It is much easier than giving thanks ~ shameful, but true.
Yet, we are commanded to give thanks ~ in all things.
Once more I seek to see the good and give the thanks ~
A sacrifice of praise.
"By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually,
that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name."
Hebrews 13:15
411. Opportunities to play
412. G.I.A.N.T. tub of Legos
413. Little hands that piece the colours together
414. Photography fun and the ability to get down to that level!
416. Bananagrams to play with ~
spelling practise without "trying"
417. K'Nex Rollercoaster to build
418. Watching and enjoying the accomplishment
419. Sharing in their pursuits
420. Learning the art of "YES"...
421. ...AND watching from a distance as Emma and Daddy run
barefoot by the water's edge and I stay on the path ~
Beach Walk joys as the days grow warmer! :)
422. Planning and Dreaming
423. Enjoying the fleeting days and the moments of NOW
424. Boys that play chess AND hockey! :)
425. The nights when our street is not quiet ~
makes me appreciate the many times it has been!
426. Neighbours that look out for each other
427. Children for my children to play with ~ right in front of my house...
just how I always wanted it to be
428. Surgery that may prevent blindness in one we love
429. Chicken Noodle Soup for dinner ~ yummy, nourishing goodness
430. Things to look forward to
431. Six voices chattering around the table ~
none of us are "the quiet type" day it will be silent and I
will wish it all back again!
432. Busy children
433. Messes ~ one day things will stay as I arrange them...
then I will remember these days with tears wishing them back again
434. Random piano duets between the second and the last
435. Friendships developing amongst the children ~
amidst the challenges of learning to live with one another in harmony
Many Blessings,
Wonderful blessings Camille!
Bananagrams and Legos are favorites at our house too!
SO many things to be thankful for. And how easy for us to forget to give thanks, especially in the midst of trials and tribulations. Truly then it becomes a sacrifice of praise.
Such great photos, Camille. They always tell a story. I was going to post about saying "yes" as well today! We are definitely on the "same page". This has been on my mind often lately. And the messes... oh yeah! :)
I love how you count your blessings. My mom and I had a blessing today when we were together when I went to visit her at the nursing home. Come by and see what we saw! (posted on May 7) Have a good weekend. I've had a hard time blogging myself. Never enough time to do it all.
Enjoy your blogging break!
As always, your posts on Mondays bless me. Love the thankful heart for all the talking and noise...for the messes little hands make...for the reminder that these days are wonderful and one day, the house will be silent and things will stay in their places. As I see my Mom, alone in her house, with everything exactly where she has placed it and no little hands to move things, no little mouths to is eerily quiet and she has much time to herself. It makes my heart pause and I get teary, thinking how I don't want that day to come - how I want to breath deeply of these chaotic, crazy, full days. Thank you, friend, for that reminder!
The Knex and Bananagrams look like great fun! And your 430 made me think of how much joy we all have from looking forward to something with expectation. Thank you for the reminder.
Hope you've had a wonderful weekend and Mother's Day! Did you ever get my message that I'd love to send you a copy of the Idols book?
Nadine ~ How fun! We just got Bananagrams and think they are great! :)
Cindy ~ Oh YES! Especially in those trying times...and remembering the words of God to us in Romans 8:28 at those times is a great comfort! Hang in there!!
Heather ~ Thanks for the photo compliments...that means alot coming from you! YES...I began to realise how much I have been saying NO!! :)
Becky ~ Oh yes, the important things are those that we are to keep first and foremost! How wonderful that you were able to be with your Mom! :)
J ~ I am so with you on that quiet house thing! AND then I remember that we are called to each season of life and to live IN it! At that time, the Lord-willing, we will have opportunities to serve our grown children with their children, and the ministering will continue!
Trisha ~ Thanks for your encouragement today!, I didn't get your message about that book....but that doesn't mean it isn't there! THANK YOU!! I will have to check it out! :)
May the LORD bless you all with a wonderful week!
With Love,
What wonderful blessings! Your pictures were great! The bright colors of the K'nex where beautiful.
Looking at the one photo with the letters crossword I see
Glad you're taking a break..... I'm doing much of the same. I love all my blogland sisters and brothers but right now there are people here - family - friends - and strangers who God desires to show His love we must be His hands and feet and take it to them!
Blessings - always listening to your music with JOY in my heart,
Jenn ~ Thanks for the compliments...they are extra special as you are a fellow photographer! :)
Stephanie ~ You are so right...the LORD is the KING of ALL ages! How fun that you saw that in there...the Lord is Great and Mighty and we are blessed to be HIS! :)
In His Love,
Beautiful Post! I just came across you blog and it's a true blessing indeed! I have two little ones and was especially touched by your comments on the noise around the dinner table and many messes to clean up after and what true blessings the noise and mess is after-all!
I will definitely stop by again! :) Blessings, Jaime
Welcome Jaime! How precious these days are with our children at home! How often to my shame I wished for a quiet house...oh I know I will wish for these days back again!! May the LORD help us each to number our days and enter into the JOY of them! :)
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