reflection is often necessary to really appreciate today.
Oh that I would slow down long enough to drink it all in!
"The LORD is good to all:
and his tender mercies are over all his works."
Psalm 145:9
Continuing to number my days and His tender mercies ~
grace upon grace...
436. Endless supply of flowers for my little vase ~
lovingly picked just for me!
437. Little helper ~ eager to be of use!
Remember that my dishwasher is broken? :)
439. School project ~ a tiny glimpse into the
sheer magnitude of our Great God's marvelous Creation
440. Neighbours willing to fill in on the paper route
and collect mail while we were away
441. Safe return of my Mom from Egypt
442. Imaginations of a child
443. Chocolate Molten Cakes
444. Bald eagles soaring overhead ~ three of them!
445. Little girl who keeps up as I "power walk"
446. Reading about our niece's adventures in AFRICA!
447. Ability to pray for loved ones far away
448. Our hearing and answering Heavenly Father
449. Fresh spring breezes filling the house
450. The gate slamming shut ~ boys live here
451. Empty fridge ~ boys live here
452. Full fridge ~ boys live here and God provides!
453. The "shhh" of little (and not so little)
boys in a bunk bed waiting for Mum to say goodnight
454. Little girl reading "The Bobbsey Twins" in bed
as she waits for Mummy to tuck her in
455. Oldest son who quietly goes to bed and still allows Mum
to kiss him goodnight
Many Blessings,
The Bobbsey Twins! I loved the Bobbsey Twins! Saw some of them in Angie's (Maple Valley Farm) daughters room last week...she loves them too!
Wonderful blessings to be thankful for!
Have a lovely day!
Oh the Bobbsey Twins was my all time favorite as growing up, I do love them. Such great blessings you have listed here, I have so enjoyed my visit here sister, do stop by and sit a spell with me one day, God bless you and I will be back too, will follow this one.
Lots of Hugs my new Friend, Barbara
I started mine!!! In my prayer journal, but then it hit me, I should put it in the journal my sweet husband bought me while we were in Italy...the journal I can't seem to bring myself to use because it's so beautiful and I love it so much! Anyway - thank you for living out your example. I love you and appreciate you!!!
PS LOVE the pics of Emma at the sink!
I looove these...
450. The gate slamming shut ~ boys live here
451. Empty fridge ~ boys live here
Little things we take for granted but when counted, they seem sooo priceless... things we'll miss when they're grown.
Cindy ~ Aren't they great classics? I remember reading them as a girl too! :)
Nadine ~ Thanks...isn't God gracious to us? I'm sure you've had a lovely day with your Amy...happy birthday to her from me! :)
Welcome Barbara ~ Lovely to "meet" you! Trust you will be blessed as you visit here. :)
J ~ Yaaay!! I'm so glad you started!! You will find it a blessing I am sure! I appreciate your friendship...thanks for your precious encouragement! :)
Heather ~ Oh how true!! We WILL wish these days back again!! Everytime I hear that gate slam it ought to be a reminder that they will be grown and gone and I will be sad! Thanks for your sweet encouragement too...I appreciate you! :)
With Love,
Dear Camille,
Just beautiful!!! God certainly does bless us beyond measure doesn't He? Thanks for sharing and making me smile.
Have a most beautiful day in Him :)
Dear Sharon ~
Thanks for making ME smile! May the LORD bless you today with HIS peace and presence!
With Love,
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