The giving of thanks in the midst of the daily challenges
of life is spirit-lifting and self-encouraging.
What a blessing to continue on this journey...
step by step ~ with HIM!
The list continues to grow and the "everyday" and
the "mundane" become the "wonderful"!
376. Fluffy white clouds in a glorious sky ~
"The heavens declare the glory of God..." Psalm 19:1a
377. Discovery of a bee on a fake flower ~
why would the REAL ones be ignored?
379. Amazon ~ Reasonable prices and FREE shipping!
380. Pop*pop*pop of packing bubbles ~ free fun! :)
381. Freshness of the Spring air
382. Broken Dishwasher ~
Makes me appreciate the many times it worked for me!
383. The lack of dishwasher has made me more diligent about
keeping up with all the dishes ~ funny enough! :)
384. A little helper who asks with pleading eyes if
SHE can do the dishes ~ please? :)
385. Radio Theatre to listen to ~ a welcome Video break for two weeks
386. Creative toys to ingnite the imagination
387. Birthdays to celebrate
388. Restful sleep to rejuvenate
389. Sundays ~ refreshing for the soul
390. Crookedly hung towels ~
young men (and not so young) live here :)
391. Dust ~ the important things are getting done...
392. Hard working Husband who cares for our physical needs ~
such a blessing!
393. New experiences
394. Grace ~ where would we be without it?
395. Short notice visits from family
396. Soren moments (cousin's 5 month old baby boy)
397. The yummy smell of a baby
398. Snuggling a little one after many years of having "big" kids!
399. New recipes
400. Cooking day ~
stocking up the freezer for the busy days ahead
Many Blessings,
Wait. Your men are actually hanging towels UP? Amazing.
That bee is confused and funny. Great list.
How beautiful is your growing list of thankfulness! What an encouragment to me. I thought the one about Amazon so cute. I am an Amazon girl too...which reminds me...thank you again for letting me know about the Freddy books. I read the first one to my kids and they totally loved it! I will be starting on another very soon.
Have a Jesus filled day!
Wonderful blessings Camille!
God is so good and blesses us all in both big and small ways everyday!
Good day Camille :)
I SO love reading these. I had to chuckle at the crooked towels :) Oh and the broken dishwasher, that one hasn't happened here but I remember the year with the broken stove, did you know that you can bake Chocolate Chip Cookies on the grill ;) The Lord is just magnificent and He is the balm for my soul :)
Have a blessed day in Jesus my friend!
You're right...I would be miserable without Amazon.:) I didn't know there was a Golden Book of A Child's Garden of Verses! I need to look for that one. Such perfect bedtime reading.
In church recently, a member gave thanks for her new dishwasher, after having been without one for awhile. My husband, who was up front leading that part of the service, said, Yes, it's good to be thankful for even the small things. All the women started laughing because we know a dishwasher is no small thing! Needless to say, my dear Beloved was a bit red-faced and will never think a dishwasher to be a small blessing.
Rejoicing with God with you for His bountiful provisions.
What a great list!! Crooked towels...I know exactly where you are coming from!
JoAnn ~ LOL...I couldn't quite figure that bee stayed there for a long time, but eventually it flew away.
Jackie ~ Oh I am SO glad you like FREDDY too! AND how wonderful Amazon is hey? :)
Nadine ~ Yes...the big and the small are all blessings from HIS hand! We all have SO much MORE to be thankful for than we have to complain about! It's a matter of perspective...if only I will remember this! :)
Sharon ~ LOL...never heard of baking on the grill! Someone must have had a pretty big craving to do that!! I'm glad to know it can be done...I may need that info one day! Oh YES...the LORD is the balm for my soul blessed we are! :)
Trisha ~ Dishwashers are HUGE blessings! Before we got this one (the broken one) I was without for 6 months and it wasn't too bad. I am hoping not to wait that long this time, but I find that doing without really does help with gratitude for the new when it comes ~ eventually. I left you a note on your blog about that little book...hope you can find it! :)
Mary B ~ Welcome! So nice to "meet" you! Crooked towels...LOL...perspective ~ at least they DO get hung up! :)
Being thankful for crooked towels has certainly caught the eye of your readers! It jumped out from the list for me - I can't help myself from straightening the 'slung over' towels on the towel rack which happens to be one of my most favourite things in my house and I am so thankful to have something so beautiful in one of my more functional rooms. At least I get to admire it each time I have to return a towel! I am also thankful for the amazing deep colours towels come in these days especially as my husband is a mechanic!
Love your list, Camille, especially the smell of babies :)
Have a good night.
Love, Heather
Ann ~ I guess I am not alone in this towel thing...what a blessing that there are men in my house...that's what I am most thankful about! LOL ~ I can imagine how the dark towels would be a blessing to you! :)
Heather ~ Oh yes...babies! I miss those days! You have a good night too! :)
I am so thankful for your prayers for Andrew! He is doing amazingly well!
Oh Stacie...such good news!! I will continue to pray as he heals ~ hang in there! Moment by moment with the LORD!
I was a little down when I came to your blog and the Lord has encouraged me through your gratitude list and other posts! Thanks!
Teresa ~ So sorry to hear you've been a little down lately! What a blessing to my heart to learn that you were encouraged here...that is so precious! May the LORD minister to you in the coming days through HIS Word...have a blessed LORD's Day!
In His Love,
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