We were at Children's Hospital
for a cardiology appointment a few days ago.
The usual tests were performed.
Nothing has changed.
He still takes three medications
for his condition daily.
He is functioning well all things considered.
And, the cardiologist does not need to see him until Christmas.
These are good things.
We must be patient. We give thanks.
God's ways are higher than ours.
Five months ago, it was not known if Austin was going to live.
He was so incredibly ill. He was in heart failure.
By God's grace, Austin did not die.
Oh! How thankful we are that he was!
It was thought that a pacemaker
may have been needed within a month or two
of that hospital stay ~ it's now been five months.
He hasn't needed one placed.
What a great blessing!
On another note ~ Austin also has Crohn's Disease.
He began taking the starter medication for it
just after his stay in the hospital.
It's a maintenance dose.
It would appear that the honeymoon is over.
He continues to take it, however,
it seems to be less effective than it was initially.
We are seeking to be wise in how we deal with this condition.
Austin pays careful attention to his diet while taking the medications prescribed.
It's a long road. But, one worth travelling, it would seem.
We pray that the LORD would heal our precious son,
and that He would give us wisdom to know the way forward.
What a blessing it is to know that HIS ways are higher than ours.
We are aware that He may be able to use Austin
better through his illness than if he were perfectly well.
This life is not all there is.
In fact, it is so short in light of eternity.
This is but a shadow of the eternal.
What a blessing to have that perspective!
It changes everything.
Many Blessings to you!