life goes on.
And we all want to participate
in whatever the LORD gives.
And live life to the fullest for HIM.
One day at a time.
Each day is a gift.
"It is of the LORD's mercies that we are not consumed,
because His compassions fail not.
They are new every morning: great is Thy faithfulness."
~ Lamentations 3:22-23 ~

We will, of course, continue to pray.
God has already done amazing things,
for which we are thankful!
Medically speaking, the progress may be slow,
and the journey long.
But, God is able to accomplish far
above that which we ask or think!
Our times are in HIS hands.
What a blessing it is to know that HE does all things well.
How wonderful it has been
to witness HIS hand upon our son.
If the LORD brings us to mind, would you pray too?
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
We appreciate you all so very much!
Permit me, if you will, to return to my *regular* posts.
Posts about life and living. About the simple things.
The *everyday* things. Amazing things about my
Precious Saviour and HIS Goodness.
Perhaps even the mundane.
And, in the meantime, please know that your prayers
for our son and our family continue to be cherished.
Each one of you is a blessing.
Is there something you need prayer for?
Please feel free to email me privately (sidebar),
or leave a comment on this post,
and we will seek to remember you before the Throne of Grace.
HE hears and answers.
HIS ways are always best.
We have been filled up beyond
measure with the outpouring of love
shown to us during this trial.
May the LORD bless you, each one!
"The LORD is my strength and my shield;
my heart trusted in Him, and I am helped:
therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth;
and with my song will I praise Him."
~ Psalm 28:7 ~
He is Good. Always.
Much Love,