There is a new *normal* around here.
Since taking my break,
I have implemented a few changes
in my online life.
I have a notebook.
It can be carried from room to room.
It can be shut down
and put away.
that is exactly
what I have been doing.
It all waits until I take it off its shelf
for an online *session*.
My goal is to keep it
to two *sessions* per week.
How wonderful it is!
No more *quick checks*
that run into *long visits*.
No more *losing track of time* online.
There is a pre-appointed,
set aside,
allotted time.
For all of this.
And then, it is shut down.
Until next time.
By God's Grace
and with HIS help.
I am not perfect,
but HE is!
May the LORD help us all
to take stock and heed His Words.
"So teach us to number our days,
that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom."
~ Psalm 90:12 ~
I fully realize that we are not
all in the same situation.
Life is always changing.
What works for me,
may not necessarily be what works for you.
We are all at different stages of life.
And that is good!
But, I would encourage you to pray about what
the LORD would have you to do.
And then...
Follow Him.
Many blessings to you each one!
In Him,